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Religion IS crazy!

The imam who defected: Extremists run all Danish mosques
This is a student (Q) questioning Nisagardatta (M). See what you you think, (or don't think). It's taken from the all-time classic "I Am That", and it's about my 4th re-read.

Q:In my daily actions much goes by habit, automatically. I am aware of the general purpose, but
not of each movement in detail. As my consciousness broadens and deepens, details tend to
recede, leaving me free for the general trends. Does not the same happens to a [truth-realized person], but more so?

M:On the level of consciousness -- yes. In the supreme state, no. This state is entirely one and
indivisible, a single solid block of reality. The only way of knowing it is to be it. The mind cannot
reach it. To perceive it does not need the senses; to know it, does not need the mind.

Q:That is how God runs the world.

M:God is not running the world.

Q:Then who is doing it?

M:Nobody. All happens by itself. You are asking the question and you are supplying the answer.
And you know the answer when you ask the question. All is a play in consciousness. All divisions
are illusory. You can know the false only. The true you must yourself be.

Q:There is the witnessed consciousness and there is the witnessing consciousness. Is the
second the supreme?

M:There are the two -- the person and the witness, the observer. When you see them as one, and
go beyond, you are in the supreme state. It is not perceivable, because it is what makes perception
possible. It is beyond being and not being. It is neither the mirror nor the image in the mirror. It is
what is -- the timeless reality, unbelievably hard and solid
‘Unholy Trinity’ by former police detective Denis Ryan, is the true story of Mr Ryan’s 10 year struggle to bring a pedophile priest to justice in Mildura, Victoria.
It’s a must read for anyone who’s interested in knowing the real story of the collusion between the Catholic church and the Victorian police force that allowed pedophilia to flourish in the Catholic church.
People who claim the Catholic church doesn’t condone ‘that sort of behavior’ might change their minds after reading this book. Not only did they condone it, they rewarded the people who engaged in it.
And they launched a vicious campaign against the man who exposed it.
Between them, the Catholic church and the Victorian police force destroyed Denis Ryan’s career, his health, and his marriage.
How or why this man remains a devout Catholic to this day, instead of turning his back on the Catholic church and treating it with utter contempt, is beyond me.
How or why this man remains a devout Catholic to this day, instead of turning his back on the Catholic church and treating it with utter contempt, is beyond me.
You've got to distinguish between the Faith and the Institution.
I have respect for Christians - of any "affiliation" - who take the teachings of the New Testament as a guidance to conduct their lives. I haven't read the novel, so I can't tell whether it applies to the author. But I know many "devout" Christians who are just as abhorred by the sexual, physical, and psychological abuse that keeps being dished out to vulnerable victims.
I have utter contempt for the men that administer and dispense the teachings while disregarding the essence for themselves; coming up with lame excuses in order to retain their power; referring their victims to a mythical/mystical "Paradise" where "all will be forgiven". It has been that discrepancy between words and deeds, preaching virtues of spirituality and frugality, while living in splendour and "getting away with murder", which has made me turn my back on institutionalised religion. However, I can still appreciate, respect, even attempt to follow, the teachings of Great Men, be they historic, mystic, or somewhere in between.

Kenya Shopping Mall Attack by Al-Shabaab Leaves 39 Dead
Garry Ablett Jr thanking God for winning his second Brownlow last night (as he did winning MVP) has to be the craziest thing of the year. It was his Dad (Garry Snr - also known as God) who gave him the talent to win the medal. Crazy GAJ! Crazy!!
Garry Ablett Jr thanking God for winning his second Brownlow last night (as he did winning MVP) has to be the craziest thing of the year. It was his Dad (Garry Snr - also known as God) who gave him the talent to win the medal. Crazy GAJ! Crazy!!

I think Gods got better things to do.
Garry Ablett Jr thanking God for winning his second Brownlow last night (as he did winning MVP) has to be the craziest thing of the year. It was his Dad (Garry Snr - also known as God) who gave him the talent to win the medal. Crazy GAJ! Crazy!!

Another example of a crazy ‘thank God’ moment is saying grace before a meal to thank God for the food that’s about to be eaten. How anyone can believe it’s God who puts food on our tables is beyond me.

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Islam - the 'religion of peace'!
Where does the food come from?
Where did the hands come from to prepare it?
Where did our life come from?

Oh that's right, evolution theory says it comes from nothing at all. Lmao.
Knock it off you two, one believes in god, one doesn't .... This ain't gonna work.
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