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Religion IS crazy!

No bells ringing, sorry. Sounds like you and deva had a blast!
No bells ringing, sorry. Sounds like you and deva had a blast!

No bells eh! I might need to yank your chain a little harder next time.

Times certainly were interesting whenever deva was around.

Your posts sound so much like him. The resemblance is uncanny. Perhaps you're one of his multiversal doubles from a parallel dimension, either way one never can have too much of deva!
My "reason" for this is quite straight forward - I've actually met god and can assure those reading this post that She's as real as you and I!

Don't know if your serious, or just having a laugh....

Having a dream/near death experience with some sort of hallucination does not count.

As they say, the proof is in the pudding. Hard evidence must be shown.
Don't know if your serious, or just having a laugh....

Having a dream/near death experience with some sort of hallucination does not count.

As they say, the proof is in the pudding. Hard evidence must be shown.

I'm not answering for cynic here, but consider the following:

You end your day of 'reality', consisting of work, meals, talking, internet, tv, playing with kids (whatever a normal day might consist of for you). Normally when you go to sleep your dreams have a dream-like quality that you assess as being less real than the waking state. When you wake up you can look back at the dream or nightmare and say "oh, that was just a dream. It wasn't real". We all do this. We all correctly assess waking as being more real than dreaming. But what if next time you went to sleep, your dream had the same level of realness as the waking state? Or even better, what if as you slept, the dream state had more realness than the waking state? If that happened, you'd wake up and think you're dreaming. The waking state would become the sleep/dream state. Being awake would be akin to being lost in a dreamscape.

When people say they visited other realms "and it was real", don't mistake this for a normal dream that you have where you're flying around in a space ship - everyone has had that and it mans nothing at all.... just a bunch of weird images floating across a screen, and you're not really too aware of it as it's happening. These 'other realms' don't necessarily appear only when asleep either. You can be fully awake. The key criterion is the level of realness, which anyone can easily assess. How do you know you're not dreaming right now? How can you prove it?

Exactly right. Multiple realities, and maybe a common source of all of these. We're so accustomed to think this particular reality is the only one, and yet all the greats from the past say otherwise. Pretty much every religion on the planet has been perverted beyond recognition, to the point of being almost the opposite of what was initially intended.... so it makes sense that we have this thread called "religion is crazy", because it really is.

Aside from Inception, there's also The Matrix, The Fight Club, The Truman Show and a bunch of others. Good movie script writers are all well aware of the perennial philosophy.

Thanks for your insights.
I would elaborate on 'unreason' and 'reason'.
The Word 'reason' as I was trying to use really means 'logically sound' or 'without assertion'.

So... a 'reason' to do something should be based on sound logic and not superstition.

When people 'act' on superstitions, the consequence are potentially damaging and infinite...

To declare my position: I'm currently

- Adeist (rejection the assertion the metaphysical as a cognition) or reject the assertion of the existence of deity/ies

-Anti-theist I acknowledge there is a solid argument can be made that people 'believing' and 'acting' that a deity (metaphysical cognition) requires them (and others) to live a certain way, is the most damaging concept homo-sapiens have created.

You mention you have met a deity (via revelation?)...
How do you/anyone/everyone validate a revelation authenticity?

Also, please accept my appologies should my post reveal any cognitive dissonance. Please feel free to place me on 'ignore'.
"How do you know you're not dreaming right now? How can you prove it?"

The text I'm typing on an internet blog right now, that can be verified by others....

If your reading this, your proving I'm not dreaming...
"How do you know you're not dreaming right now? How can you prove it?"

The text I'm typing on an internet blog right now, that can be verified by others....

If your reading this, your proving I'm not dreaming...

You can write a blog in a dream and get other dream characters to 'verify' it. Even if I say I've read your blog on this forum, you don't know I'm real. I could be a figment of your dream scape. Nothing has been verified. The same goes for my perspective. You might just be a figment of my dream. Your move!
If I'm a figurement of 'your' dream... you could be 'schizophrenic'?
and I could be the 'real' you, and your the dream...

think 'FightClub'


If your claim is 'your not real' and 'this is a dream' those are quiet the extraordinary claims that would require extraordinary evidences.

Oh and if 'this' is a dream, where's Miranda Kerr?

If your claim is 'your not real' and 'this is a dream' those are quiet the extraordinary claims that would require extraordinary evidences.

Oh and if 'this' is a dream, where's Miranda Kerr?


An extraordinary claim for which i have no evidence. Still, that's the gist of most religions when pared back to their roots - neither you nor I exist. That we think we exist is what creates all the problems.... so they say.

If you can conjure up a Miranda in a second, you're either in a normal dream or you have supernatural powers in 'consensual reality' . If it takes 10 years or 10 lifetimes to do it, then you're in consensual reality (also a dream apparently - just a different style).

I think that's enough philosophizing from me for the moment. Probably driving everyone nutso.
No worries, I must look quite the knob with my 1st few post...

I'll just continue without the assumption of my 'non-existance', seems to be working out fine so far...

No worries, I must look quite the knob with my 1st few post...

I'll just continue without the assumption of my 'non-existance', seems to be working out fine so far...

I believe we are a lot more alike in this regard than you may realise! We've each formulated an approach to living based upon our individual experiences to date. Some of our recollected experiences are a little different, hence our different beliefs regarding the extent and limitations of our respective realities.

As time progresses I'll try and post a few more of my reminiscences and, hopefully, this will shed a little more light upon how I've arrived at my current conception of our unreal reality!
The results of a poll conducted in Germany have revealed the anxiety that the majority of Germans fear the expansion of the Musklim world.

I have quoted quite a few times, there is a stratergy by the Muslim community to infiltrate the Western World where ever possible and it is not only happening in Europian Countries. It is happening right on our own very door step to the north where almost 100% of illegal boat people entering through Christmas Island from Indonesia are Muslims.

The bigger the numbers the louder the voice. They want world domination and are pretending they are all moderate but the Koran is being preached to their chidren at school five times per day. Those kids are being told if you are not a Muslim you are either and infidel or a Christian and there no room in this world for non-Muslims so they must be eliminated. That is the teaching and if push comes to shove those kids in the next geneartion will have to carry out what they have been brainwashed with from the KORAN.

It troubles me no end to note several Labor Ministers voted to abstain in the UN from supporting Israel against the Muslim dominated Lebanon all in the name of capturing the Muslim vote in and around Sydney.

Australia, be afraid, be very afarid it is already happening here.

I would like see a similar poll taken in Australia.
It's funny noco...

I have several Muslim friends, my best friend in Oz was a Muslim (though fairly secular in outlook)... and some of the most interesting casual one off conversations I had are with Muslims; the most memorable being with an Iraqi lass dress in full hajib in a shoe shop in London... she was so beautiful in spirit I almost fell in love with her on the spot. And missus understood why too and empathised.

But the thought of a Muslim dominated and/or influensed "western society" is just unacceptable.

Despite the self loathing from many of the left, western society has a good thing going and we should damn well be proud and protective of it.

Tolerant, Yes. Subservient - Like blinkin' hell! Bring on Christmas, Easter and bikinis and they can tolerate OUR society which they CHOSE to live in. :

You freinds are probably the so called moderate ones who are the minority at the moment and mostly likely will not voice their objectives until they have larger support.

There are a few already who will not accept the Australian way of life and are starting exert their influence in the introduction of Sharia law. If they are not prepared to integrate and accept Australian laws, then they should be asked to leave.

It is all about infiltration by Muslims. I witnessed the infiltartion of communism in the 50's and 60's and they almost ruied this great country of ours through domination in the trade unions.

So my friend think hard about what is happening. I won't be around to witness the influence of Islam in the next 20 years but I fear for my chidren, my grand children and my great grand children.
You freinds are probably the so called moderate ones who are the minority at the moment and mostly likely will not voice their objectives until they have larger support.
I'd like to see some more evidence about the claims that it is a general trend in Muslim culture and not just the few whackos we see rioting in central Sydney or kicking sand on bikini clad Aussie girls at the beach. We do need to be careful tarring all Muslims with the broad brush of radicalism. Having said that, I am leaning towards certain types of Islam being incompatible with our way of life. Like there are some forms of Christianity that is too radical in our world also.
I have many friends that would be labelled 'Muslims' however they are completely Atheist.
I think we only have about 2 or 3 generations before religion cohort replaced.

It is important, to be honest on the Census. Many people still record their 'family religion' when if fact they have no attachment to said religion. I for instance, my family religion is Presbyterian, I don't even know what that means lol.

So if people were honest on the Census and a 'true' refection of religion in Australian was to show >%70 non-religious, then 'new religious immigrants' wouldn't have a 'right' to enforce their religious belief as Australia’s mass secularity wouldn't allow it, as 'freedom of religion' would be obsolete, as the 'age of unreason' comes to a close.
One has to ask ones self a question when there is a perceived encounter with the 'supernatural'.

Have I just witnessed the laws of nature be violated for my benefit, or am I under misapprehension?

That question is for one self when 'supernatural' encounter has occurred. So if you hear a claim of supernatural encounter you still ask the same question.

Has this person witnessed the laws of nature be violated or are they under misapprehension?'s_razor

... and had he asked her to remove the scarf, he'd be accused of discrimination.
No wonder small business is dying. Can't win a trick.
You can be as stupid as you like - just find someone else to blame for the result.
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