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Religion IS crazy!

Interesting article in 'The Economist'.

No God, not even Allah
Not having a religion in Indonesia is bad, bad, bad. You just have to choose one, any one, and you're OK. Not many people know but half a million Commies were purged in Indonesia in around 1965/66. Anyone who didn't have a religion was a suspect and at least imprisoned. It was best that you choose a religion, any religion, to make sure you were safe. Since the ruling elite were Muslims it was the go-to religion of the day and thus - we have practically a religious state on our door step.

Spot on Mr Burns, our lifestyle is going to take a huge shift, if Labor get in again.
The one thing you can take heart from is, union membership is dropping to insignificant levels.
Therefore it would follow the Labor support is only looking strong because of union biased reporting.
Mainstream voters are over it.LOL
30,000 boat people in 5 years, jeez that impressive.
Actually it won't take long with the current ramp up of arrivals, for them to make up 1% of the population approx 200,000.
Magic, way to go.LOL

Yes the boat people situation is out of control but all Gillard is concerned about is Slater and Gordon.

There are now enough Arabs in Australia to mount a protest against the Jews, take your freekin problems to another country please
Did you send me an email DB008 ?

I thought it must be a hoax/spam and deleted it, never received an email from anyone here before, just private messages.

Yes I did, by accident. It was meant to be a PM but I hit the wrong button.




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Re: Unreason IS crazy!

I think you'll find your objection is really to 'unreason'.

You can never anticipate the danger of unreason. When your mode of interacting with others and the universe is affirm truths your in no position to affirm, the liabilities of that are potentially infinite.

Theism like other unreasoned positions eg. racism, bigotry, homophobia, atheophobia etc etc are just that 'unreasoned' opinions.

I've always wondered about 'circumcision'...
I mean just imagine (I have no kids yet) that your lovely wife or yourself (woman) have just given birth to your pride and joy.
Now what would posses someone to them hack away at the little babies genitals?

Spot on for this thread. Off Reddit somewhere....



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Re: Unreason IS crazy!

Nice first post AntN.

The Western World is going crazy about female circumcision in the Middle East and Nth Africa right now, but...HUH?

Chopping off the little boys bits is just fine.

Unless you are able to affirm the truth of your statement regarding "unreasoned positions" then your very own assertions in this regard could be deemed to meet your expressed criteria for an "unreasoned position". This is in effect tantamount to making a logically illogical statement of fictitious non-fiction and untrue facts! (If you get my drift).

Having said all that, your statement is not truly "unreason"-able because you and I both know that you had one or more "reasons" for posting it.

Allow me to elaborate on my "reasons" for disputing the existence of these "unreasoned positions".
As you've probably deduced by now, I am a firm believer in the divine nature of existence. My "reason" for this is quite straight forward - I've actually met god and can assure those reading this post that She's as real as you and I!

During my lifetime I've met numerous bigots, racists, theists, atheists, agnostics, skeptics, simpletons, phobics, psychopaths, politicians, criminals, lunatics, academics, addicts, economists, financial advisers and even one or two humans. Whilst many are at times observed acting in a manner that could "reason"-ably be described as flawed, inimical and inappropriate, I've yet to encounter a single instance where a complete absence of "reason" for these behaviours was evident.
I don't currently consider myself to be omniscient, so I willingly accept that there are occurences within nature that are beyond my comprehension. However, my incapacity to explain observable phenoma has rarely (if ever) resulted in the extinction of said phenomena.

Furthermore, I've never been witness to anyone actually proving absence of "reason" in relation to any event within the range of human observation (but I am happy for you to try - provided you respect the distinctions between proof, supposition and opinionation when doing so). In the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary, I am of the opinion that "unreason" is most likely an abstract concept which dwells only within the realm of fiction.
Given that fiction and non-fiction (i.e. fact) are considered to be mutually exclusive within our multiverse, I fail to understand how an intelligent and articulate person such as yourself (along with numerous other posters to this thread) could class such a wide range of observable (and readily explicable!) human beliefs/behaviours as "unreasoned positions".

P.S. Welcome to ASF! As you'll have already noticed you've chosen a wonderful forum with a magnificently diverse community of members from all walks of life whom happily (and at times heatedly) debate a wide spectrum of topics. Occasionally there'll be a clashing of antlers and ruffling of feathers (e.g. my current post) so it's important to remember that those whom take the time to read and abut/debate your post are usually tacitly showing respect for your intelligent contribution. Keep up the good work! I look forward to reading your future contributions.
Needs elaborating, imo. Care to go there?

I think I've already stretched my credibility beyond the dictates of wisdom for the present.
For now many readers of my various postings will only believe that I'm just plain crazy, so I consider it best not to obliterate the tattered remnants of my credibility for the moment.

As time goes forward I will consider making further allusions to some of my brief encounters within the metaphysical realm, alongside my interpretation/understanding of same.

P.S. Whenever reading your postings to this thread I get the distinct impression that we actually met approximately one decade ago. Would you care to share some of your experiences during the Spring of 2002?

Sarah, is that you? My God, you were wonderful that night... I'll never forget what we did in the car... so naughty.

Oh hang on, sorry.... you said Spring didn't you... that was um....

[serious hat] Can't remember back that far. Perhaps you could twig my memory?

Sarah?!! Was that the name I went by back then? (And here I was thinking that you'd forgotten me for all these years).

Yes - we did have quite a time!

I can still recall your comments about my lingerie!

You always were such a devil! (Ooops! Sorry! I meant to say such a deva!)

Here are a few of my other recollections from that time:

Electrical system failures
The devil and the chipmunks
Chocolate coated peanuts
Bleeding gums
Contemplations of mortality
The laughter of a shadow creature (a.k.a. the giggling bogie)
A dragon goes into the light
A stolen trifle
A confrontational barn guardian

Do any of these ring a bell? Or are have I discovered Deva's Double?
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