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Religion IS crazy!

a pretty big white Australia backlash riot (yes they used that word) is planned for Melbourne at the weekend.

Suppose others will not take part in it, but I spoke with some Asians and they are fed up with antics made by violent opponents of film.

Suppose comment using "White" was planted there just to make further division of opposition.
If they want to try that in my town (Melbourne) I really fell like attending with a baesball bat.
From Reuters.

Came past another piece of information that I might pay at the Supermarket fee for certification, that animal was killed in certain (more barbaric than necessary) way, or that food was prepared in certain way.

Suppose I might not worry about it, but cost of such a certification surely is passed on to me, so in effect I donate tax free money to cause that I would not donate if asked.
Not to mention that I have no control on what money are used for.

Anybody can feel free to read about it in:

“Fair Dinkum Food Choices”

On web page:
Apparently the Pakistan government gave the populace the day off to attend a 'peaceful protest'.
Yeah, right. That is effectively sanctioning violence.

And it seems they want to invade the west, but don't want the west on their turf:

The bitter fruits of multiculturalism
Now here is a guy who tells it like it is. Should be more like him.

Lantern, that guy will get added to the 'list' no doubt...

Looks like Salman Rushdie isn't the only one with a bounty on his head...

Cartoon circulating the net...


Push to call blasphemy a crime
Our money is endless ........just line up...........

I am sure that your tax dollars are also diverted towards other religious groups and their traditions.

I do agree that halal foods should be labelled so that consumers can have the option to purchase/not purchase said product.
Do you see Christians going ape-s**t over this?

Urinating on the Qur'an or tearing it up would incite more hatred towards the West, but it's ok for other people to do this...

Lets have a look at one of Muhammed's wives, Aisha.

She was ~9 years old when she got married to Muhammed.

Enough said!
I am sure that your tax dollars are also diverted towards other religious groups and their traditions.

I do agree that halal foods should be labelled so that consumers can have the option to purchase/not purchase said product.

I did not see any Wollworths products certified by Christians, unless I missed it.

And doubt it too, that any money goes to Church for sold Cross Buns or Christmas Cards and Christmas decorations.
I do agree that halal foods should be labelled so that consumers can have the option to purchase/not purchase said product.

I will be actually looking and asking about it, especially after watching this video.

Why is it still allowed in 21 century in Australia is beyond me.
What about our cultural sensitivity, does it stand for something?

Only shows that we haven't got enough back bone so to speak.

Video made me very emotional, so big warning it is grusome and so wrong.

Edit: I know that video is from UK, but it must be exactly the same here, just no local video, or maybe there is one
More riots on the horizon.......or not???

Sorry Mr Bowen, l myself find it offensive anyone who holds a 'Behead those who insult Muhammed' or 'Kill non believers' placards!!!
It seems that you can say almost say anything offensive, as long as it falls under religious circumstances defending your 'god'.
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