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Religion IS crazy!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Not sure if you could say this is a result of religion, perhaps just tradition, but the 2 meld don't they?

Chinese foot binding would be one of the strangest customs I've heard about.

hi pat - maybe not............

Victor Hugo The Man Who Laughs 1869

"The comprachicos (child buyers) were strange and hideous nomads in the 17th century. They made children into sideshow freaks. To succeed in producing a freak one must get hold of him early; a dwarf must be started when he is small. They stunted growth, they mangled features. It was an art/science of inverted orthopedics. Where nature had put a straight glance, this art put a squint. Where nature had put harmony, they put deformity and imperfection. The child was not aware of the mutilation he had suffered. This horrible surgery left traces on his face, not in his mind. During the operation the little patient was unconscious by means of a stupefying magic powder.

In China since time immemorial, they have achieved refinement in a special art and industry: the molding of living man. One takes a child two or three years old and puts them into a grotesquely shaped porcelain vase. It is without cover or bottom, so the head and feet protrude. In the daytime the vase is upright, at night it is laid down so the child can sleep. Thus the child slowly fills the contours of the vase with compressed flesh and twisted bones. This bottled development continues for several years. At a certain point, it becomes an irreparable monster. Then the vase is broken and one has a man in the shape of a pot."
Re: Religion gone crazy!

The woman didn't need religion to do something crazy.

PS Not defending religion at all, just that crazy doesn't need religion.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

They can be a weird bunch

What about 911, pretty crazy thing to do in the name of god?


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Re: Religion gone crazy!

gotto say. that is saying something.. you get my respect...
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Knobby, I was reading this and laughing in agreement. Then I realised it's all true and I stopped laughing.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Well I think that when some old dude in fancy dress sworn to celibacy tells the peasants of Africa and much of the third world that condoms are wrong - that God would prefer the reality of thousands / millions of them dying of AIDS, ; ..... that they should have more children that they planned because of the reality of Vatican Roulette (and other totally uneducated attitudes) ... I'd say that's religion gone absolutely crazy.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I agree that it is people who are crazy first. Religion has developed based on culture and custom, not the other way around. Problem now is that a lot of religious dogma is based on those early cultures and customs, and people are not allowed to naturally change. So, religion as a control mechanism has been effectively holding back the human species from moving forward for centuries. It's one of the reasons women are still second class citizens in many countries. I agree there's a lot of craziness out there not based on religion, which probably makes those acts even more crazy (Waynes photos), but it's confounding to me that we continue with craziness based on religion.

The example of female circumcision is a good one.
Putting Galileo under house arrest for looking through his telescope was another.
Not using condoms in Africa is a decent one too.

The list is long.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Polygamy had a function at some point in history.

Like when all the men went off to fight a war and left the tribe poor for studs.

Obviously to get the population back up, the women had to share the men who came back minus an arm.

Just like why incest had a time in the sun.

But today, there is no point and the only one's upholding it are living in the dark ages trapped by religios dogma, or cults led by men thinking with their dicks.

CRAZY! Come on women of Islam, sort your men out!

Melbourne sheik backs calls to legalise polygamy
Barney Zwartz and Sarah Smiles
June 26, 2008

THE leader of Melbourne's Somali community yesterday backed calls for polygamy to be made legal, as an Islamic women's organisation said it was on the rise in Victoria.

African community leader Berhan Ahmed estimated there were perhaps 20 polygamous families in Melbourne's African community, mostly Somalis and mostly refugees.

Two Sydney Muslims, Sheik Khalil Chami and Islamic Friendship Association president Keysar Trad, ignited a debate when they said that some imams were performing polygamous marriages, which should be recognised.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Let’s pray that some migrants from cannibalistic tribe don’t request cannibalism to be legalised.

I think that paedophiles might think of something too, after all Scientology was invented not that long ago.

And let’s not forget that in certain countries wife can be bought and she can be 9, 10 or is it 12?

Should that be legalised too?
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Let’s pray that some migrants from cannibalistic tribe don’t request cannibalism to be legalised.
Reminds me of an exployer during WW1 who made contact with cannibal tribes in Papua, and was explaining the "Great War" and how many losses both sides were suffering.

The Chiefs response was along the lines of "You white people are amazing, how do you manage to eat so much meat!"

Even those whom Westerners regard as "savage" could not understand the pointlessness of war. Perhaps Human behavior gone crazy is a better category, as religeon (of which I do not partake of) is generally the medium and not the reason for straneg custom or behavior.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Two Sydney Muslims, Sheik Khalil Chami and Islamic Friendship Association president Keysar Trad, ignited a debate when they said that some imams were performing polygamous marriages, which should be recognised.
yep, not only will it not be entertained by the govt, it will remain illegal. !! them's the rules folks.

But ... how do you prove that it's not just a "hippy commune" mentality? I mean, there will only ever be one legal marriage yes? - but will there be some informal marriages to "others" on the side? consenting husband, wife , concubines etc

As if moslem women agree to polygamy willingly - sheesh.

I heard Keysar Trad interviewed on ABC recently- went down in my estimation bigtime.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

yep, not only will it not be entertained by the govt, it will remain illegal. !! them's the rules folks.

totally agree on this one!

Saw yesterday on today tonight or ACA, I know the shows are dodgy but, they were trying to interview this mu$lim bloke who has 2 wives and, they were all on all sorts of pension.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I heard Keysar Trad interviewed on ABC recently- went down in my estimation bigtime.
Interesting article in The Age today, argues that polygamy is apparently frowned upon by the rank and file islamic community.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

This is sort of linked to the Pilgrimage thread, but this guy is a good representative of his church I think.

Outrage over bishop's abuse remarks
Barney Zwartz
July 17, 2008

THE Pope's expected apology to victims of sexual abuse by priests has been sabotaged by a senior Australian bishop, who criticised people for "dwelling crankily on old wounds".

The bishop organising World Youth Day, Anthony Fisher, made the remarks in response to questions about two Melbourne women who were repeatedly raped by priest Kevin O'Donnell when they were pupils at Sacred Heart Primary School in Oakleigh from 1988 to 1993.

The case was detailed on ABC's Lateline on Tuesday, but Bishop Fisher told the World Youth Day daily media briefing that he had not seen the program. "Happily, I think most of Australia was enjoying, delighting in, the beauty and goodness of these young people … rather than dwelling crankily, as a few people are doing, on old wounds," he said.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

What is it with clergymen? Are they especially trained to kick own goals?

Unbelievable... and damning!
Re: Religion gone crazy!

What is it with clergymen? Are they especially trained to kick own goals?

Unbelievable... and damning!
Cranky old wounds.....??

I can't believe any modern person could say such a thing.


Re: Religion gone crazy!

Cranky old wounds.....??

I can't believe any modern person could say such a thing.


Clergymen must be seriously conflicted people.

Mrs and I were dragged along to Midnight Mass (CofE) last Christmas and as I listened noticed this:

Part of the service was just the padre speaking impromptu, "from the heart" do to speak, about peace and goodwill to all men, leading by example etc etc. Part of the service was pure doctrine, thou shalt and thou shalt not etc.

It struck me how different the two parts were. The impromtu bit was really good, enjoyed that. The doctrine bit was crap, couldn't wait to get out. But here was the same man speaking as two separate men.

How can one stay balanced under such circumstances?

...and this guy as a CofE reverend was at least allowed a shag at night. What does all the Catholic rubbish do to mens minds?
Re: Religion gone crazy!

To cut a long story short, religion is a mechanism of control to manitain the status quo and a con.

The intriguing thing is, why do so many people fall for the con? Why are so many people so weak that they meekly buckle under to those who seek to control them?

At least one religion I know of lets family members die rather than giving them a life-saving blood transfusion.

Some religions willingly give 13 and 14 year old girls to older men as wives, to be used and abused, and forced into child-bearing before their bodies are equipped to handle it, resulting in all manner of medical complications further down the track.

At least one religion brainwashes their followers into believing that if you commit a sin, all you have to do to wipe the slate clean is head for the confession box and tell the priest what you've done, and all will be forgiven.

At least one religion clearly tells its followers to 'kill the infidels' (non believers).

I could fill page after page with examples of ridiculous beliefs, rituals, policies, ideals and practices of various religions.
But the question is....Why do so many people allow their behaviour to be influenced and controlled by such twisted beliefs? What sort of weakness of character do you have to possess to let these religions dictate your thinking, overrule your common sense, warp your judgement, cause you to act against the best interests of your family, your friends, yourself. It just doesn't make sense.
I'm just thankful that I'm of sufficiently strong character to have avoided getting caught up in the religious snare myself.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

All these things were culturally important at some time and when religion was invented and put into stone (a book) it became dogma and had to be obeyed. There's some acceptions of course, and some natural development due to significant cultural shifts, but that's the gist of it, imo.

As to why we still do it.

Humans aren't very smart are they.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Rabid Dogma!!!

Bite my Dogma !!

Beware: My Dogma Bites


What we need is for people to KICK THE DOGMA !!!!!!!!!

.... sorry - just brain storming... could go on forever... Spank the dogma ... (no - inappropriate!)
Gawd - havn't even had my morning coffee yet!!!!!!!!


PS - notice how god = dog backwards......

devil = evil with a D....
good is good minus an O...?????????????
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