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Religion IS crazy!

Perhaps we might see some of Bob Brown's aliens arriving to take us over.
Did he leave the Greens to join up with his aliens to become the World's supreme leader.
Maybe he might be one of the advanced crew.LOL.

Don't be so silly noco!

We all know that the aliens are way too intelligent to align themselves with pretentious primitives.
Local Pastor Calls For Death of 'Queers & Homosexuals'

This pastor obviously sees "Queers" as being a distinctly different group of people than "homosexuals". Hmmm.... The pastor probably doesn't see them as people. *shakes head*. I just can't understand how a person can be like this, no matter how hard I try. As I get older, having hatred for someone who has done no harm to others seems more & more absurd.
Jehovah's Witness nutjobs

How about this one????

The JW's should be made to present their factual evidence along with psychical exhibits in court to substantiate their claims,just like any other individual has to other wise it is just hearsay..
The next problem will be the loving parents shunning the daughter if she survives and she will wonder what religion is all about..
Hope they donated his body to science and see how much vacuum he pulled between his ears.
Here in the Philippines 98 % believe in God yet still believe in Faith healers as the TV show said people are crazy

pity the guy threw away his life just to be the last moment he realised the simple dumb logic of what he'd done but no cigar

worse still, the voyeuristic LAUREN POND
was.... a professional loss for me.
a person just died and you had the opportunity to stop that, what's your profession got to do with it?


I have been staying at a friend’s house close to.....gradually allowing myself to feel some of the raw emotion that has been percolating for days.
right, had to build up to it, did you or do you mean soaking up the atmosphere of sadness?

Hope they donated his body to science and see how much vacuum he pulled between his ears.
Here in the Philippines 98 % believe in God yet still believe in Faith healers as the TV show said people are crazy

Didn't Benny Hinn recently go there to regrow an amputee's limb?

South Korea surrenders to creationist demands

Wonder if this will happen here one day....

South Korea surrenders to creationist demands

Link here
Just saw this, interesting...

Police bar 3 veiled women from entering France

Man jailed in Indonesia for atheist Facebook posts

Indonesian Insanity – Non-believer jailed for 2.5 years after writing “God doesn’t exist” on his Facebook page

...and here...

Man jailed in Indonesia for atheist Facebook posts
So how did the court prove he/she does exist????
You can't make this stuff up.

From Saudi Barbaria, oops, l mean Saudi Arabia. What year is it?
Debate: Islam is a Religion of Peace

Debate: Islam is a Religion of Peace - University of New York

October 6, 2010

Is the rise of terrorism and violence justifiably traced to the teachings of Islam, or is this call to war a twisted interpretation of the true Muslim faith? Most of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims are moderates who see Islamic terrorism as a violation of their sacred texts. Is it wrong to let a radical minority represent authentic Islam? Has fear blinded us to its lessons of tolerance and peace?

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Good to have some balance in this thread. This is from

GPs and other doctors have been revealed to be some of the most generous philanthropists in Australia, with new research showing four medical specialities ranked in the top ten occupations by average charitable giving.

USING Australian Tax Office data for the 2009–10 financial year, researchers at the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies have ranked various professions according to the average and total amounts, as well as percentage of income, donated to charity.

GPs ranked eighth on the list of professions by annual donation, claiming an average of $1719 in charitable tax deductions, ahead of surgeons (ninth, $1706) but behind anaesthetists (second, $2181) and internal medicine specialists ($2133).

Overall 8200 GPs, or almost 46% of the profession, claimed more than $14 million in donations and gave an average of 0.58% of their annual income to charity.

Just over 44% of pharmacists claimed an average charitable deduction of $560, or 0.37% of their annual income for total donation of more than $4 million.

Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie said the medical professions “should be very proud” of the figures.

“These figures suggest there are a lot of altruistic people in the health system and the medical professions,” Mr Crosbie said.

“Those professions have always tended to attract that type of individual and this just shows that is still very much the case, which I think is a very good thing.”

CEOs and managing directors were first on the list in terms of the average donations claimed ($3923) and also led the way in terms of the greatest total amount of donations for the year with more than $162 million claimed.

Registered nurses were fourth on the list of total donations (more than $37.5 million) and practice managers were ranked eighth (more than $24.7 million).

But it was ministers of religion who set the best example for helping their fellow Australians by giving almost 2% of their annual income to charity, more than double CEOs and managing directors who ranked fourth with 0.95%.

The rankings were published in a working paper by Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes and Emma Pelling, who found the total national donations claimed in 2009–10 had dropped to $1.96 billion; down $128 million (or 6%) from the previous year.

The overall percentage of taxpayers who claimed a charitable donation also fell from 37.83% to 35.55%, while the percentage of taxable income donated dropped from 0.42% to 0.34%.

McGregor-Lowndes, Myles and Pelling, Emma (2012) An examination of tax deductible donations made by individual Australian taxpayers in 2009–10.
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