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Religion IS crazy!

I saw this picture on a T-shirt the other week and thought it summed up my opinion and reality perfectly.


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I saw this picture on a T-shirt the other week and thought it summed up my opinion and reality perfectly.

Oooh, I do like it - but probably wouldn't dare wear it for fear of being stoned in the street. I find it hard to reconcile the words "religion" and "500 lashes for blasphemy". (see link below)
IMO religion should have no part in forming the laws of our country, education system etc.
I saw this picture on a T-shirt the other week and thought it summed up my opinion and reality perfectly.

Not bad, but where would Hiroshima and Nagasaki fit in? Nothing much more sciencey than an atomic bomb, which wiped clean whole cities in an instant.

Perhaps it's man that's crazy. Science and religion can be used in both enlightening and horrendous ways. Why pit one against the other, as though they're opposites? Man created both religion and science in an attempt to live more happily. Neither science nor religion occur in the natural world; both are man-made processes designed to uncover the way nature works and either profit from it or live in tune with it.

To date, science has been spectacularly successful at relieving pain and unhappiness, but hasn't worked out how to create happiness. Religion has created a lot of unhappiness and suffering, yet probably created a handful of supremely happy beings.
To date, science has been spectacularly successful at relieving pain and unhappiness, but hasn't worked out how to create happiness. Religion has created a lot of unhappiness and suffering, yet probably created a handful of supremely happy beings.

"The Science" of AGW is now a fully fledged religion with its own high priests spreading fear and at war with the heretics, who are labelled Deniers and punished by ex-communication from the elite class. It has made the Alarmists "supremely happy beings." They are also well paid by the taxpayer for their advice to government.

Cheers Tink

Not really religious myself, but I'm happy for anyone that can use it to improve their own life.

I don't know anything much about AGW calliope.
Islamic cleric reportedly warns Muslim woman not to handle cucumbers, bananas and carrots for fear of sexual thoughts
I'm happy with women's minds being controlled, but it should definitely be aimed towards handling those pieces of equipment.

Just as an aside, some Saudi women got beheaded for 'witchcraft' a couple of days ago.

Back in the times of the Inquisition we are.
Pakistan children rescued from 'madrassa' chains

...more on link above...

Science and religion are both 2 edged swords...for me the t-shirt pic is a simple and poignant message, science builds rockets to fly to the moon and carry nuclear warheads..religion pilots planes to deliver disaster relief supply's and fly into buildings.

While there may well be people of religion flying rockets to the moon and building nuclear warheads...there were certainly no scientist's or atheists flying planes into buildings on Sept 11.... that's something only religion and madness can do.
While there may well be people of religion flying rockets to the moon and building nuclear warheads...there were certainly no scientist's or atheists flying planes into buildings on Sept 11.... that's something only religion and madness can do.

Great comment, SC. Sums it up well.
It has always been said, "Money is the root of all evil", but I am beginning to think fanatical religion is far worse.

A woman being forced to marry the man who raped her is not unique to Islam.

Deuteronomy 22:28–29
28 q“If a man finds a young woman who is a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are found out, 29 then the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman’s father rfifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife because he has humbled her; he shall not be permitted to divorce her all his days.
Youtube vid.
Christopher Hitchens
Forward to 2:36 mark
Pretty much sums up religion in a nutshell.

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It is about time a voice of reason decided to rise up out of the ashes of intellect that ignorance and ego burnt long ago.

That picture with the T-shirt is a huge form of ignorance. I agree with Gringott when he asks where Nagasaki, or Hiroshima fit in. I'd also be asking where Unit 731 fits in; where treatment of Tibet, attrocity of Pol-Pot, Mao, Hitler and Stalin fit into the "religiously driven" catagory.

To believe that 9-11 was religiously motivated is to buy into the abundant crap thrown out by media all around the world.

Viewing Science as the savior of man and the keeper of absolute knowledge is stupid, and philosophically incorrect. The moment you seep into positivism is the moment you lose touch with reality.

Perhaps REligious ideals, if actually followed, may finally break man out of his crazyness. Perhaps if people finally acknowledged not to kill, steal, cheat or lie - life would be much easier, and pleasant.

Then again, it is thinking like this that is brough about by the new generation - the new atheists who are more ego driven than intellectual, closed minded than open and shut out philosophically rather than willing to contemplate.

The New Atheists ruined what was left of youtube after the 6 day creationists had their day.

Ignorance on both sides of the fence - both of which I could do without.

Nagasaki and Hiroshima saved maybe 200000 US lives and maybe 3 million Japanese lives, without "the bomb" a mainland invasion would of been necessary dragging out the war for maybe another year or more.

What Hitler and Pol pot etc did, they did not because they were atheists/non religious but because they were nuts and for other neo colonial, political and ethnic etc reasons.

To believe that 9-11 was religiously motivated is to buy into the abundant crap thrown out by media all around the world.

I believe there was religious motivation for the Muslims carrying out the every one of the attackers weren't yelling Allāhu Akbar as the planes hit the buildings.

Viewing Science as the savior of man and the keeper of absolute knowledge is stupid, and philosophically incorrect. The moment you seep into positivism is the moment you lose touch with reality.

Science is what it is, a from of pure truth... that's why religion hates science so much.
I'm suprised, and yet not suprised by the response.

I'll keep it short and sweet.

Who is to say one life is better than another?

I did not suggest the opposite of the argument, that being put simply, "Religion is not crazy, Atheism is crazy". Meaning that belief and ideology is probably more-so a justification rather than a motivation. However, I will say that the idea of purity in race and biology is an ideal derived from Naturalism, but not stated by Naturalism, if you get what I mean.

Shouting "God is great"... I can't comment on 9-11 a great deal. I have no idea its true motivations and remain severely skeptical. The idea that this was an attack of religion is one that I am also extremely skeptical about. If one looks at the history of Americas involvement in the Middle East, one needs not look far for motivation. The religious argument for motivation is a spin, and an ignorant one at that. It appeals to the masses leaving the free thinker in isolation, as per usual.

Science is pure truth now, is it? I recommend you take a look at the philosophy in your statement.

Religon hates science, does it? I recommend you take the time to actually look into this claim. Long story short, there is no "battle" between religion and science, and there never was. I believe John Lennox argued that point quite beauitfuly.

Once again, new generational spin, one that I don't want anything to do with lest I be branded an idiot.


No one argues about maths 2 + 2 = 4 and no one should argue against science, not the basics anyway....organisms = evolution.

Its simple stuff...nothing philosophical about it, so no need to over think it, twist it to make yourself is what it is.
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