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Religion IS crazy!

Well I've met HER and I can assure you SHE's very switched on. To date I've not encountered a single financial planner, accountant or lawyer that could beat HER recommendations and foresight.

And to think that SHE didn't even charge me a fee for HER advice! (So maybe SHE is just a little crazy.)

P.S. Any atheists reading this post may rest assured they have nothing to fear. SHE really digs you guys (and gals) and prefers you to those religious zealots that have gotten so caught up in religious politics that they can no longer differentiate between God and dogma. You may not happen to believe in HER, but SHE still believes in you and that's what really matters!
Please enlighten us cynic on this startling revelation.

Who, what, when, where, why?

Who is SHE?
What advice did SHE give?
When did this occur?
Where were you when it happened?
Why did this happen to you?

Please enlighten us cynic on this startling revelation.

Who, what, when, where, why?

Who is SHE?
What advice did SHE give?
When did this occur?
Where were you when it happened?
Why did this happen to you?


Are you married? I took cynic's comment as a variation on the theme:
"When God created man, She was only kidding."


Are you married? I took cynic's comment as a variation on the theme:
"When God created man, She was only kidding."

OH !! I get it now ....... I think?

So God is a woman and men are a joke?

And cynic has a direct line to HER? Is God his wife?

All very clear for me now.
OH !! I get it now ....... I think?

So God is a woman and men are a joke?

And cynic has a direct line to HER? Is God his wife?

All very clear for me now.

TS, I think I'm God, because my wife keeps telling me.

Oh God, why did you do that?

Oh God you should have seen that stupid driver on the road coming home from work.

Oh God, listen to that dog across the road barking.

Oh God you snored a lot last night.

Listened to a few of dads Bill Cosby tapes growing up ...

My deep theory is that religion is just based on evolution, politics, geography and culture.

Therefore, arranged marriages in Australia have no place. There is nothing in our space that means we need to arrange a marriage, and it NEVER should be in our culture.

Unless we accept that we give up our cultural identity.

Lets not let foreign cultures and religions change our idea of right and wrong.

(disregard the fact that we white people are foreigners in this land)

Dude seriously, it's just a theory? Viruses evolve on a visible timescale. Go read a book called Virolution by Dr Frank Ryan - have fun.


Sir O
I have no problem with anyone believing what they like but when they:

1. Feel because of their beliefs they are superior to others and

2. Try to impose their beliefs on others....well then I think they have gone to far.
For a great insight, try and get a copy of Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land'.
It may be dated and has some quirky elements of the zeitgeist of the 1970's, but his analysis of the various aspects of organised religion is fascinating.
For a great insight, try and get a copy of Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land'.
It may be dated and has some quirky elements of the zeitgeist of the 1970's, but his analysis of the various aspects of organised religion is fascinating.

Thanks, will do.

the whole concept is ridiculous imo...

We should have evolved past this by now but the majority of ppl in this world seem to have about five usuable neurons between them.

Religion is dangerous, tradition is dangerous, those in power (or WITH power rather) are dangerous.

As long as you have love in you're life (in any of it's forms) then you're sweet

As long as you have love in you're life (in any of it's forms) then you're sweet

"Religion is the opium of the people" said Marx, and I agree.

But now it could be said that "love is the opium of the people".

Love is just another way of attempting to feel safe in the World, fulfilling exactly the same role as religion once did. Don't get me wrong, I know it feels good, but it's the very same process happening. Avoiding the Abyss is man's constant full time job, unless he chooses to let go.

Who wants to go into the Void?
Oh deary me.

Although not sure if this is actually Islam or just an interpretation by an ancient culture.

Rape victim may have to marry attacker
From: AFP December 02, 2011 6:01AM

AFGHAN President Hamid Karzai has ordered the release of a woman who was jailed for adultery after being raped - but she now faces having to marry her attacker.

The move came after some 5000 people signed a petition for the release of the woman, named Gulnaz, who has served two years in prison after a relative raped her at her home.

She has been raising the child she had by her attacker in a prison cell in Kabul.
Although not sure if this is actually Islam or just an interpretation by an ancient culture.

Many people will debate what Islam is exactly and it is true that in many, if not most, Islamic countries this situation would be a rarity. However, there is so little outcry from Islamic leaders against this and similar suppression of women, that one can only conclude that Islam considers women of so little importance that it is tolerant of such abuses. They may claim that Islam holds women in high esteem, just as they claim Islam the religion of peace, but their actions or lack of actions say otherwise.
Oh deary me.

Although not sure if this is actually Islam or just an interpretation by an ancient culture.
If we talk religious excesses, we shouldn't mention "culture" in the same context.
When I hear the word "culture", I associate it with something refined, advanced, civilised.
Maybe I'm wrong and should rather take images from perversion, sub-culture, or some pesky slimy bacteria "cultures" in a Petri dish.

There ought to be two antonyms, describing the former as opposed to the latter. If we had those, we could properly distinguish between
the "culture" of Islam as a philosophy that teaches us humility, respect for each other, and acceptance of a higher authority: "Insh' Allah",
the perversion of genital mutilation, hiding women in tents lest they tempt a guy who gets away with "she made me do it and I couldn't find a camel!"
If we talk religious excesses, we shouldn't mention "culture" in the same context.
When I hear the word "culture", I associate it with something refined, advanced, civilised.
Does depend on a mindset I think pixel. I don't think of 'culture' as refined, moreso just the general attitudes and behaviours that are relevant for the day. Maybe 'society' has less positive connotations than 'culture'. Certainly, the 'society' that cultivates and supports such antisocial animalistic behaviour is significantly uncultured by todays world norms.
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