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Religion IS crazy!

What if they are driving a minature car in the kitchen?
Stupid women: Why don't they wait till Saudi Arabia has run out of oil? Can't take that long.
And then they can smuggle in enough weapons and ammo under their one-person tents and clean out the rats nest of male dominance - and no Western Nation will prop up the bankrupt "Royals".
Do they still cut their toes off so they can stand closer to the sink?
Stupid women: Why don't they ...

Yea, why don't they stop breeding males, then join the "western way of life" when it is OK to show face, drive car, get education, decide who to marry and how many children to have.

Easy, really!
Yea, why don't they stop breeding males, then join the "western way of life" when it is OK to show face, drive car, get education, decide who to marry and how many children to have.

Easy, really!
Brilliant idea!
All we need is ban religion - at least the three "Of The Book" - globally, and there won't be any more need for young men to blow themselves up in order to get into paradise. We'd have 'Paradise enow' on Earth.

Man created God in his own Imagine.... Man created all the other tripe involving religion as well.
One does miss the Romans.

The Greeks were even better. Their Olympians had been invented to span the entire spread of human psychology and psychoses.
Just think of Zeus, who loved just about every body; Adonis, who loved himself; Oedipus, who loved his Mum; not to forget Athena, who was not just a pretty face, but had an intimidating brain to match.

You can immediately relate to those full-blooded super men and women, whose priests had no need to explain inexplicable nonsense like "If Adam and Eve were first created, who created their sons' wives?" or where had Jesus been hiding all the time before he was "sent" to Earth?

I heard an interesting quote the other day, but can't remember who said it. It went something like.....

"The Greeks invented sex, but it was the Romans that allowed women to participate"
Why is some one in a white robe standing on a corner babbling on about Sodoame Tomorrow or what ever it is, can be carted away by the police yet the same person can stand up in a church say the same thing and all would listen.

My favorite quote is Robert Duvall " I love the smell of my palm in the morning"
I think I have come to the conclusion that religion is based on the assignment of reason to the unknown (faith), that gives meaning to existence (our purpose in order to survive and achieve happiness).

Or, it could be the original political party.

Or, did it just eventuate out of ignorance / craziness and when all is known (probably impossible) we will assign cause and effect to the actual, original unmoved mover?

Religious folk cop out by turning straight to the 'unmoved mover'.

This will eventually make them look insane.

Author offers evolutionary explanation for religion;email
I've never ventured off the trading forums but this is an interesting one.

So many people put blind faith in religion. If you have reasons/evidence to back up your faith than that's ok, but I feel most people are ignorant.

The funny thing is that it is no different to evolution, where kids sit in a class while a teacher reads from a book and they accept it as fact. It's funny because no one has actually ever seen anything evolve ever, it's simply a theory. And the big bang theory makes no sense because what was there that created the big bang? Something had to have existed e.g. gases. I think sometimes that takes even more faith to believe than a god when we stop and think how absurd it is.

I think anything is a faith position in life, science cannot explain these questions. But to blindly follow a religion because your parents did or because you won't investigate the evidence is just pie in the sky stuff.
Science has work out we didn't decent from Apes as Darwin thought.
Each species evolved from one source and went their own separates way's.
Science is slowing proving religion id con.
Science has work out we didn't decent from Apes as Darwin thought.
Each species evolved from one source and went their own separates way's.
Science is slowing proving religion id con.

I dunno man. Everyone believed the Ape thing as scientific fact. Now you're saying each species evolved from one source and when their own separate ways. There just isn't enough proof for me to believe that. No doubt new scientific findings will come out too prove that wrong too.

Both evolution and religion are faith positions. No one has ever seen god. No one has ever seen anything evolve. I don't know why they call religion faith but don't call evolution faith. Baffling.
The latest research is all evolved from Fish and all animals have the same bone structure Chicken have the same amount of bones in the wings as we do in our arms,
Giraffe has the same amount of bones in their neck as we do we are close to Apes but we can touch all fingers with out thumb. It all depends on which DNA is which on or off during gestation including teeth in chickens.

Only confirmed proof about God is the Roman pilot named Pontius who was a Governor.
Is religion different to belief in God?

I think there has been some confusion in this thread between God and Religion.

I think we have all provided enough examples that religion is CRAZY!

Is the concept of God CRAZY?

Maybe that's another thread?

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