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Religion IS crazy!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Is burning a book symbolic enough to warrant death?

I don't think so.

Why do we put up with this insanity.

Both sides.

It's really scary stuff.

I can not imagine living back in the day of The Inquisition, etc, etc.

no but its easy to see how the Inquisition insanity happened just now isnt it. FFS it really is insane....but hasnt fundamentalist religious fervour and everything that comes out of ALWAYS been insane!

I like my quiet little corner of the universe.....
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I like the idea of a natural progression, as you suggest, but with a bit of intelligent tweaking thrown in for good measure.
So do I, GB
Problem is: For every "intelligent" Self there is a crazy fundaMENTAL one to pull the average IQ back to - well: average.

And morons like the "preacher" who burned the Q'ran will never accept that their actions are equally as bad as the reactions they cause. Worse actually, because they must have known what the reactions would be. And in any truly civilised society, he would be accused and convicted of murdering the UN staff in Afghanistan: "Murder by Proxy".
Re: Religion gone crazy!

And in any truly civilised society, he would be accused and convicted of murdering the UN staff in Afghanistan: "Murder by Proxy".

What he did was utterly stupid. However, I disagree with your comment. IMO....

And in any truly civilised society, they, the killers of the innocent UN staff, would be accused and convicted of murder.

Lets put the blame squarely where it belongs. The UN staff had nothing to do with the burning. The Islamic clerics who incited the mob to kill the staff knew this but chose to kill the UN staff anyway. They, and the mob, are the murderers.

The preacher was stupid, intolerant and lots of other things, but he did not murder the UN staff.

Do we convict the publishers of the Mohammed cartoons of murder because intolerant Islamists killed people after their publication. What about historians who after studying the life of Mohammed publish works that suggest that Mohammed was a pedophile. They may be aware that the publication of such "truths" may cause innocents to be killed in one of the "stans". Are those historians also guilty of murder. Ditto Salmon Rushdie.

Lets not destroy our freedoms because of the intolerance of others. With freedoms comes responsibility and the preacher was clearly irresponsible in doing what he did. But he was not the murderer of the UN staff. The clerics and the mob were the murderers and no excuses should be offered in their defence.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

It has been going on since man stood upright so we can never win...we need to worry about the Muslims who will be able to vote in their people to govern soon and bring in Sharia law.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

My wife and I fight about religion all the time ….you see she is an Atheist and I am Agnostic
Re: Religion gone crazy!

It is difficult for me to comprehend what is going on in child care centres and schools which are starting to be dictated to by other ethnic groups who migrate to Australia. If and when they are nautralised to become Australian citizens, I have always believed they sware to abid by Australian laws and our way of living.
According to Cory Bernadi the Federal Government is about bring in new regulations forbidding this tradition just to appease some minority groups who say kids should not decorate Christmas trees.
OMG what will Australia be like in 20 years time if this stupity is allowed to continue???
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I'm a little confused over this one.

Were these Priests (the high moral watermark of our society) prosecuted, or did they just lose their job?

Or, just transferred somewhere else to continue their devilish work

Church removes guilty priests
Barney Zwartz
April 6, 2011

TWO Melbourne Catholic priests guilty of sexual abuse have been removed from the priesthood, Melbourne Vicar-General Bishop Les Tomlinson confirmed yesterday.

The news was sent to Melbourne priests in the Vicar-General's newsletter, but victims - while welcoming the removals - said they were angry they had not been told.

One priest, Paul Pavlou, formerly of Healesville, was defrocked by the Vatican, while the other, Barry Whelan, was laicised - made a layman - at his own request, reportedly so he could get married.

In the Magistrates Court two years ago, Pavlou admitted indecent acts against a 14-year-old boy and possessing child pornography, and was given an 18-month suspended jail sentence.

In Whelan's case, the Melbourne Archdiocese has compensated at least three vulnerable women whom it agreed Whelan took advantage of or abused. One woman bore him a child.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Almost happy that by the time current minority will become majority I will be dead.

Definitely scary thought thou for all the loved ones left to live!
Re: Religion gone crazy!

State funding for forced religious instruction (oh, parents can 'opt out' apparently - as opposed to 'opt in') is surely State funded brain washing of our youth. Teaching them that the Earth is the centre of the universe, and Eve was made of an unnecessary rib of Adam's, is just plain dumb.

The religious lobby is obviously very powerful to be able to swindle the average free thinking tax payer out of this hard earned cash.

If there is to be religious education, let religion pay, and in their own time.

The 'moral values' that religion teaches can be done in other ways without threat of Hell.

Here's some 'moral values' for you:

State to increase funds for Christian classes
Jewel Topsfield
April 8, 2011

THE state government will boost funding to Christian education classes in schools in the budget, with Education Minister Martin Dixon ruling out changes to the controversial program.

Mr Dixon said Christian education provider Access Ministries would receive an extra $200,000 a year from July 1 for training, administration and the supervision of volunteer instructors.

While other courses, including Baha'i, Greek Orthodox and Islamic, are also accredited, Access Ministries runs 96 per cent of special religious instruction classes in Victoria.

The funding boost comes as Access Ministries called on Christians to take urgent action, saying its very foundation was being challenged by a court case that questioned the Education Department's guidelines on the teaching of faith in schools.

The agency called on Christians to write a letter of support for special religious instruction to Mr Dixon, Premier Ted Baillieu and their local MP.

''For many children, [Christian religious education] is their only introduction to the values that underpin a biblical understanding of God, the world, themselves and others,'' the group says on its website.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

How can we stand by and continue to let this cancer destroy our humanity?

At risk of being labelled 'Non free belief - free speech - anti-religious - whatever) I'm changing the title of this thread to: 'Religion IS crazy!'

Every piece of craziness should be posted here.

Pakistan's blasphemy vigilantes kill exonerated man
By Nick Paton Walsh, CNN

April 13, 2011 -- Updated 1826 GMT (0226 HKT)

Talahore, Pakistan (CNN) -- Mohamed Imran had been accused, jailed, tried and cleared: if anything, society owed him a debt as a man wrongfully accused.

But his crime was blasphemy. He was meant to have said something derogatory about the prophet Mohammed, so in Pakistan justice worked a little differently.
Two weeks after he returned to his small patch of farmland on the rustic outskirts of Islamabad, his alleged crime caught up with him.

Two gunmen burst into the shoe shop where he was sat talking to a friend. Imran tried to duck, to seek cover behind the man next to him -- terrified so greatly for his own life that he perhaps forgot about those around him.

But the gunmen found their target and Pakistan's controversial blasphemy laws claimed another victim.

His brother Ikram told CNN: "When I saw him lying there, I felt the blood leave my body, and that I was now alone."
Re: Religion gone crazy!

How can we stand by and continue to let this cancer destroy our humanity?..At risk of being labelled 'Non free belief - free speech - anti-religious - whatever..
Haven't read the whole thread, but would stop short of accusing you of some sort of bleak post-Nietzschian nihilism! On the whole, in a philosophical sense, Nietzsche probably offers us more than many established religions.

Nietzsche saw nihilism as the outcome of repeated frustrations in the search for meaning. The religious worldview had in the 19th century already suffered a number of challenges from contrary perspectives grounded in philosophical skepticism, and in modern science's evolutionary and heliocentric theory.
Religion is a form of mental illness just like Gambling, OCD's replying to forum post's and can never be stopped I don't know what the answer but every thing has been tried, the next depression will change the outlook because most will be looking for food and won't have time to bomb or destroy things or others.
Also when you live in a country with out any future what else is there to do to help pass the time??

Look at China and other countries they all want what we had designer clothes, car even if fuel is high and you sit in a jam for hours/days/ own a house, tv all the thing most people think show wealth.

I live in the Philippine's the biggest Cattle tick population in the World every thing stops here over religion for a week, jeepneys have God With Us stickers across the winscreen so they can't see traffic but God with Us will save then..
Any one here with Black hair is a potential scammer they go to church on Sunday Scam on Monday once they have been to church God has their sins so they can start afresh Monday.
Do like the smart one's are doing find a foreign country and hide get medicine's , tin food, PM's etc and ride out the storm.
or live in a hotel on Ross Island
I heard were some expert Muslim wants women to wear clothing which will allow them to see with one eye , how they will work out which eye I don't know but some one will find the answer in the good book.

And why stop at one eye why not a top half or bottom half with logic like that there will be long way to go. Christanity is based on Roman gods and like the Abo's a mixture of myths and dream time there is no evidence any where in the World to support any claim any religious mob make.
That is a known.
Religion is a form of mental illness just like Gambling,


there is no evidence any where in the World to support any claim any religious mob make.
That is a known.

I would love to see Global Atheist's Organisation (Religion)
If some can have Government assistance to believe in something we should have also assistance to believe in nothing.

It might sound weird, but nothing is something too. Like number “0” it serves a purpose.

Then, with Government assistance for new type of worship, we could teach – convert believers to stop believing in hocus-pocus, but to believe in what up to date science achieved.

Sure in the future things might change and outdated Relativity Theory might be replaced with one that better describes the Universe, but at least we will have Government funds to fight old ways of crowd control.

We could also have funds to engage in Jehovah Witnesses style of spreading the knowledge by pestering neighbourhoods on regular basis.
We must say. NO,NO,NO,NO.
Agree to ALL religion's
Stupid part about religion is some Alien outa space force attacked Earth we would be shoulder to shoulder fight them with Muslims, Hindu and Himdonts.
Then afer go back to hating each other ..
Apparently the world is going to end tomorrow.

Did anyone know this? There has been a roadside billboard near us for some time, kindly advising passers-by of the fact. I don't know which crackpot religious group is claiming to have the inside information, but it seems they are now promoting it quite heavily (with only one day to go). I saw it on breakfast television this morning - so it must be correct.......... mustn't it????
Sure must, Ruby;
But you can avoid it by simply walking across the path of the nutter who put it up there. "Everybody knows" that a black cat crossing a Prophet's path will invalidate the Prophet's predictions.

In the meantime, this here old tom will stay indoors under a strong kitchen table - just in case the sky does fall in.

Yeah! Crazy like a fox. Predators are not crazy. Every person or organisation that has ever got rich has done so at the expense of the more gullible. Religion is no exception.
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