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Religion IS crazy!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Question for the creationists, if your god made me, and my mummy and my cat and the world, who made god?

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Question for the creationists, if your god made me, and my mummy and my cat and the world, who made god?

No one; God is eternal, the unmoved prime mover, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and a very good cook I hear.

And you need to read the book 'Where did I come from?' to rectify your knowledge of the birds and the bees.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

I assume 4) should be 'gnostic theist'. (Sounds a bit like Rumsfeld's famous 'known knowns, etc.' quote.)

I guess many people see it more as linear with gnostic atheist (knowing God denier) on the left and gnostic theist (knowing God believer) on the right, with agnostic atheist being to the left of agnostic theist and in between.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Didn't think it would be long before something like this came about.

I suspected that it would be Christians saying that God had saved someone after they'd prayed for their life, or some such bollocks.

(after the Devil had caused the quake of course)

But no, it was lesbians that caused the quake.


'Despicable': website blames Christchurch quake on gay community
Megan Levy
February 24, 2011 - 11:34AM
Re: Religion gone crazy!

No its no time for jokes.
These "christians" need a few lions to sort them out.
Little pricks.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Religion can never take the higher moral ground while they continue to be exposed as having no morals.

Jesuits settle abuse claims for $163m

IN one of the largest settlements in the Catholic church's sweeping sex abuse scandal, an order of priests has agreed to pay $US166.1 million ($163 million) to hundreds of Native Americans and Alaska Natives who were abused at the order's schools around the US Pacific Northwest.

The settlement between more than 450 victims and the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus also calls for a written apology to the victims and disclosure of documents to them, including their personal medical records.

"It's a day of reckoning and justice," said Clarita Vargas, who said she and her two sisters were abused by the head of St Mary's Mission and School, a former Jesuit-run Indian boarding school on the Colville Indian Reservation near Omak, Washington state, in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

The abuse began when they were as young as six or seven, she said. "My spirit was wounded, and this makes it feel better."
Re: Religion gone crazy!

No its no time for jokes.
These "christians" need a few lions to sort them out.
Little pricks.


Very sound point GG. We could hold a few at the MCG and mabe our ole Pal (spellin?) could be in the first show.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Government gone crazy!

Backlash as God forced into schools
Michael Bachelard
March 27, 2011

THE Victorian Education Department is forcing public primary schools to run Christian education classes taught by volunteers, angering parents and schools that do not want to host them.

An email exchange, obtained by The Sunday Age, reveals the department told one parent that his school ''must'' keep its Christian religious instructor whether it wanted to or not.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Question for the creationists, if your god made me, and my mummy and my cat and the world, who made god?


This question presumes that we know what God is; and as we can't even agree whether he/she/it exists, the question is moot.

A better question is - "What is God?".... but this is likely to lead us back to the whether he/she/it exists argument.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Anything controversial should be a choice, IMO. Religious beliefs vary considerably and I think there should be suitable alternatives for those who are not comfortable.

I also think school should stop ramming "Climate change" and "Global Warming" down the necks of our primary school kids. Last year Yr 5 granddaughter had a whole term spent on this nonsense and appears it was taught as if were an exact science. It is controversial and should be taught as such, IMO.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I'd be very happy if the 'facts' were taught. So, the 'history of religion' would be a fair subject I think.

Being taught that God created the world in 7 days, the Earth is the centre of the Universe, etc, etc, should NOT be implanted in the young.

IMHO, religion should not be taught to children until they know right from wrong. And in our society that age is 18.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

IMHO, religion should not be taught to children until they know right from wrong. And in our society that age is 18.
Are you sure?
News are full of 19+ year-olds that still don't have a clue: Go on "joy rides" in other peoples' cars; do drugs; spray-paint the neighbourhood; assault easy targets like 90-yo grannies ...

Why can't schools teach Rights and Wrong without the mystical mumbo-jumbo? Explain the consequences of infringements on other people's right; by all means quote some religious examples as a backdrop; explain why inventors of religious books reinforced some Do's and Dont's in threats that even the dumbest member of their tribe could understand.
But stop insulting kids' natural intelligence by lying to them and expecting them to believe there's a difference between fairy tales written in Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, or English. Tell them the Grimm Brothers were the only bunch that were honest in that they did NOT claim their collection to be historic fact.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Are you sure?

Why can't schools teach Rights and Wrong without the mystical mumbo-jumbo?

That's what I reckon too. But when I ask why people 'believe' in religion, the usual answer is they need to believe in and belong to something.

But stop insulting kids' natural intelligence by lying to them and expecting them to believe there's a difference between fairy tales written in Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, or English.

That's what happened to me!
Re: Religion gone crazy!

A method to deter godbotherers that knock on your door, or get in your face:

Tell them you worship Satan, and invite them to participate
Re: Religion gone crazy!

A better question is - "What is God?".... but this is likely to lead us back to the whether he/she/it exists argument.


I agree.

I've read quite a bit on the topic (various religions) and the consensus seems to be that "God" is not actually a 'thing' but an experiential mode of being, or a higher level of consciousness. To be more precise, God is something that happens, a realization of 'no self', or extinction of personal identity. Whether that's actually the case or not I don't know because I have no personal experience, but that's what I've gleaned so far.

Much of religion seems to have been perverted into dogma and doctrine, rituals, rules and regulations. The other perversion of religion is the "group think" phenomenon, wherein people of similar thoughts gather to reinforce their beliefs - not good. Going to church could be like signing up for Hotcopper, you either agree with everyone or you get booted!!!

If one is to start looking into religion (or God that exists outside of religion), one needs to be extremely discriminating, and to read very widely. Finding the kernel of truth amongst all the rubbish and peripheral stuff could be a lifelong process, IF you choose to look in the first place. And it could be a waste of time. I suspect it's not, but it could be.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Here's a good analogy:

"I reject technical analysis, and I condemn it every chance I get and I started a thread on it for that reason. Let's condemn it together and be happy in our communion!"

"But what do you mean by TA? What did you try?"

"MACD cross. I used it for a month and lost half my account. I used stops and everything, just like the book said".

See where I'm going with this?

There are levels of understanding that are way beyond the "Man with a beard who decides whether I go to heaven or hell". If you make up your mind at that point, you've given up at the "fairy tale Sunday school level" which may actually bear no resemblance to really what's going on. Buddha even said that there is no God (not that I'm a buddhist or an anything-ist). But what did he mean by that? Do you really realllly know what he meant by that.... and why he said it? Did he mean it literally or was he using it as a teaching device? The God topic is so tricky, you need to be extremely careful what you buy into, if anything at all.

The market is dead today so i thought I'd get philosophical. Time to clean the house.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

That's my experience also. I prefer to relate to 'it' in terms of Nature or Life Spirit to get away from the association with past dogma.

...a realization of 'no self', or extinction of personal identity. Whether that's actually the case or not I don't know because I have no personal experience, but that's what I've gleaned so far.

I would agree that the 'self' has been overdone in a lot of culture, religion and ego pumping generally, but doesn't one need to be aware of oneself to be able to find what your part is supposed to be in the 'Natural' evolution of things.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

whiskers, in some traditions they say that it is first important to have a strong sense of self in order to then transcend the self. I like this idea, because it rings true in my experience. If you want money, go and make money. Want sex? Go and do as many women as you can. Power? Climb that ladder! One day, the desire to be free of all those attachments may occur, but I'm not sure that forcing the issue is ideal. I still like all those things, so you can see I'm not particularly advanced in that sense.

Trying to transcend the self before you're ready seems to lead to problems. Those attempting to jump ahead into the selfless state by using psychedelics can risk 'seeing too much' or 'knowing too much', before their nervous system can handle it. They can end up in a very bad place. Sometimes I think prolonged meditation can do that also, but I'm not against that as a practice.

I like the idea of a natural progression, as you suggest, but with a bit of intelligent tweaking thrown in for good measure.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Is burning a book symbolic enough to warrant death?

I don't think so.

Why do we put up with this insanity.

Both sides.

It's really scary stuff.

I can not imagine living back in the day of The Inquisition, etc, etc.

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