No one; God is eternal, the unmoved prime mover, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and a very good cook I hear.Question for the creationists, if your god made me, and my mummy and my cat and the world, who made god?
I assume 4) should be 'gnostic theist'. (Sounds a bit like Rumsfeld's famous 'known knowns, etc.' quote.)Agnosticism and atheism do not lie along the same continuum, in fact, the concepts are orthogonal to each other. What this means is that there are 4 positions:
1) agnostic atheist (unknowable, lack belief)
2) gnostic atheist (knowable, lack belief)
3) agnostic theist (unknowable, belief)
4) gnostic atheist (knowable, belief)
Although, I admit that the common use of the terms make them appear to be directly comparable ("I am an agnostic" vs "I am an atheist"), but this is not really correct, as you can be both (or neither) at the same time, for example.
I assume 4) should be 'gnostic theist'
Didn't think it would be long before something like this came about.
I suspected that it would be Christians saying that God had saved someone after they'd prayed for their life, or some such bollocks.
(after the Devil had caused the quake of course)
But no, it was lesbians that caused the quake.
'Despicable': website blames Christchurch quake on gay community
Megan Levy
February 24, 2011 - 11:34AM
No its no time for jokes.
These "christians" need a few lions to sort them out.
Little pricks.
Question for the creationists, if your god made me, and my mummy and my cat and the world, who made god?
Government gone crazy!
Backlash as God forced into schools
Michael Bachelard
March 27, 2011
THE Victorian Education Department is forcing public primary schools to run Christian education classes taught by volunteers, angering parents and schools that do not want to host them.
An email exchange, obtained by The Sunday Age, reveals the department told one parent that his school ''must'' keep its Christian religious instructor whether it wanted to or not.
I'd be very happy if the 'facts' were taught. So, the 'history of religion' would be a fair subject I think.Anything controversial should be a choice, IMO. Religious beliefs vary considerably and I think there should be suitable alternatives for those who are not comfortable.
I also think school should stop ramming "Climate change" and "Global Warming" down the necks of our primary school kids. Last year Yr 5 granddaughter had a whole term spent on this nonsense and appears it was taught as if were an exact science. It is controversial and should be taught as such, IMO.
Are you sure?IMHO, religion should not be taught to children until they know right from wrong. And in our society that age is 18.
Are you sure?
Why can't schools teach Rights and Wrong without the mystical mumbo-jumbo?
But stop insulting kids' natural intelligence by lying to them and expecting them to believe there's a difference between fairy tales written in Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, or English.
A better question is - "What is God?".... but this is likely to lead us back to the whether he/she/it exists argument.
A better question is - "What is God?".... but this is likely to lead us back to the whether he/she/it exists argument.
I agree.
I've read quite a bit on the topic (various religions) and the consensus seems to be that "God" is not actually a 'thing' but an experiential mode of being, or a higher level of consciousness. To be more precise, God is something that happens,
...a realization of 'no self', or extinction of personal identity. Whether that's actually the case or not I don't know because I have no personal experience, but that's what I've gleaned so far.
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