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Religion IS crazy!

Rugby League and AFL come to mind, in a milder sort of way

But with the AFL religion the code and rules were in response to a fitness need during off season cricket. Older religions are escutcheons for the human stain predating the codification. Once the rally call goes out every knucklehead who is bored working as a serf for the man, throws down the tools, leaves the family in search of bloodlust ....come to think of it, it does sound like a Collingwood supporter doesn't it
Our friend Pav probably agrees with the brainwashed clown in that video - Pav thinks everyone is selfish and wicked and that decency and good deeds count for nothing.

I remember years ago when I enlisted the help of our church congregation to assist a struggling widow with three small children who had just moved an old dilapidated house on to a block of land she’d bought. The house was barely livable but she had no money to renovate it or put the power or water on.
Some of our church congregation were electricians, plumbers, fencers, roofers, builders – a few dozen of us, including many women, descended on her house and in one weekend we completely renovated it, put in new windows, fixed the roof, installed a second hand kitchen, wired and plumbed it, pulled out a wall to enlarge a room, fixed up the fencing, all with materials donated from local businesses.
Next Sunday in church we were commended by the minister for our efforts. But in that same church service he told us, as usual, that we were sinners who needed to beg forgiveness from God!

Next Sunday in church we were commended by the minister for our efforts. But in that same church service he told us, as usual, that we were sinners who needed to beg forgiveness from God!

So why bother doing good deeds ?

Religion is just a power play, the muftis and priests have to get their power surge from the obedient serfs of their flock. No wonder more people are seeing through the deception.
So why bother doing good deeds ?

There are a lot of religious folk who don't trouble them selves with helping others.

there are many sects of monks etc that believe the path to heaven is to live in isolation in a monastery, and basically ignore the outside world, preferring to spend hours a day praying, any other works are meaningless.
Group: Airman denied reenlistment for refusing to say 'so help me God'

An atheist airman at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada was denied reenlistment last month for refusing to take an oath containing “so help me God,” the American Humanist Association said Thursday.
Completely agree. But it is the double standards of people not religion.


Religions are primarily made up of people - take the people out of any religion and it would cease to exist.

To suggest there's no double standards in religion is absurd. Particularly in your religion – Catholicism. I could fill a book writing about the double standards in the attitudes and actions of the Catholic religion.

The Christian bible itself is full of contradictions and double standards. 'Thou shalt not kill'...and yet there are lots of biblical stories that glorify killing the population of entire cities, quite often at the express instruction and with the blessing of God.
In fact God himself clearly has double standards - if he exists and we believe what the bible tells us about him not only ordering and condoning mass murder, but being an accomplished killer himself.
And not just any killer either, he was clearly a serial killer and cold blooded murderer of thousands of innocent people, many of them small children.

And it is very clearly mentioned in the Koran......The non-believers of the Koran must be killed which embraces Christians and Infidels.....So we have over one billion Muslims who must kill the other five billion Islamic non-believers......They sure have a big task ahead.
There are a lot of religious folk who don't trouble them selves with helping others.....

Good point. And there are perhaps as many or more non-religious folk who also don't bother to help others.

My respect is for folk who put others' needs before their own. People of principle without a selfish base.

What is the ultimate point of accumulating a massive number of dollars?

In my opinion it is in learning the best way to share the fortune of living a privileged life.

PS.. I don't have a religious stance, or a non-religious one. I simply "Don't know" despite my trials, investigations and studies. I'd like to be a person of certainty but doubt that I will get there.
Good point. And there are perhaps as many or more non-religious folk who also don't bother to help others.

Yep, so knowing some one is religious doesn't assist you in anyway in knowing what the persons character is, and know the person is irreligious doesn't give you any information either. So we shouldn't give any person respect just because they are religious, nor should we disrespect folk just because they are non religious

What is the ultimate point of accumulating a massive number of dollars?

Generally to help provide for yourself and your family, and ensure your not a burden on society, also generally in order to accumulate dollars you have to be providing goods or services, so in the process you are providing for others.

Outside of that it can be fun, I have always enjoyed making money, I guess its like my favourite game, some like football, i enjoy business and finance.

PS.. I don't have a religious stance, or a non-religious one. I simply "Don't know" despite my trials, investigations and studies. I'd like to be a person of certainty but doubt that I will get there

Welcome to the club of "Agnostic Atheists"

Yes, and there are similar versus in the bible.

People often charge the qu'ran with hate messages to kill non believers, and its true it does say that, but so does the bible.

if fact there is not a single message of hate in the qu'ran that is not exactly mirrored in the bible.

I am agnostic but I would be interested to learned of these similar quotes from the Koran and the Bible.

Does the Bible mention the killing of infidels by beheading?
I am agnostic but I would be interested to learned of these similar quotes from the Koran and the Bible.

Does the Bible mention the killing of infidels by beheading?



Death to Followers of Other Religions
Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)



Thank you for the trouble you have gone to establish those readings, however, whilst that may be the written word in the Bible, would it have from the new or the old testament?

Of course while those words have been quoted, they nevertheless are not executed in modern society today.

Of course as most of us know the Bible does also quote in the ten commandments "THOU SHALT NOT KILL".

So how does that work? sort of contradicts itself.
Thanks for bringing this excellent commentary to everyone's attention here. Reading it was a breath of fresh air and a rebuke to the religious apologists here including those who have attempted to use the term "militant atheism" to caricature those who identify as atheists as some kind of evil, morally bankrupt, intolerant and oppressive collective entity. My favorite excerpts:

On the assertion that atheism is a type of religion or religious position...

When the religious brand atheism as a religion they are unwittingly demeaning themselves since the normal intention of doing this is meant to be an insult and not a declaration of equivalence.

On the claim religion is necessary for moral clarity…

As Hitches opined, there is no moral impulse that a religious person can have that an atheist can’t. The major religions have no God given monopoly on defining what is moral nor should they and their magic books are certainly not the best guide available to us today on what constitutes moral behavior. Finally, on the subject of being tolerant and polite to religious fanaticism…

Indeed, it's time to challenge, not appease, the fraud that is religion in its various forms.
Does the Bible mention the killing of infidels by beheading?

No the bible seems to be more fond of stoning people to death, i guess that just represents the changes in fashion and culture over the centuries that separated the three major texts, eg bible part 1, bible part 2 and part 3 the Quran.

Another poster has already given you a decent run down of the verses condoning murder.
Thank you for the trouble you have gone to establish those readings, however, whilst that may be the written word in the Bible, would it have from the new or the old testament?

Most of the commandments for killing come from the original bible, which is exactly where the 10 commandments come from.

But they are endorsed by Jesus in the New Testament, when Jesus says that none of the original laws are to be changed, Also, which book do you think Jesus read and preached from, the New Testament wasn't written until one hundred years after Jesus died.

f course while those words have been quoted, they nevertheless are not executed in modern society today

If you mean developed countries, then yes i agree, however thats a pretty recent thing, never forget how they acted when they had the power, also there are Christian terrorists, and Christians are still killing and burning people in the name of Jesus in less developed countries, children and adults in underdeveloped countries are still being killed for witch craft etc.

Of course as most of us know the Bible does also quote in the ten commandments "THOU SHALT NOT KILL"

Yep its the big book of multiple choice, if you want to love your neighbour, read that verse, if you want to kill him, read the verse that tells you to kill him if you see him work on sunday.

So how does that work? sort of contradicts itself

Yep both the bible and Quran are full of contradictions, the Quran bans killing too, hence its moderates think its the religion of peace, just as Christians think that of their brand.

I can now understand why this thread is so appropriately named...."RELIGION IS CRAZY".

It was in my late teens when I converted from a Christian to an Agnostic...I became disillusioned with religion and the people whom I was mixing with.......most of them were hypocrites and used religion as a shadow to cover their sins.....I was once married to a Roman Catholic who converted to Jehovah Witness...the rest is history.
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