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Religion IS crazy!

Now hear me ye all, I verily say unto you, enjoy life while you have drink and be merry for our maker is not about to reveal the magic potion that you were made from......stop looking for will never find it.

Sounds good to me!

None of which are any more absurd that the Adam and Eve story and how the earth and everything on it was created in six days.

I reckon you'd be battling though to find any present day Maoris who still believe the primitive story about the god with a fish hook. And yet there are still billions of people who believe the story of Adam and Eve and creation of the Earth in six days.
Maybe it's the fear of hellfire and eternal damnation that keeps them believing.

lol, maybe if the Maoris had developed guns and started colonising the world first things would be different.

Maybe it's the fear of hellfire and eternal damnation that keeps them believing

I think you are probably right.

When I was in New Zealand, an older Maori gentleman approached me as I was taking some scenic photos, and for about 20mins he explained the local Maoris myth that told how the mountains and valley's I was looking at were formed, and why their are large rocks surrounding the mountain for kilometres. It was actually a fun and interesting tale, and I enjoyed listening to it, it was a much different experience than talking to a fundamentalist Christian, threatening me with hell fire.

( Although anyone with a slight knowledge of geology, would notice straight away that the mountains were actually extint volcanos, and the rocks surrounding it had just been blown out during an eruption ;-) still a fun story when your not being threatened to take it seriously, I enjoy myths and legends, I am just not religious about it)
Mass abduction of girls by extremist Islamic group Boko Haram.
Mass abduction of women in Iraq to be sold as slaves.
Mass killings of innocent people in Iraq.
A typhoon in the Philippines that kills thousands.
A bushfire in the Blue Mountains that kills people and destroys homes.
The shooting down of an airliner with the loss of 300 lives.
A major drought in Queensland that kills hundreds of thousands of livestock and causes many suicides among grazing families devastated by the drought.
Millions of Jews die at the hands of the Nazis despite their pleas to God for help.
And so on and so on.

If any of us on this forum had the power to stop these awful things from happening, would we, as decent compassionate people, do so? I certainly would, and I think most of you would too.

We’re told that the Christian god is full of compassion and love, always on the side of decency and righteousness. He's credited with amazing powers, so powerful in fact that he can control the weather, or smite down whoever he chooses.
So why then is he sitting on his backside, watching all the horrible things happening in the world as he shrugs his shoulders and says ‘Oh well, too bad’.
If he’s so compassionate and caring then why is he so indifferent to people suffering? How can he sit by and do nothing while vermin who claim to be acting in his name are slaughtering innocent little kids, beheading innocent men and boys, and abducting innocent women?

Many thousands of people trapped by Islamic State terrorists in the Iraqi mountains have been saved thanks to the compassion and caring of the United States, Australia and Britain. They’d be dead by now if we’d left it to the power of prayer or the compassion of God to save them.
God if he exists should take note......the actions of the Yanks, the Aussies and the Brits are an example of how truly compassionate people act when innocent people need help, as opposed to those who pretend to be compassionate but who shrug their shoulders in indifference when the chips are down.

If there’s one Christian lie that stands out above all others, it’s the lie about the love and compassion of God. If God exists, then there’s no way in he world that there’s any compassion in him - the evidence is right there for us to see every day. Actions speak louder than words, and God has a habit of going missing when people are truly in need of help.
Well greetings again all .

May we look to how important , that this subject is , to financial stability ?

If , there is to be continued prosperity , we need to , work towards , a social harmony .

How can financial markets , be sensibly appraised , amid such global social disharmony ?

Times are so rapidly changing , and we need to contribute towards , change that brings stability ,

such that , people can have a social community , to enjoy what they have worked towards .

21st century , and our Space Age now . We live within a global community . There is North

American free trade , European Union , I M F , Global Summits , World Health Org. , the Olympics ,

the World Wide Web , etc etc . And there are many negatives , that work to much smaller

communities or ideas . This is an opportunity , to grow , forwards and above , the ancient

cultural separations , that our Grandparents were born into . United we Stand , Divided we Fail .

I myself , as a person , owe my very existence , to what ever ideas or Faith , that my parents

Grandparents and Great Grandparents , followed at their time . I would not have even been born ,

or been born someone else , had they done any thing differently . I think that this applies to

us all .

To me , God is still , truly beyond us mere Humans , to truly understand . Yet , at times , I feel an

awe , presence , and a duty , beyond me to express in words . Just go outside , and feel it .

These people , of other cultural traditions , are mostly family people , like most of us .

One can look to my earlier posts on page 111 and 112 . Lets look to , the opportunity , that this

social incohesion does create . We are all people , the whole human race . All of us .

Biologically , there about seven billion of us now , who need food water shelter education medicines

entertainments etc etc . As a species , the whole human race , we need a way of trading .

Religion IS crazy , that's a part of our Human Nature . If we were all the same , it would be

just so boring , we would look for some excitement . To have prosperity ,we need

To Build Towards Some Harmony .

Lets do this , for the kids .

No offence, but that sounds like a wish list or just pie-in-the-sky thoughts.

Can you please share some 'science' to prove your point that there is a God? Sorry, bible does not cut the mustard.
I would agree with you if Santa and the Easter bunny were supported by historical and archaeological evidence.
Wait.. What? There is archaeological evidence for God, let's have it then or I am calling bull**** on that. Or are you saying there is archaeological evidence that someone, probably suffering schizophrenia, believed in a hobgoblin in the sky ?

I don't argue with the religious but this is just taking the piss. The tooth fairy, Easter Bunny, Father Christmas analogy is sound.

Faith is anti reason and the sooner belief in Religion is added to the DSM as a physiological disorder, the better humanity will be.

Hard to believe parents could turn on a child in that way.
Don't yew jerst lerve them good ole southern rednecks ?

I just don't know how people can claim to be such God fearing Christians yet their actions are so far away from anything Jesus did or commanded his followers to do.

1 Timothy 5:8 - Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

No idea if these parents are Christian, but one can only wish their attitude was more prevalent in society.

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I note your bolds for the words 'is worse than an unbeliever', as if to suggest that people who don't believe in the Christian god are somehow horrible and wicked people.
I note your bolds for the words 'is worse than an unbeliever', as if to suggest that people who don't believe in the Christian god are somehow horrible and wicked people.

My intention was to show that too many people who proclaim to be Christians show less charity than the unbeliever, or from the King James Version, the infidels.

If you're going to hold up the bible as a reason to hate a family member for beign gay, and basically kick them out, then you should at least understand just how against those Christian values you're supposedly exposing.

As VC and others have said, you don't need to be religious to be a good person, though some extremely religious groups believe even good deeds by a non believer are sinful.

It's the double standards that gets me.
There are obviously parts of the Bible and Koran which were written for the times and which are now inapplicable and embarrassing to moderate religious organisations today.

It should be incumbent on what passes for the religious hierarchies to identify and expunge those particular passages, so that they don't get latched onto by extremists and used for evil purposes.
If you're going to hold up the bible as a reason to hate a family member for beign gay, and basically kick them out, then you should at least understand just how against those Christian values you're supposedly exposing.


I think it's a perfectly Christian way to act.

Luke 14 - 26 : Jesus says "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple"

So if you really believe the word of jesus and the bible, you have to be always willing to turn your back on family, and yes "Hate" them.

I am often amused when people say things like " Well that's not very Christian" or "I never thought they would do that, they are religious" when the very actions they are doing are condoned under their texts.

My Dad actually said something like that a few months ago, His friends business is next to a church and church members had parked across his driveway and blocked him in, When he asked them to move it he got attacked and received a broken nose.

My dads comment was "Well that's not very religious of them" I laughed and said "Dad, some of the most religious people in the world will cut your head of and upload the picture to twitter, why does a broken nose shock you"

It goes back to society in general giving the religious among us unearned respect, society seems to respect anyone who labels them selves religious, so we are shocked when they act badly. Saying "I am a Christian" or "I am deeply religious" should not be a respect generating admission, At best it should mean nothing, and at worst should set of alarm bells.
though some extremely religious groups believe even good deeds by a non believer are sinful.

It's the double standards that gets me.

Yes, a guy recently uploaded a video on youtube in response to Jaclyn Glenn (a well non atheist) doing the ice bucket challenge and donating to charity.

He basically said it's ok that she donated to charity, But because she is an atheist it doesn't count, because she didn't do it for the glory of god, so nothing she does should be considered good, because it's not the act that counts, its gods opinion of the act.

here is Jaclyn glenn responding to the guys video.

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The problem is not that this religious moron believes what he said in his video is true, it's just more poisonous Christian doctrine regurgitated by an indoctrinated drone, but that he is largely correct in his interpretation of what his magic book says about the uselessness of good deeds performed by the unbeliever!

That many Christians believe this stuff should not surprise anyone, it's not an aberration, it's doctrine preached from pulpits around the globe and embraced by the flock. For the religious, morality, good deeds, philanthropy etc. only have meaning in context of the existence of a divine celestial dictator from which anything truly good must emanate and to whom the credit must always be given (a heavenly version of Kim Jong Un).

The amusing (or disturbing if you wish) thing, as pointed out by Jaclyn, is that you don't have to perform a single good deed to inherit eternity, just have some measure of belief in the resurrection story at any stage and bingo, free ticket to paradise (no virgins included though). Such is the warped logic and wishful thinking of captives to religious superstition.
Well greetings again all .

These people , of other cultural traditions , are mostly family people , like most of us .


I'm trying to think of other cultural traditions that don't involve violence, bloodshed, weapons, misogyny, slave trading, guile, rape. murder, etc and I haven't even mentioned countries outside the USA where things really go pear shaped where they routinely massacre their own people, behead soldiers, blow people to smithereens and that's just getting Ireland into the picture...!!!
I'm trying to think of other cultural traditions that don't involve violence, bloodshed, weapons, misogyny, slave trading, guile, rape. murder, etc

Rugby League and AFL come to mind, in a milder sort of way
a pretty good debunking of most anti gay religious arguments

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