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Religion IS crazy!

If string theory is correct, ( it's not even really a theory, it should be called string hypothesis), then it is still impossible for us to know what is in those other dimensions, and any guess we make would most likely be wrong.

Could it be heaven? well who knows if its even possible for a heaven to exist? any stories we make up to fill the gaps are likely be just as false as all the religious stories made up to explain all the other previously unknown things, its best to just say "I don't know" when we don't know.
Here you go again, repeating it over and over.
Pav did not get it the first time or the second or even now.
He doesn't even know that he doesn't know!

To me, those three words are some of the most important words to be able to use, yet the vast majority of people are uncomfortable using them, even in their own thoughts. It's human nature to prefer to fill the gaps with stories or lies rather than admit an unknown. It's a dangerous path though, you can't have Intellectual honesty if you can't own those words.

Sure, but that hasn't stopped scientists through the ages theorising about things they don't know, eg theories about 'the ether', that the earth is surrounded by a giant dome through which lights shone to appear as stars, that the earth is flat, that the sun revolved around the earth...

No one his disproved the God theory yet, so in terms of the creation of the Universe, its as valid a theory as any other.
Theories, ideas, beliefs and feelings to state a few of the stories made up and written in the Good Books of old.

We are but dust ..."and unto dust thou shalt return" is about the only fact among it all. And the sun comes up in the morning about sums up the only real truths.

There is nothing wrong with coming up with a hypothesis, and then figuring out a way to test it, But you can't claim you know something just because you have a hypothesis. You need to be able to confirm your hypothesis before it can become knowledge, rather than just an unproven hypothesis.

No one his disproved the God theory yet, so in terms of the creation of the Universe, its as valid a theory as any other

No, the god theory is not just as valid as anything else.

There is no "God theory", You can call it a "God Hypothesis" buts that's all it is, an unproven idea.

In Science, a theory is the highest form of scientific understanding, a scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. This is significantly different from the common usage of the word "theory", which implies that something is a guess (i.e., unsubstantiated and speculative).

eg. the theory of gravity, the theory of evolution, the heliocentric theory etc etc are not the same as your god hypothesis.
Fine, I'll call God a hypothesis. What other Creation hypotheses are there ?

I guess they are only limited by your imagination, each religion has it's own, the aborigines thought a rainbow serpent did it, the Thai's thought spirits churned the earth out of milk and the jews thought a god created man and woman called adam and eve in a magical garden called eden, the maoris thought a god pulled new Zealand out of the ocean with a giant fishing hook.

But there are literally thousands of different ideas and there are many variations of each of those.

They can't all be right, but they could all be wrong, Just as we would be wrong if we tried to speculate what was in the other dimensions if the string hypothesis was correct.
I meant hypotheses by the scientific community.

I am not aware of any genuine scientists that have a scientifically based hypothesis for the existence of a god, most proponents of the concept are being influenced by pre existing religious ideas they have or are just unscientifically shoving their god it gaps in scientific knowledge because they can't handle saying "I don't Know"

There is a bunch of people trying to get the concept into science class rooms under the name of "Intelligent Design", But these people are using the bible as the basis for their hypothesis, not real science and they don't use the scientific method.

Sorry, you misunderstood me. I'm after alternative hypotheses to the God hypothesis for the creation of the universe by the scientific community; ie how do scientists think the universe was created ?
Sorry, you misunderstood me. I'm after alternative hypotheses to the God hypothesis for the creation of the universe by the scientific community; ie how do scientists think the universe was created ?

The universe as we see it now was form out of the big bang

Scientists don't know what caused the big bang, or what if anything existed before it.

But, there is the Big crunch hypothesis, which is an idea saying the big bang that brought this universe into existence may have been the result of a prior universe collapsing, There is growing support for the idea that the universe may in fact be infinite, which is a difficult concept to understand, and I am not going to pretend to understand it.

there is probably lots of different hypothesis surrounding what happened before the big bang but I haven't spent a long time looking into the different ones.
Now hear me ye all, I verily say unto you, enjoy life while you have drink and be merry for our maker is not about to reveal the magic potion that you were made from......stop looking for will never find it.

It is all supposition......he said this........ she said maybe......but at the end of the day nobody is any the wiser.

That's right cobber, your shout mate

but at the end of the day nobody is any the wiser.

I think we are a lot wiser ( in regards to our origins) now than we ever have been, we are constantly learning new things and finding new pieces to the puzzle.

Smaller and smaller particles. quarks, neutrinos, strange and charmed, gravitons, bosons, anti matter, strings and things, dark forces and dark matter. Seems the further we go into the universe, the stranger it is.

We don't even know what makes up 95% of the Universe, but at least now we know what we don't know.


So much, the learning curve has been massive in the last hundred years or so.

If you want to know about the origin of the diversity of life, study biology, 200 years ago nobody could explain the diversity of life, now the evolution theory is a well understood concept, we have mapped DNA, traced species through the fossil record, and more information is always coming.

If you want to know about the origin of the planets, and the origin of all the chemical elements astro physics has made countless discoveries in recent times that have been filling in gaps, 70 years ago the chemistry teachers could not have told you where the chemical elements came from, we now have a very good understanding of how they are made, and have made some of our own.

More information about the history of the universe is always coming out, in the past couple of years we have confirmed that there are most likely billions of earth like planets, etc and more is being learned about all the things rumpole said.

Science doesn't stand still, people may ignore it, but it doesn't stand still, new knowledge is always being added.

What we do know is there a lot more idiots in the world today than there was 50 years ago.
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