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Religion IS crazy!

Duckman, are you saying you don't believe there was any need for any enquiry into physical, emotional and sexual abuse in Catholic run institutions, or other institutions?

No I am not saying that. Sexual abuse should be flushed out from ALL corners of society.

You have several children, Duckman. Can you imagine one of them, aged about 6 or 7, being repeatedly raped by a 'man of god'.

When it comes to sexual abuse I don't need to imagine Julia, I just remember.

As a result I keep a very close eye on the ducklings. But I can tell you this - it is not Catholic priests that I am watching out for, but rather predatory "family friends" - the 90% of perpetrators of abuse.

Surely the prohibition on priests marrying in the Catholic church has something to do with the predilection of their priests to find other outlets ?
Are you suggesting that the voluntary commitment to celibacy on the part of priests can in any way excuse their extreme abuse and cruelty to children?

If they were so sexually driven, why not pay for prostitutes instead of visiting obscene abuse on powerless children?

What is being largely ignored here is that it's much more about the inequality of power as it is about sexual desire. The priests held all the power. That they were the people charged with the responsiblity of caring for these unfortunate young people makes their behaviour all the more depraved and obscene.
Are you suggesting that the voluntary commitment to celibacy on the part of priests can in any way excuse their extreme abuse and cruelty to children?


Of course not, I'm simply comparing the Catholic church with other denominations and asking if some reform in the Catholic church can prevent their priests committing future atrocities.

As for Catholic priests visiting prostitutes, I'm sure some of them do, but it's harder to keep prostitutes quiet about indiscretions than it is to threaten children and their parents into silence.

Apparently the gay prostitutes in Rome do a roaring trade from the vatican.
Thank goodness we have the ABC ever vigilant in its quest to bring to light religious attrocities.


Agree Duckman on their never ending quest.....this needs to be on the ABC thread.

Miranda Devine said it perfectly after they interviewed the gay “dads” in Queensland.

The story exposing such evildoing was the ABC at its best. But Four Corners host Kerry O’Brien also ensured it was the ABC at its worst, when he added an unnecessary, politically-correct footnote.

The story “does not reflect on gay parenting but on the action of two individuals,” he declared. “It’s also worth remembering that most child sex offenders relate to crimes against young girls, not young boys ...”

You have to ask why the ABC felt the need to add the footnote in this case, and yet never shows such sensitivity in its numerous reports on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

Where’s the statement to say that those stories do not reflect on the Catholic Church or the many good priests who might be unfairly labelled pedophiles?

It's the coverup not the abuse itself that has so damaged the catholic church. They were running a pedophile protection racket for decades. A lot of bishops that died in bed should have died in jail or at the hands of the parents whose kids abuse they enabled.
That is NOT what the Catholic Church teaches, the gay couple were running a pedophile racket, so do we assume all gays are pedophiles, like the ABC are reporting about priests?
That is NOT what the Catholic Church teaches, the gay couple were running a pedophile racket, so do we assume all gays are pedophiles, like the ABC are reporting about priests?

Tink, no, we do not assume all gays are paedophiles; the ABC has NEVER claimed that all catholic priests are paedophiles; and whatever the catholic church teaches, it is a fact that it has been protecting paedophile priests for decades. You cannot escape that.
That is NOT what the Catholic Church teaches, the gay couple were running a pedophile racket, so do we assume all gays are pedophiles, like the ABC are reporting about priests?
The ABC is not reporting that all gays are paedophiles, and neither are they reporting that all priests are paedophiles. Try to stick with the facts.

I believe most Australians - particularly those whose involvement in the catholic church renders them defensive and reluctant to believe the truth - have little idea of the extent of the depraved cruelty inflicted on children.
I certainly didn't, so am indebted to the ABC for their coverage of the Royal Commission which included heart breaking testimony from many who were the victims of paedophile priests. They had no escape. Even when one, aged about 10 at the time, escaped the institution and went to the police, he was smartly marched back by the police and soundly beaten before being locked in a cage for some days.

But don't feel picked on, Tink and Duckman. This evening ABC's Four Corners will be further revelations about abuse in the ADF. Shame on the ADF but at least the affected individuals were/are adults, with some level of power.
That is NOT what the Catholic Church teaches, the gay couple were running a pedophile racket, so do we assume all gays are pedophiles, like the ABC are reporting about priests?

Their actions speak louder than their "teachings". Do you seriously deny they were running a pedophile protection racket (all the way up that scumbag John Paul II and the legion of christ)?
Tink - if you really care about our children, and could bear to open your eyes and your mind for a few hours, read "Unholy Trinity" by Denis Ryan, about the paedophile priest John Day (a filthy piece of scum if ever their was one) and "The Prince: Faith, Abuse and George Pell" by David Marr (an essay, really) about another disgusting creep - George Pell. These books are FACT!

There are NO excuses for these people. There is NOTHNG that can be said in their defence.
Julia, I don't have a problem with the Royal Commission, but until the ABC stops pushing their own agenda, then I will take them seriously.

As said, Miranda summed it up perfectly for me.
Everyone, including the identified priests who engage sexually with any child is a pedophile.

The Catholic church seems to have been a breeding ground for them.

Sorry if I offend but it is the truth. And those who want to learn should seek out those texts referenced by Julia above.
Explod, its not just the Catholic Church involved in the Royal Commission.
You are not offending, but I have had my say.
Apology Ruby, the references to our ole Pal Pell, were from your post above.
Explod, its not just the Catholic Church involved in the Royal Commission.
You are not offending, but I have had my say.

Absolutely tink, this rot has no boundaries.

I do think, as has been mentioned here, that to expect celibacy and not allow priest to be married is bizarre.

As with equality and not allowing women to be ordained.
I do think, as has been mentioned here, that to expect celibacy and not allow priest to be married is bizarre.

As with equality and not allowing women to be ordained.

Of course it is. To choose a life of celibacy is completely abnormal. By insisting on celibacy from their priests and nuns, the Catholic church is unofficially stipulating that only abnormal people can apply to become nuns and priests. No wonder they attract so many queers.

Furthermore, allowing priests and nuns to marry would produce far more balanced people to give advice and look after their flock. Anyone whose been married and raised kids will know that marriage and raising children give you some different perspectives on life than when you were single and without children. I maintain that such people are far better equipped to understand and advise on the many issues that the average priest or nun would be confronted with through their parishioners.

As for the 'no women priests' rule, clearly that's just designed to keep the power in the hands of men, same as the discrimination against women that’s rife in the Islamic religion

Bunyip - absolutely agree!
To choose a life of celibacy is completely abnormal. By insisting on celibacy from their priests and nuns, the Catholic church is unofficially stipulating that only abnormal people can apply to become nuns and priests.

Another aspect of insisting on celibacy for priests and nuns is that it gives the message that a celibate state is 'holier' or more noble than that of one who is sexually active. The corollary is that sex is somewhat bad but acceptable only between married couples for the purpose of procreation. This inevitably leads to the thinking of those who ran the Mother and Baby institutions in Ireland, that having sex out side marriage was not only to be ostracised, but demanding physical punishment (hard labour) of the mother and neglect of their offspring.
St. Louis Archbishop denies knowing that child rape is a crime

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