Whew, got out today, 400,000 sold @ 0.015, not all complete yet, but most.
Very surprised to have got out intact, let alone with a small profit. What are other people seeing in it - maybe West Musgrave progress?
December Quarterly was released a few days ago with nothing positive about the HansTails tailings storage facility drilling campaign at all. So they started off air-core drilling, switched to augur drilling after 1 day and after moths of waiting we get this statement in the Quarterly,
"Due to issues with sample return and preparation arising from the drilling and the inherent uncertainty associated with properly evaluating the assay results, the Company will be undertaking an alternative follow up drilling programme using an alternate drilling technique such as sonic."
F*#k off, what does that mean? Where is the substance? What exactly are the "issues", what is "inherent uncertainty"? Is it me being obtuse or is that evasive gobbledygook to be feeding investors who've been waiting months on a result?
They do seem to be making progress on their West Musgrave copper tenements but I haven't taken any interest in that, being only prepared to blindly ride on it if I could get a free carry out of a share price boost upon positive HansTails results.