Ramon R,
i am pretty sure the ATO will treat your disposal at 1.40 as a CGT event, if you had them for more than 12 months and you will have to pay the tax in the current year and not in the future. if you had them for less than 12 months then that CGT will not be subject to 50% discount.
The price you pay for the new shares $1 will become your base cost to take into account if you dispose in the future. if you had kept your original share then simply the sum you paid for both divided by the quantity will give you the base cost per share, but in your instance these are to separate CGT events and have to pay CGT in the current year on the disposal of the first lot. you might want to check yout your accountant. i don't thin the washing provisions will apply as this is mainly for benefiting from a loss cristalised via disposal. you did not make a loss. and don't have a tax benefit in this situation.