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Propex Assessment

Nope, I think you will find that there has been a few that have spent time at Propex as a trainee then moved onto working in other fields.

Sorry I didn't clarify, I'm speaking in general terms w.r.t for example moving from Propex to GS prop desk. I've no doubt the skill set from Propex, if successful is transferable to other areas.
Nope, I think you will find that there has been a few that have spent time at Propex as a trainee then moved onto working in other fields.

Amen to that.

imo the trading at prop firm will not hurt your chances of going into insto directly. You may have trouble with 6-10 working hours after settling into 930-430
You may lack certain skills after working ONLY at a prop firm. Eg. At a prop trading firm you ARE the customer, at the insto side, almost everything you do is some kind of customer service/networking.
If he means transferring from prop to institutional in the future he may have a point. But nothing wrong with working at Propex. My opinion of course

Once you make these choices there's no turning back. I have always stuck with brand name firms early on in my career, and would advise younger people to start out in IBs, big 4 or retails if you can.
This is where I started out early on in my career and have no regrets. I still work there.
You can trade personally in your spare time, assess your performance personally, and if you can succeed consistently THEN make the jump.
In terms of 1K a month, this is not hard to achieve trading your personal account. You could probably do that trading 1 day per week personally.
There's no big difference between trading your personal account with a broker like IB + eSignal and doing that at Propex.

(Note: I am not a graduate, nor am I looking for work.).
There's no big difference between trading your personal account with a broker like IB + eSignal and doing that at Propex.

Actually I couldn't disagree more strongly. To me that sounds like the dreams of someone who would "hope" to trade for themselves one day rather than from someone who KNOWS how to trade for themselves.

The benefits of prop trading are huge and clearly underestimated by punters,

Just the drag on position size from living off your capital & paying tax makes it next to impossible to survive. But punters don't want to hear this or even consider it. Got plenty more on it but I'll let dreamers dream.

Yeah you're probably right in a sense.
But I am happy where I am now. Personal trading is just a hobby to me. Even though the sums I trade are large enough to live off. What many day traders do seriously for a living, I do as a hobby.

I would rather be at an IB than s**king **** at Propex. I prefer the lifestyle, brand name, networking and travel opportunities.

You're still selling yourself short on 1K a month, and taking a big risk with your career later down the track however. The toilet cleaners in my building earn more than that, and I don't see why they can't trade in their personal time too ... lol ... hahahaha

But that's why firms like propex like to go after graduates ... b/c they're poor and they don't know enough about the working world. green and willing to kick shyte.
The toilet cleaners in my building earn more than that, and I don't see why they can't trade in their personal time too ... lol ... hahahaha.

Because like every other dreamer they blow out trying to turn 10,000 into a mil.

but before they even take the step in real seriousness they don't want to succeed at going it alone, either prop or private, because they have never grown up and are always looking to find a substitute to suckling their mothers tit, ie wage slave. That is where a true career of " s**king **** " lies. :

1k a month is for you to survive on. In case you dont have a job.
The point is you're not there to get rich by earning 1k a month. The real money does not come for your 'allowance' but rather what you maker later on after you have developed skills and learned things a retail traders never even hears about or dreams about. You're getting cash backing from propex so from the start you'll have so much more potential than trading your own acct.

I think you'll find that s**king **** is what an IB does. Propex is where the big swinging dicks are.

"I work at Propex. I want to change my name to Greg "the swinging dick" Coffey."

If you want to go prop then do it. Don't say you weren't warned. Touche to you for changing your name.
I think you'll find that s**king **** is what an IB does. Propex is where the big swinging dicks are.

There is none so blind that cannot see.

probably cus they have someones pubes in their eyes.

Okay I'm sorry I offended people.

But funny you guys mention that.

I was wondering whether you guys could help refine my trading strategy since you're all experts and are gods among traders. My problem is this;

I trade the "MY EYES GOT PUBES" futures contract. It's a new product on the SNFE. I would like to either increase my contract size but every time I want to do it, I have to s**k my boss' c**k. I don't want to do this but have to.
The other way is to increase my drawdowns and let my "IB c**k s**ker stop loss point" increase.

This is hard too.
What should I do? I'm thinking i should s**k my boss' c**k more ? yes? no??
I can hardly see any more b/c there's so much pubes in my eyes.

Please help.



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clearly your boss was right to hold back position size. You got smoked on that dumb idea - selling into a news announcement. hahahahahaha

CascadeX its clear you have no idea of what size is available, in fact expected, by prop traders to move.

5 lots lol.

If you've read my post more carefully I mentioned "an IB", not a comment about interactive brokers.
Hope you didnt get hit on your 5lot when the jobs data came out.
ha ha what a chump.

Out of 2 traders I am friends with who left Propex (not that many I know have left), one is now at a hedge fund (someone this chump is rubbishing), the other is now at an IB.

Sucking c*ck........? Obviously has no clue what his talking about. The work environment is better than anywhere I've ever heard of!

BTW interview is not me or anyone else from here.

A guy from SIG posts on these forums, he may stumble accross and PM you if he reads this and may be able to arrange an interview. Though I can't remember his forum alias.

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