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Propex Assessment

You are only limited by your ability to trade and the volume you can move.

If your trading a big market(s) with big volume and doing well, then.........

Really only limited by your own ability, beliefs, psychological makeup IMO.
You are only limited by your ability to trade and the volume you can move.

If your trading a big market(s) with big volume and doing well, then.........

Really only limited by your own ability, beliefs, psychological makeup IMO.

So you are using their money right? do you have to put in any money of your own? do they allow you to use more and more leverage the better you get?

What do people normally do after they finish working with them?
So you are using their money right? do you have to put in any money of your own? do they allow you to use more and more leverage the better you get?

What do people normally do after they finish working with them?

If they are anything like the rest of the daytrading community, they probably leave burnt out, stressed, with high blood pressure, a drinking problem and will take whatever promises them a day with low stress levels and cushy guaranteed pay.

So most would probably end up working for the govt
lol, if you are interested in details, email them and ask. I'm only going into basics as it's not my place to say.

Sounds about right Professor, ha ha ha.

What do you do after you finish trading? I guess sit on a beach in the Maldives somewhere. Don't think any plan to go back to regular work.

Funny you mention that, but that's actually what I'm lookin at doing(for a little while anyway). The comment about high blood pressure comes after having visited the doc last week. Apparently it's not drastically high, but considering I'm 28, was high enough to warrant a lecture from the doc. Got the same lecture from my mum when I told her(she's a nurse), she informed me that it runs on both sides of the family too

Half the problem comes from not doing enough outside of trading - working from home with access to markets around the clock means I struggle to switch off at all at night.

Hopefully this picture of Tahiti will help you lower it


  • Bora-Bora_Island,_Tahiti,_French_Polynesia.jpg
    166.3 KB · Views: 34

ha ha, yeh, I never thought trading could be so frustrating and angering until I decided to sit infront of the screen and trade all day long! Probably a good idea to have a well deserved break!

Yeh, I find the more serious I take trading, the less time I get outside also. Infact, I currently play NO sports, my god, that would have never happened just a year ago!

Trade all day, then research all night and ponder over what trades I took that day and how I am going to time better entries (and to think I used to worry so much more about exits).

All worth it in the end though, I wouldn't rather be doing anything else when I sit back and think about it. Just have to find a balance I guess.

Good luck Professor! Another trader I know just came back from somewhere similar, and he looked like a new man! Clear eyes and a healthy tan! God I could do with that!

That picture above sure makes me jealous!

Hopefully this picture of Tahiti will help you lower it

Cheers NS!

Same here with the sports. Went from playing soccer and golf once a week to pretty well nothing. Find something, anything outside of trading to help strike a balance. Otherwise you might end up with a drinking problem and high blood pressure before you turn 30!

You've pretty well described my life since early 2006 MRC, trade, review, research, sleep, rinse and repeat.

A job that requires no thinking whatsoever, a pay check each and every week plus the ability to do some position trading so I don't completely lose touch might keep me occupied for a while.

The missus and I have been discussing how long this will last. Anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 years seems to be the rough timeframe. I think it will all depend on how well I handle being told what to do

Dude, go for a run. you will feel soo good after it (don't go for a run on a treadmill).

You will be able to sleep better, think clearer, handle stress better, you wont be as tired when you get up in the morning, and best of all, it gives you time to think of creative money making schemes

Its interesting looking at all the different houses and such. Go down streets you have never been before just to have a look. Make your way up a hill to see the view from the top. Admire the water and imagine your sailing on it (if your near water). Go now, don't procrastinate. Report back here when your done and tell us how you feel (Im about to go for mine to).

And to try and make my post somewhat relevant to the topic, does Propex like people who are physically active?::

Supplementing with magnesium and hawthorn berry tablets are fantastic for reducing high blood pressure. They are natural, so no nasty side affects like most blood pressure medication. (my g/f is a naturopath)

Have you thought about joining a gym? 3 x 45min sessions per week will do you wonders
Supplementing with magnesium and hawthorn berry tablets are fantastic for reducing high blood pressure. They are natural, so no nasty side affects like most blood pressure medication.

Care to point out any adequately powered double blind placebo controlled studies showing that any of these statements are true? (Or should we take your word for it?)
Yeh, I'm a lot newer to it than you Professor, but I can definatley relate.
I think if I did a job that required no thinking, I would be bored out of my brain.

Sounds like the missus is a good one, if she can already joke about it! ha ha. Though, does p*ss them off after a while! But hey, gotta get your priorities straight

Being able to trade for a living is a dream of mine, so accomplishing it is something when I go to my grave, I can smile upon. A real hard damn goal achieved!
Hi guys,

I have been invited to join come for a 30 min financial markets, math and logic test this thursday.

I would greatly appreciate if anyone could give me a heads up on what I need to know and what they might ask.

Any specific details like questions/answers would be much appreciated.


I went and did that test last week.

logic test you cant really study for, financial markets test you will cruise through if you actually do any trading, and the maths test is basic arithmetic which i suggest you study you ass off for. You need to be very very very quick.

p.s. I didnt get in I just need more then two days to revise and make my high school maths ultra fast.

Hi Naked Puts,

Right.. thanks for your quick reponse..
Can you remember what the financial markets and logic questions were?
Were the arithmetic long or short?

Thanks a million
Hi Naked Puts,

Right.. thanks for your quick reponse..
Can you remember what the financial markets and logic questions were?
Were the arithmetic long or short?

Thanks a million

Arithmetic was both. Logic test you can't study for. And the financial markets test you will do fine in if you have traded before. You have traded before right? You wouldn't be really showing one of the main things they are after (passion) if you haven't.

edit: One question on the financial markets test asks where the DOW is at.
I just sent in my CV for HR to have a look at. Would love to hear something back from them.

I'd so much prefer to trade rather do anything else for a career....

Anyone know when the next intake is?

( looks in MRC's direction )
I just sent in my CV for HR to have a look at. Would love to hear something back from them.

I'd so much prefer to trade rather do anything else for a career....

Anyone know when the next intake is?

( looks in MRC's direction )

What company did you send it to?
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