Tony Abbott accuses UN official of 'talking through her hat' on climate change
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has dismissed a UN assessment that the New South Wales fires are linked to climate change, accusing a senior UN official of "talking through her hat".
Earlier this week, the executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres, said the fires proved the world is "already paying the price of carbon".
She also criticised the Abbott Government's direct action plan to tackle climate change as being potentially "much more expensive" than the carbon pricing scheme that it is moving to dump.
But Mr Abbott argues that "fire is a part of the Australian experience" and not linked to climate change.
"The official in question is talking through her hat," he told 3AW.
"Climate change is real, as I've often said, and we should take strong action against it.
"But these fires are certainly not a function of climate change - they're just a function of life in Australia."
The Prime Minister fought the fires himself last Saturday night with his local Davidson Rural Fire Service (RFS) brigade in the Bilpin area of the Blue Mountains.
"We lit up various back-burns," he said explaining what his work with the RFS involves.
"You get out the drip torch, you light up along a fire trail or a cleared area, you get the fire going then you watch for a while to make sure it's behaving itself, then you wait to get re-tasked."