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Program: The Great Global Warming Swindle

Don't you love how these self appointed experts comment on anything and everything that makes the headlines. Funny how no matter what happens it is always "climate change causing it"

The facts are that aboriginals lived quite happily for thousands of years in the exact same bush that we now live in fear of. The bush that now exists in Oz is what adapted to the aboriginal way, yet we come along and change that and then wonder why we have a problem.

The arrogance and stupidity of modern man is breathtaking
What a farce, as if you can blame Global Warming on the NSW bushfires, this sham industry is a pox on us all.

Thank you Mr Burns. I am from the mountains and nearly drove into that fire storm last Thursday, as I am not currently staying in the mountains. I have been very upset over the destruction, but thankful that no lives have so far been lost.

I was sickened by Bandt's comments and also today by that ABC news story you quoted. These are not the only incidents, it is as if the ABC are determined to push it. I find it offensive that they would use this disaster to push their propaganda and have to turn the tv off.

When I lived in the mountains, certain unreasonable environmental influences would often interfere with many residents ability to manage their properties appropriately. You may occasionally hear a comment by a resident preparing for the worst that he could have done more to protect his property if he wasn't hampered. It is obvious what he is saying.

The greens may claim to favour preventative burning off in words but in action they and those who are influenced by them actively obstruct this process as well as other preventative measures.
HA well done Tony, telling it like it is -
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