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Program: The Great Global Warming Swindle

rederob said:
Not enough evidence for what?
To convince you that the Earth is now warmer than it was?
Or that the Earth is not getting warmer?

What are the "relevant" issues?
The causes of global warming, or the effects of global warming?
The causes, either way.

There can be no doubt that the earth is warming.

As a fellow scientist I respect that you feel there is not enough evidence chop's. I disagree and thats my opinion. Just remember that although we may be wrong some of the time, we also get it right and thats what scares me. Too many people have their heads in the sand. I used to think like that. In denial that there was a problem. For me the evidence is enough for us to start preparing for the worst. I honestly hope we're wrong because if the scientist are right the future looks clouded to say the least.
billhill said:
..because if the scientist are right the future looks clouded to say the least.
ahh , bill, - but then the earth cools and .... (jokin)

repeating ghoti's link, :-
"The programme failed to point out that scientists had now explained the period of "global cooling" between 1940 and 1970. It was caused by industrial emissions of sulphate pollutants, which tend to reflect sunlight. ",

If this is so, are we doing the wrong thing in stopping pollution
equally, (same result), should be be sending up millions of balloons to act as "fake clouds"??


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transferance of guilt - a natural psychological process I'm told.
"US-Aust initiative " is all about action in the developing nations??
who do we think we are ? to set ourselves up as the only ones entitled to development / timber clearing etc. (this was covered in that Channel 4 video you may recall)

Thought for the day ...
"Mr Turnbull says there is nothing new in the report and the Government is doing all it can to save the reef, but admits that may not be possible."

Yet wasn't it just a few months ago that it was all "she'll be right - nothing to panic about folks." ??
The prime minister saying "Al Gore is just trying to promote his movie"...
the treasurer saying that "it will be bad in 50 years, and we plan to do something before then ..."

Sounds like an admission of gross incompetence to me. - anyone disgaree.?


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NASA Scientists are reporting that Mars is facing their own global Warming issues... That says that Global Warming has less to do with Carbon emissions than The sun burning at a Hotter Temperature
NASA Scientists are reporting that Mars is facing their own global Warming issues... That says that Global Warming has less to do with Carbon emissions than The sun burning at a Hotter Temperature
yep saw that m8. intresting isnt it Mars has all these geological features that appear to be canyons carved by water yet only the poles of Mars are currently "water / ice" according to the photos - you wonder if that will happen again (?)

still, we shouldn't ignore our own contribution to the problem on earth , yes?

And you'd have to agree surely, that for us to propose doing things overseas (in developing countries , reduced forest clearing etc) - without AT LEAST matching them at home - "dollar for dollar", or let's call it "tree for tree" - it is hardly valid compensation for our own (first world) excesses. ?
Not to mention that we refused to ban the importation of illegally logged timber from the areas that we are funding to protect. Or to stop the logging of old growth forests in Australia.

There are some rather hypocritical messages here.

Plus the cutting of funding to all sustainable logging programmes in PNG (which provided thousands of villagers with an ongoing income). This itself has led to rampant forest clearing in these areas that were being managed well.

Shame Australia, shame.
I wonder could it be , chops - lol - that PNG timber getters dont vote in Aus How dare we ! Are we such cretons as even to suggest it to them? Maybe I'm missing something , but it smells like an insult, looks like an insult - heck, maybe it really IS an insult ? (yet Rudd and Howard are both behind it ? - gotta be something to do with Tasmania lol)

PS The reasoning seems to be "give them money in exchange" - they will be happy ! (?)
I have worked in three expatriate situations.
a) PNG, where the Aussies ran the place - using alcohol as the common denominator lol - since we left in 1972, the elections are decided on who provides the most free booze (plus of course the "which one is my one-talk" system)
b) American Samoa, where the yanks ran the place on the dollar - keep em financially "fat" and they'll be happy - trouble is that the people become lazy and sadly lose any zest for life - I can tell you their brothers and sisters in the much poorer Western Samoa ( under NZ administration) are thinner, poorer, and infinitely more happy.
c) finally in HK where the combination of British internationalism , and chinese industry and "business skills", have proved to be an incredibly successful combination - a giant dragon in Asia. (although possibly becoming overshadowed by Shanghai in recent times - local politics etc - but I'm talking about pre 1997 of course)

No question which one is the best system. - and it ain't the one where the people get handouts ( sheesh - reminds me of the Indian reservations ;( "how many blankets for your land, redskin- and your dignity - and your buffalo etc etc ??" )
I suspect Global Warming is another neo-conservative fear campaign.

Something stinks at the highest levels of Power on this Planet, the question is, What are they trying to achieve?

They weren't handouts 20/20. Most of the funding was for equipment and marketing, so that they had somewhere to sell their product. And the reason why they didn't have to clear massive amounts of land, was because all of the money raised went to the community, not a company.

But in my reading of the topic over the last few years is that the interests involved in PNG have significant lobbying/ donating/ bribing power over the nationals.

(RH are the biggest logging company in PNG)

Nuff said.
ahh yes.
two things , my comment about handouts relates to Aus giving handouts to PNG etc to stop land clearing, (which I understand is the flipside of this latest proposal to gain , in effect , carbon credits - those things that we refuse to acknowledge ) ...and so clear our consciences for us..

but then .. whilst I referred to the Chinese industry in HK, you introduce the topic of recent Malaysian timber industry ethics, which is subtley "different" I can tell you a few stories there too - for instance, put all your money in the Malaysian stock exchange lol - see if you end up with 10% of your investment

PS shortest job in the world? - lol , Forestry Minister in PNG (and let's not talk about Sarawak, various islands of Indonesia etc)
It is different but I was pointing out the fact that the Australian government has a huge role in this (bigger than what anyone could imagine) as they are approving the clearing of forest and cutting deals with these same people. THAT is the reason the libs wont do anything about the issue. It's got nothing to do with Malaysian ethics, but our role in the problem in Australia.
i remain as always open minded, lol , I will do some more research and/or ask you to amplify lol

PS Pauline Hanson may have been a fringe dweller, but lol , she will go down in history with that comment / reply "please explain" !!:silly:

PPS we have perfectly good trees in Tasmania if they want to get serious about saving trees
NASA Scientists are reporting that Mars is facing their own global Warming issues... That says that Global Warming has less to do with Carbon emissions than The sun burning at a Hotter Temperature

As far as we know Mars is unpopulated. If Mars is also experiencing global warming, then presumably it cannot be attributed to the actions of man. Doesn't it then follow that global warming on our own planet may also not in fact be due to anything we have done or are doing?
It is the net change in forest cover that is the real issue. If you clearfell and burn a forest then that's releasing carbon. If you replant it then that slowly soaks it back up again.

It's not really that different to harvesting wheat. If you eat it then ultimately that releases carbon dioxide. Then you plant more wheat which soaks that carbon back up again.

Done properly, a lot of wood can be cut on a sustainable basis without permanently adding carbon to the atmosphere. It's when there is permanent clearing of land that it's a problem.
As far as we know Mars is unpopulated.
ahhh c'mon Julia.
where did you get that idea?

I saw this doumentary from USA presented by Arnie Schwarz - and he had this big lump in his nose that he pulls out with these bludy big tweezers - and it proved there are lots of people on Mars.!

PS yep I found that real interesting as well - and we come back to the question, what percentage of GW is natural, eg due to the sun and what percentage is man made.

(make that EGW Earth's Global Warming - since we now have to differentiate it seems)

Note that it is driven (probably indirectly granted - but this is what they say in the article results from the sun, then the winds then the dust etc) by a similar phenomenon to CO2 greenhouse effect on earth, but almost certainly the prime driver is the sun. - and 100% certain it aint mad made - unless the martians are putting up a red smoke screen to stop earthlings observing them from all these Viking and Global Surveyor missions peeping toms

PS let's do our best to minimise CO2, but give the third world a break and let them have less efficient power sources. (i.e. the other option would be to give them nuclear power plants I guess, but I would not be going there , personally - too many Homer Simpsons around over here, let alone there )

PPS Interesting too that 0.65 deg C is not too different from the effect on Earth since the 1970's


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I find that sequence interesting in itself .... radiation > strong winds (hurricanes , cyclones etc) > dust > presumably rapid increase in the warming

a) winds are increasing on earth yes? stable mates in tandem?
b) I wonder if this problem on Mars becomes unstable, i.e. becomes a viscious circle - obviously not because it must've been through the cycle many times ... or rather I wonder how long it takes to settle again? - does it need the sun's radiation to decrease before it stabilizes?
c) if you want to get a clear photo of Mars, better do it now before it gets too windy

I also find it interesting that the concept of dust "trapping heat" in that article is contrary to what happens on earth - in that pollution tends to prevent heat getting here in the first place. - i.e. According to those comments triggered by the Channel 4 program, pollution has a cooling effect.

I am getting a little suspicious of the accuracy of this one. But if someone out there is an expert on Mars then great, maybe they could set me straight here.
This one acknowledges GW but refutes CO2 as the cause and pins it on solar activity. Does a good job of it.

Pollution is still the biggy for me rather than co2.

A scientist up the road from me, is in his 70's and has been talking about Global Warming being a serious problem, but due to the declining amounts of oxygen in our atmosphere, thus the world has less insulation. Its an interesting point, and the only research done on this was back in the 60's and 70's and in that decade the amount of oxygen dropped dramtically, then once that was found out the funding was dropped and no more research has been done.

He is a really smart guy, and his back shed is amazing with all the jacobs ladders, and lightning machines pumping out millions of volts. It was very interesting going to his place to listen to him talk about it.
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