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Prince Harry - Paki Slur

i live in london and it seems the you can hardly say anyhting to anyone about race. its just a minefield.....

best to play dumb. if i see an african and we get talking i never ask where they are form..... if they mention africa i say...."what you are from africa.... reallly? i thought you were british oh wow...."

i never use the world "black" "negro" "african" etc etc. if you call someone black who is actually black someoen will point out hwo rude you are and say.... how dare you point out to that man that they are black.... totally unforgivable.

similar with idnians and pakistanis

similar with the "poor" arabs..... lebanese palestinains egyptians syrians.

the rich arabs: dubai, kuwaitt, saudi, oman, etc.... i think you can say anythign to them or about them. it wont result in a bashing or a discrimination case against you but they will probably never give you job.

you can call a white perosn a "cracker", "whitey face", "no pigment fool" a "pom" and it is no problem at all.

it all ocmes down to how big o fa chip on your sholders you have. and some minorities have a very big chip indeed
Oh brother, this is getting ridiculous!!!!



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Names sometimes seem to stick and looking back in the past were more accepted.
Apologies in advance if I upset anyone.
One former school friend was called "ladders" for obvious reasons. Other names from memory were: Mousy, Teefth, Curly, Plates, Slitty and Army.
I won't explain the reasons because the post would be deleted now, but if this was the 1950's, with the internet, not an eyelid would have been batted.

Ha, ha Slim. But are you dyslexic or do you just get excited when you type? Now don't go getting offended here mate. Do quite like your terms "idnians" and "white perosn".

If I call them "non reflective people" would that be considered offensive or racist.
Actually, the PC mob getting offended, outraged and looking to cut off Harry's nuts are, as Ronnie Barker would say..... a bunch of forrible huckers with fetty sweet and fetty swannies. Now surely that would not be considered offensive, would it?................
Actually this topic is a actually whole load of bollocks. But amusing nonetheless.
World is changing from the Uncle Tom's Cabin days and now we got an Afro American President in USA (Does any one now dare to call him a Negro which was so common only few years back) .

Yes indeed, an Uncle Tom US President-elect and 'wiggers' rappin' in the ghetto's

It's funny...a Caucasian can't refer to any other race, even if it's friendly
banter without the pc crowd labeling it racism.

Yet the amount of racial slurs aimed at whites is astounding and no one bats an eyelid! It seems to be water under the bridge when a white is called a gringo, pale face, cracker, gubba by an 'abo', honky, bule by our neighbours directly north, white devil by the Chinese, round eye, white ghost, peckerwood, albino, or haole by some 130kg Hawaiian surfer you dropped in on at Pipeline.

Yet with no malice intended calling someone a 'paki' or 'jap' can land you in hot water!

It was reported in a local suburban paper that it's readers were the most racists in Sydney. The mayor of this municipality found that absurd since nearly all the residents of the area were migrants from overseas and therefore couldn't be racists! This is implying that even though this area has migrants who 'racially' don't like each other due to tensions overseas and the cultural and religious clashes that exist the mayor still considers this less meaningful than the supposed racism from the Anglo-Celtic community!! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!

great posting my learned friend from London

I wonder if the people in London actually speak and write English as well ?

At least they must be using spell checkers and right grammar while writing English correctly. Do not know and hope this honest question is not racism or equal to pretending before a dark African ' really were you from Africa" !!

Probably all English speaking people have left London to come to Australia (thanks to high housing price in Perth now) leaving Indians. Pakistanis and Bangladeshis to manage the restaraunts, buses, trains and South Africans to lead English (sorry KP for your temporary removal) cricket team. So never mind for your English (call it casual writing now).
People just need to harden the %&#! up!!!

Paki, abo, pom....geez chillout, they are just abreviations.
Sure , most of the time they are probably used in non endearing ways because (for example)..Go home Pakastani...doesn't have the same ring to it as Go home Paki.

Call me a "whitie" I couldn't care less!! Its always the "poor me Im getting picked on and insulted by these harsh words like" Paki (for example)

If only the rest of the world had the laid back attitude of most Australians.

As for Harry, well he was 21 at the time and I can honestly say that there's a pretty good chance I was using that termanology at that age....and worse!
Didnt some righteous soul have the "sooty and sweep " show banned in england years ago ?
Originally posted by Nunthewiser:

"personally think everyone should have a friend named "sooty "

Our pet dog is called Sooty and he's Black!!
Harry has at least redeemed himself with the gay community. The video shows Harry mouthing the words "I love you" to a fellow soldier and then kissing him and licking his face. A leading gay rights campaigner said Harry was " rather liberated and enlightened for a straight man.":headshake
Re: Prince Harry

Prince Harry is again in trouble with the lefties, for, wait for it, " killing Taliban ".

from The Independent UK

What a wally is Mr.German.

It's his job, for gawds sake.

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