tls is a dog, a three legged old one, with rabies at that, esp when so many others r out there. i like he idea of the two banks having a duopoly, they r screwing kiwis more than here, predictable tho. i hate banks.
good pru gave us 'a look in'
gir only gave me a few shares before i ran away sadly.
i just bought some lime/dolomite, god its a rippoff. 60 a ton.
just crushed rock, from an enormous local resource.
i worked out i could waste 4k on the very small block for lime alone, let alone the npk products.
i'll be keeping an eye on mak and yr charts thanks.
despite some farmers loading up on debt when they got greedy, prices r so hi for dairy and beef, ie the products still get piled on. dairy bottomed a few months back for fonterra.
when and how did u turf yr dmm, i still hold, pidly amount tho.
oh, why i posted, was i saw today how the pru statement was due to a tax haven holder, seems rather popular, and went to the ato site, and right on the front page it had a speel about an amnesty on such matters. i can just see all the crooks, read bikers thru to bankers, lining up at the ato.
i just rang the ato, i now partly know why u'd flag them and get setup in say vanuatu, much easier.
seems the australasian gov's r jumping on the throw the carbon tax out for a bit, bandwagon. must be good for resources.
anz is going to get sued in nz over misleading investment advice, one action of many id say.
more fees for us no doubt.