Hi CamKawa --
According to what he says in the book and what I can find out, the software Dr Tharp uses for the examples in his book "The Definitive Guide to Position Sizing" is proprietary and not available.
The type of simulation Dr Tharp is describing is reordering of closed trades. This is a legitimate and valuable way to study the effect that taking the same trades in a different order might have on the results of a trading system.
There are alternatives available to all of us at little or no cost that will perform some of the same functions.
Equity Monaco. A free position size calculator / simulator published by TickQuest. It accepts a file, in ASCII format, of closed trade results, and performs Monte Carlo analysis of reordering the closed trades. Highly recommended.
Market Systems Analyzer. Costs about US$350, but sometimes available for a little less. Published by Adaptrade. Does everything Equity Monaco does, plus tests aggressive position sizing methods. I highly recommend this program -- provided you understand trading system development, trading system validation, account risk, trade risk, and aggressive position sizing, and you are not a novice trader. Using aggressive position sizing with a trading system that has not passed tests of statistical validation will result in a swift trip to bankruptcy.
There are several program using the name TradeSim.
One from the University of Illinois that is no longer supported.
One from CompuVision that is an addon for MetaStock. This program performs simulations in a significantly different manner than than Dr Tharp's, Equity Monaco, or Market Systems Analyzer. Get current specifications from the website.
One from Trade Lab Strategies that is no longer supported, although it appears to be a live site. The program runs but is outdated. Do not buy it until / unless you have gotten in touch with the developer and received a current version of the program. (I could not get any response from them.) The web site has some valuable documentation. Read all the papers and get Larry Sanders' book in pdf format.
As you read Dr Tharp's book, be aware that his view on limiting the number of data points that will be used to compute the metric he refers to as System Quality Number is controversial (and, in my opinion, bad science). And some of his recommendations regarding the SQN values that trading system developers should be able to achieve are unrealistic. Search ASF using my name for threads related to this. Having said all that, Dr Tharp's book is well worth reading.
If you are thinking about using aggressive position sizing, read Ralph Vince's books. He has written at least five. The latest is "The Leverage Space Trading Model" and is highly recommended. If you read it and do not understand it, do not use aggressive position sizing.
Also read the paper "Monte-Carlo Evaluation of Trading Systems" by Dr. Timothy Masters (and anything else of his you can find). It is available here:
I hope this helps,