Hi Native Metal,
You have done well to appreciate the need to understand Risk and Money Management.
I am a discretionary trader, I have rules for entry, rules for trade management, rules for exit etc - and they are all written in my trading plan.
There should be a section in your trading plan for Risk and Money Management - this is the most important part of your plan, and can mean the difference between being a profitable or losing trader - no matter how good your analysis is.
The need for money management comes from the fact that we cannot consistently predict what the market will do. The worlds greatest analyst cannot consistently pick winng trades - we all pick losers from time to time.
Our analysis should increase the probability of our trades being profitable - but the market may decide otherwise - so if we can't control what the market will do - then we should concentrate on what we can control - RISK
Risk is what we are prepared to pay (lose), if our analysis proves to be wrong. As demonstrated in Nizar's post.
There are two %ages that are important to my trading and these are:
2% of trading capital (this changes on a day to day basis, if you are an end of day trader) is the maximum risk that I am willing to take on any single trade.
6% of trading capital is the maximum risk that I am prepared to have exposed in the market at any one time.
Risk is potential loss, and is at its max. when you enter a trade - if price moves in your favour, your stop loss level approaches the entry price, at which point your risk becomes zero. (frees up capital to be used for an additional trade)
If I had $40,000 trading capital and was a new trader - I would only commit $10,000 to trading for the first year.
I would keep good records of all my trades - and learn from them!! i.e. what did I do right/wrong, what can I improve on etc. etc. Keep your trades small, if they are profitable - good, if they are losers - good (so long as you learn from them!!)
Another book that I would reccommend reading is "Trade your way to Financial Freedom" 2nd Edition, Van Tharp
Don't be in a hurry to start trading - as they say "the market will still be there to-morrow". There is a lot of useful information in the archives of this forum - take a look!
Learning to trade well, is a long and winding road.
I hope the above will be of help
Good trading