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Portfolio Software or Spreadsheets For Managing CommSec Trades

28 April 2020
Hi All

I currently trade via comsec and currently download the Confirmations via csv into a 'home made' spreadsheet that requires some additional manual work to calculate trade P/L, running P/L etc. My short term system generates a lot of trades and it can be time consuming.

Im looking for a less time consuming / more automated way to do this and found that allows you to download data from your comsec account and it then does the work for you.
It seems to access the data you need to supply your comsec login details which i would be reluctant to do

Anyone using this software and any feedback would be appreciated OR any other suggestions.Thanks

I trade with CMC markets and they recommend using sharesight. I use sharesight as more of a backup reporting tool. I still record every trade in a separate spreadsheet. But I like that every trade I make is uploaded automatically and it's a complete financial history if I somehow lose my own data.

I think it does a great job if you mostly have buy and hold stocks, or only trade a single system. It records all dividends and managed fund distributions and provides detailed reports for tax purposes. I had some demergers and sharesight made it easy to figure out how to handle that.

It's easy to view your capital gains and dividends over various periods, and can be compared with a benchmark. But it lacks the full range of metrics a trader would want when comparing the performance of multiple systems. It is also limited to a certain number of portfolios and "groups". So not as useful to a trader who may have a variety of different systems, or systems that evolved from v1 to v2 and want to keep all the records organised separately. They have a free version you can try, but only up to 10 holdings.

Otherwise... I was going to recommend Share Trade Tracker, but I went to the website and is say discontinued? The only other one I know of is Stator AFM - Stator AFM has been recommended on here previously by a few people. It is an outright purchase rather than a subscription and has a 1 month free trial. I downloaded it last week but haven't entered the data in yet so I can't comment.
Hi Lone Wolf

Many thanks for the review and detailed reply - very helpful. I only need it for a single system (my short term system), as i have a spreadsheet setup for my weekly system that generates relatively few trades. I'll try sharesight via the free trial. Yes, i saw Share Trade Tracker is no longer available.

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