Hello you very wonderful and intelligent individuals that make up these forums. I sincerely hope you are having a good weekend and are in good health.
I was kindly wondering with the turbulent last few years and the economy being unstable, what your portfolio balance is like please. For instance i know some people have a certain percentage in an All World Index ETF, then possibly a certain percentage in stocks. Can i very kindly please ask what percentage you have in ETFs, stocks and any other alternative investments like gold for instance? Lastly if you please had time would you very kindly be able to leave the names of the funds and stocks you have purchased? If you could kindly help with this i would be forever grateful, i am fairly new to investing, starting 3 years ago, ive found it difficult as i got into investing around the Coronavirus time.
If anyone could kindly help with this i would be forever grateful and it would help me research new investment ideas and hopefully balance my portfolio better. I primarily had 100% in stocks, in the UK and US, some large cap and some small cap.
I have learned so much by being part of this amazing forum and talking to you wonderful people here. Thanks so much for your kindness, everyone here is fantastic and been very helpful, i cant thank you all enough. Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope you continue to achieve massive success in the stock market. Very best wishes to you and hope you stay happy and healthy. Take care.
gold ( and silver ) i wouldn't tell you even if i had some ( i won't touch 'paper gold or silver whether futures or ETFs ) now shares in gold ( copper and silver )
miners if have a fair assortment of those , probably over 10% especially if you add in stocks like S32 and ZIM , where gold and silver are not the main products
all the world ETF ?? NO , i love to 'cherry pick ' and that target is Asia ( without heavy exposure to Japan ) and India in particular although i do have a managed fund with India ( and Asia )focus , Asia for all it's flaws seems to be the best growth bet to me ( India , Indonesia , Singapore , even PNG which while not actually Asia i think will start to make stronger relationships with various nations
Asia weighting less than 10% say 8% or 10% if you add PNG
internationally i also have exposure to New Zealand , primarily their utility companies ( power and telecommunications ) but not exclusively so ( say 5% of the stock portfolio )
since the pandemic i have relaxed my strong bias against Africa , but still remain very cautious there ( mainly via ZIM is my main investment )
i have drastically reduced my exposure to the UK , EU and US to me they look like they will turn into tax black-holes ( tax your dead grandmothers gold teeth if they can ) i can't avoid them entirely, companies , like HVN , NST and others still think they will make some profits there , and MQG ... well they will find a way to extract wealth from unicorn f**ts ( but am watching to see if i can score a nice parting gift ... $200 a share sounds reasonable )
now it might not seem like it to you , but 2020 was an amazing time to be entering the markets , especially if you were lucky and relatively cashed up , i stumbled into the markets in 2011 , similar but different , lots of worry and panic, but knew i had to park the money and learn fast ( from losers AND winners )
stocks vs. other investments that's a little tricky the primary asset is a home/farm/hobby/food source ... but i slashed a fair bit of the stock portfolio to acquire that asset , since the banks wanted to play dicks ( thought they could squeeze me into a bridging loan instead of a mortgage ) despite having plenty of equity , ( those smug a**holes rely on their computers for their modelling )
so WBC almost gone , MQG slashed , BOQ gone , BEN gone SUN gutted , loyalty repaid in full ( and the majority of the remaining cash went to an unlisted ADI )
say 40% stocks ( ETFs LICs REITs etc ) 50% property ( including fruit trees ) and 10% livestock
you may note no mention of interest-bearing securities i have trivial exposure to them after 2017 i watched Greece and Cyprus with morbid fascination , and thought today it was them , when will they come after me