Found a wholesome use for pr0n,
One of my sons is an avid gamer, but less avid at household duties.
Periodically, he emerges from his cave to screech at various family members in turn
"are you downloading ?"
The reason is that multiple downloading large files cause his game to "lag" , presumably not a good scenario in multi-player real-time battle games
So I have devised a plan that seems to be working so far
here is the script:
son..Are you downloading?
son..can you stop.
son..what is it?
son...shocked spluttering, expletives, cussing
me..maybe i can if u do that work I've asked you to do 3 times already! dont have to download actual pr0n, can be any decent size file, just the shock tactics of saying "pr0n", he seems to know this is checkmate, although eventually extra lines of dialogue may need to be added.
Pretend you are a politician, stick to the theme
... that is pr0n, how you want too see it now, have found a hot new series..etc not allow yourself to be distracted by hysterical arguments...maintain your immorality
Most teenagers are very good at arguing against their parents, but I suspect that not many could match these tactics. I dont know whether he thinks I am downloading pr0n or not, they just dont seem to want to have a lengthy debate on the matter