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Popular Business Models

18 November 2021
Hello you very intelligent and wonderful people that make up these forums. I sincerely hope you are having a good week and doing well.

I was kindly looking for new stocks and was trying to look for businesses which had a high demand business model. Similar to when Zoom was in demand back in the pandemic when everyone was working from home. I know that Artificial Intelligence is already a very hot area, you could also say that electric vehicle battery manufacturer stocks could be popular in this period. I kindly wondered please if anyone else had any thoughts on other businesses that have a high demand for their products or services please? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.

Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope you do amazing with your investing and have a wonderful and happy life. Very best wishes to you.
am not doing so well on picking winners 'with a new exciting disruptive businesses ' sure i have had a couple stabs that petered out , and avoided some others ( which haven't broken any records , either )

possibly VIT will diversify from Marijuana products to morph into a mainly tele-health franchiser but i don't expect a multi-bagger anytime soon

the main problem i see for 'growth businesses' will be non-bank funding which i see becoming very cautious

( i hold VIT )
I think that its the wrong way to approach investing, a high demand business model doesnt mean an operator in that sector will be a good business. Just look at UBER, no doubt a high demand business, but its a terrible, serial loss maker. I guess if you are a speculator rather than an investor, then following short term momentum from perceived high demand things like AI & EV battery tech might pay off?
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