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Pommy Backpacker Profits from Emergency Services Rescue

Profits should go paying the cost of rescue. I'm happy for him to have the rest.


The media will beat anything up, why on earth 60 Minutes are interviewing Mathew Newton ?
I couldnt think of anything more boring.
There is no way he should profit from this it will only encourage others to fake it.
I think thats happened in the past.
Thanks Prawn. I am amazed GG didn't read the article as he posted it.
The whole story including the headline smacks of profiteering UNTIL you get to that one line that says he isn't
NZ has a very good law in regards to dangerous sports (skydiving/bungee diving etc etc). Once you sign to dotted line, you can't sue somebody.

End of story.

Australia should have a similar approach.

If you come here (or our waters), get lost/found, emergency services required for life retrieval, etc etc...'all profits (if story is sold or otherwise) must go to a charity or back to services rendered'.

We are selling ourselves short.
The headline is -

British backpacker sells outback survival story

It should have been -

British backpacker sells outback survival story, donates proceeds to rescue services.

That is no longer a headline, it is a story!
What a fantastic gesture..

I will think it is even more amazing once the cheque gets handed over.. I am a cynic at heart.

I think the blame lies entirely with the ABC and I would think they already know about it.

I'll leave that for others to judge.

The mention of the donation of all money earned for the story to rescue services is buried quite deep in the article.

I include a quote from the young man, further up the page, which could apply to anyone reading this article.

My mistake was that I picked the quickest route through the trees. I ended up zig-zagging around and I lost my bearings.

Sam Woodhead, quoted in Britain's Daily Mail

It is our ABC, and I am sure they would never intentionally deceive the Australian viewer or online readership.

I again apologise.

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