Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Poetic Justice


Everyone wants money
8 August 2006
Poetic justice is a literary device in which virtue is ultimately rewarded or vice punished, often in modern literature by an ironic twist of fate intimately related to the character's own conduct.
Being the focus of judgement and attempted retribution before, I have always wished bad luck upon those judging me. They are cowardly, faceless and use other people to spread their word.

I had my bank details released while with the ANZ bank. I have my internet site visits monitored by Telstra. I notice these companies are severing jobs. Poetic justice?

While living in Brisbane I was attacked, falsely relieved of employment, belongings stolen, antagonised and bad mouthed. The worst city I have lived in. I notice Brisbane flooded. Poetic justice?

Be good to each other, mind your own business and may poetic justice be with you. ;)
Had a man whose wife was rushed to hospital with heart problems and wanted $600 in hurry I sent the money over and he took her out of hospital but refused to pay the account, I sue him he denied every thing claimed I forged the receipts, the Dr. gave her 3 yrs to live unless she had an Op, she has now been taken back to hospital almost 3 yrs later now he need money fast again.

She is to be sued for perjury on the 7 of March.
If he had of paid as agreed he would now be able to once again borrow from me.
If he had of paid as agreed he would now be able to once again borrow from me.
People should do the right thing and more life joy will follow.

On the virtuous side I have found blood donation, financial donation and physical donation allowed truer people into my life.
On the virtuous side I have found blood donation, financial donation and physical donation allowed truer people into my life.

Hence why l donate to charity (Westpac rescue chopper/salvo's) and also give blood. Even though l'm a poor student now, l still give what l can. It usually comes back 10 fold l've found. Karma????
Hence why l donate to charity (Westpac rescue chopper/salvo's) and also give blood. Even though l'm a poor student now, l still give what l can. It usually comes back 10 fold l've found. Karma????
More likely you get a "good guy" tag with opportunity and preference swinging your way. After all it is other peoples opinions that determine outcomes.
I had my bank details released while with the ANZ bank. I have my internet site visits monitored by Telstra. I notice these companies are severing jobs. Poetic justice?
I don't understand how you consider it "justice" that a system failure by ANZ Bank
should be balanced out by individual bank employees losing their jobs. Quite illogical and unreasonable imo.

While living in Brisbane I was attacked, falsely relieved of employment, belongings stolen, antagonised and bad mouthed. The worst city I have lived in. I notice Brisbane flooded. Poetic justice?
Again, you seem to be considering the individual misery of home and business owners in Brisbane due to the floods to be some sort of 'payback' for some singular unpleasant event which you don't actually explain.
Seems pretty distorted thinking to me.
I had my bank details released while with the ANZ bank. I have my internet site visits monitored by Telstra. I notice these companies are severing jobs. Poetic justice?
ANZ and Telstra are not living beings and most of those who lose their jobs will get on with their life one way or another and for the majority who remain, life goes on as normal.

You need to have a more positive outlook if you want to be happier.
I didn't do anything to those people.

Ah - but you have wronged somebody, unless you are a saint. Or perhaps it was because you are vindictive. You must be really somebody if a flooded city is retribution for your perceived insults. It reminds me of God sending ten plagues upon the Egyptians because the Pharaoh would't free the Hebrews.
Again, you seem to be considering the individual misery of home and business owners in Brisbane due to the floods to be some sort of 'payback' for some singular unpleasant event which you don't actually explain.
Seems pretty distorted thinking to me.
Singular not Julia. At different locations and times over 12 years I had my trade tools stolen (big expense to renew), one surfboard, one mountain bike, sacked from job for standing up against bullies while the supervisor let the bullying go on (they kept job), sacked from another job by employer because she was "told" I wasn't working hard enough (I worked hard as others), threatened with steel rod and left worksite same day, dating agency ripped me for $800 by supplying false women (disinterested in first date beyond telephone calls), a friend of a former housemate entering my house while I was not there (set trap with table behind door which was moved, she had spare key), walking down Edward street and gang member walks straight at me with cocked elbow and pulls out of the hit, telephone call from a stranger telling me life is hard being gay (I am straight), beer bottles thrown on the house, an unwanted (by the other half) pregnancy which never saw daylight and I think that will do me for a **** city.

I'm sorry for the people that were not involved.
Ah - but you have wronged somebody, unless you are a saint.
Yes I wronged someone once many many many years ago and I paid my dues for it. People should move on. I have moved back to my home town and people treat me normal, with honesty and respect.
Yes I wronged someone once many many many years ago and I paid my dues for it. People should move on. I have moved back to my home town and people treat me normal, with honesty and respect.

"Many of us leave the protective cocoon of home and school only to find that we aren't prepared for the big bad world."
Wysiwyg, I've done a lot of reading on karma over many years. Nothing from Buddhist literature ever satisfied me; the explanations were all fear-based. I've been on forums and asked and questioned and argued with people, and just recently I came across this explanation from a guy on a 'yahoo answers' thread, of all things. It felt right. Hope you like it.


"I was raised in the practice of raja yoga, including the concepts of karma.
For 11 years now, I have been taking weekly lessons in Tibetan Buddhism from one of the Dalai Lama's monks living in my city ... new students ask a LOT of question about karma, so the topic is well-covered.
I also have a degree in psychology.

No. Karma is not a milder version of belief in heaven/hell.

The belief in heaven or hell is that it is a judgment by a Higher Power. It contains the concepts of punishment or reward ... and both punishment and reward rely on a power outside ourselves that is capable of punishing or rewarding. Psychologically speaking, it is a concept of "external locus of control", which incidentally is associated with higher incidences of clinical depression.

The belief in karma is that it is the same as a neurochemical imprint made into our brain, an imprint made by every thought, action, speech and feeling of ours. And that however he have made ourselves to be by setting these imprints within us ... we will eventually draw to us those circumstances and people that MATCH our internal imprints. Certainly, if you believe you cannot do math, you are doomed to flunk math. And certainly if you are rude and angry, you do not draw laid-back pleasant people to you. Karma says that these imprints have no limitations on their effect on our life circumstances.

The belief in karma is a belief in self-creation and in taking self-responsibility for what we have created. Furthermore, it sets us with the task of being mindful of whatever we DO encourage within ourselves, through what we choose to say, do, think, and feel (our feelings are the reaction of our thoughts ... and the only reason it doesn't always feel that way is because we often function without being fully aware of ourselves ... which is why Buddhists meditate .. to develop mindful awareness).

Psychologically speaking, karma is a concept of "internal locus of control" ... which is regarded as being more conducive to mental health.

I had my bank details released while with the ANZ bank. I have my internet site visits monitored by Telstra. I notice these companies are severing jobs. Poetic justice?

While living in Brisbane I was attacked, falsely relieved of employment, belongings stolen, antagonised and bad mouthed. The worst city I have lived in. I notice Brisbane flooded. Poetic justice?

Interesting Wysiwyg....

What do you think, or more importantly what do you feel, when you are stopped out of a trade almost to the tick then it reverses and goes straight to your original target?
What do you think, or more importantly what do you feel, when you are stopped out of a trade almost to the tick then it reverses and goes straight to your original target?

I think everyone can see the answer. He will feel angry and he will have an external locus of control (blame god, the universe, inside traders, the market goblins). I certainly do this at times and it takes a lot of awareness to watch yourself in action when the strong emotions arise and you feel like smashing the computer screen to pieces. Then taking that emotion and drilling down into the thoughts that created it... that can be hard work, confronting.

IMO, this is the holy grail of trading: not entertaining fear of any kind. A trembling mouse hand is a strong 'tell'!
what a sook............

dating agency ripped me for $800 by supplying false women

so you think brisbane getting flooded is poetic justice coz ur a sook,nice work.
this says it all about you...cant get a woman & wont stop ur self pity bitching.:banghead:

we all have had a hard road to hoe.stop being a sook.

go stand up confront your problems head on WITHOUT thinking square ups are the way to go.