Re: PNA - Pan Australian Resources
Pan Australia Resources Last 10 Days Trading Price/Volumes
Date............. Open....High...Low....Close .......Vol.
22-02-2008.... 1.030..1.070..1.020..$1.070 ...6,030,120
21-02-2008.... 1.050..1.065..1.010..$1.030 ...4,583,232
20-02-2008.... 1.035..1.060..1.020..$1.040 ...7,401,504
19-02-2008.... 1.010..1.015..1.005..$1.010 ...4,354,930
18-02-2008.... 0.990..1.005..0.980..$1.005 ...3,241,187
15-02-2008.... 0.995..0.995..0.970..$0.980 ...3,479,101
14-02-2008.... 1.000..1.030..0.995..$1.005 ...11,459,484
13-02-2008.... 0.945..1.010..0.935..$0.975 ...6,803,448
12-02-2008.... 0.950..0.950..0.935..$0.950 ...3,680,476
11-02-2008.... 0.930..0.950..0.930..$0.940 ...3,700,816
To all PNA Holders there's a game at play within Pan Australia, & its called accumulation. First sign is increased Volume, with a slow & steady rise in value.
And IMO : This is Why
Annual Production beyond 2010 of 65, Phu Kham will be one of the most Capital efficient world wide operations on equivalent mine production basis.
PNA...Phu Kham Copper anticipated Production of 65,000t = 143Mill Lbs = Approx $400 Mill Annual Profit on Copper alone at Phu Kham Operations .... based on Todays $3.60p/lb less .80 Costs (anticipated).... But without doubt numbers will change !! Add to this Gold/Silver.
Here's a run down of Todays Friday 22nd Feb Trading.
No. of Trades: 1575
Volume:............. 6,030,120
Opening Price:... 1.030
High Price:........ 1.070
Low Price:......... 1.020
Todays Close $1.07
Todays final 10 trades
16:11:00...1.070...6,000..... $6,420.00
16:11:00...1.070...28,007... $29,967.49
16:11:00...1.070...30,761... $32,914.27
16:11:00...1.070...6,800..... $7,276.00
16:11:00...1.070...14,477... $15,490.39
16:11:00...1.070...10,000... $10,700.00
16:11:00...1.070...547........ $585.29
16:11:00...1.070...4,157..... $4,447.99
16:11:00...1.070...5,251..... $5,618.57
16:11:00...1.070...10,000... $10,700.00
P.S. Keep an eye on (AOE) ARROW ENERGY....
Cheers to all PNA Holders from grant64
Here's todays Closing Intra-Day Chart for Today-Friday 22nd FEB. for the period 3.02p.m to 4.11p.m. showing a further 335,195 Shares traded (accumulated) on the Close at $1.07.
Green Line Displays Buyers, Orange Sellers Market Depth. Blue Line represents previous days close.