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PIQ - Proteomics International Laboratories

and a microcap fundie buying the story (or .... has bought in and is now happy to 'share with retail")

Proteomics is striving for regulatory approval of its simple, low-cost blood test for chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. Using a unique protein "fingerprint", the PromarkerD test can predict the onset of diabetic kidney disease up to four years before symptoms arise with 86 per cent accuracy.

The test has received a CE Mark in Europe and this month the company sent a pre-submission package to the US Food and Drug Administration in advance of a meeting on possible approval.

Proteomics has clinical trials to validate the test that are due probably around the end of March, and is deep in discussions about getting a US manufacturing partner to help the scale-up of their test kits, McNamee said.

Identifying what diabetic patients are at risk of kidney failure opens up a lot of commercial possibilities for large pharmaceutical companies, McNamee said.

The know-how Proteomics developed in working on biomarkers for this test kit should help them as they develop biomarkers for tests for other conditions such as endometriosis, he said.
So we like that one, there are a lot of catalysts we feel for this year, he said.
I am choosing PIQ in the March 21 comp. The share price has been on the move the past couple of weeks with steady volume, hoping this continues. Dona previously mentioned that "Proteomics has clinical trials to validate the test that are due probably around the end of March". Here's to hoping those results are positive.
not much sense of PIQ making it.

Update on commercialisation of PromarkerD in the USA
- Proteomics International has terminated its exclusive licence agreement with Sonic Healthcare USA for the use and commercialisation of the PromarkerD test in the USA
- Proteomics International is now free to launch PromarkerD in the US via licensing to alternative pathology laboratories and service providers and/or direct to consumer / patient (DTC/DTP)
- PromarkerD assay established in third party CLIA certified US reference laboratory in preparation for US launch
- PromarkerD has been demonstrated in multiple peer-reviewed clinical studies to predict renal decline up to four years in advance in type 2 diabetes, with results now extended to type 1 diabetes

... and down from around 90c to $0.60ish. it's gonna cost 'em
Been down to the dogs as Dona points out above but if they can get traction, the price will rise quickly.
I think this is an exciting company and will do well in 2025.
Todays announcement:
Endometriosis Diagnosis- new PromarkerEndo blood test results published
The market wold no doubt be skeptical of this stock due to the history associated with the Theranos fraud which proved how hard it can be to come up with real innovations in blood testing despite having had access to billions of dollars of capital.
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