Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Re: COK - Cockatoo Coal

I spoke to Mark Lochtenberg today (very helpful and returned my call fast), I like the look of this company for the long term, deposits are thermal coal, they are expecting to start producing in 2012 and at around 8M tonnes per year, will be purchasing infrastructure long before then and expect to have resource upgrades further down the track.

Best thing is that they will be able to take advantage of the higher coal prices because unlike some of the coal players at the moment they are locked into contracts from 12 months ago and although thermal coal prices have risen to over $205 a tonne they are only getting $78ish a tonne because of these contracts. COK will be trying hard to avoid contracts and get the most for their coal as they can.

And Gladstone is supposed to have a new port loading facility come online in 2012 as well which will see the QLD coal exporters able to expedite more tonnes out through the port.

Hopefully by then we may see the SP similar to where FLX is now.

