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PEN - Peninsula Energy

May I ask Chalea
Is your thoughts within the realm of a potential confirmed uptrend due to the now break in Spot Price breaking the downtrend?

With respect Karlos, how can a downtrend be broken while the price is still falling...

Note - Fukushima low broken...

With respect Karlos, how can a downtrend be broken while the price is still falling...

Note - Fukushima low broken...

View attachment 44197

HA Ha hahahahahahaha.
Thats what I like about you Chalea, you always manipulate a downtrend for a good laugh.....hahahahahaha.

How about lower your downtrend line on the Spot Price chart to touch the lower highs rather than leave air for it to breathe my friend
HA Ha hahahahahahaha. Thats what I like about you Chalea, you always manipulate a downtrend for a good laugh.....hahahahahaha.

OK, for argument's sake, let's shorten the time frame to post Fukushima catastrophe...


PDN due to drop another 10% IMO...

OK, for argument's sake, let's shorten the time frame to post Fukushima catastrophe...


Sweet mother of God.....why did you feel the down trend started due to Fukushima...You of all folks should be the first to stick up your hand Chalea and voice to ASF the downtrend was already in place......why did you delay your fears to the folks on this forum several months after this event?

Out of interest..........I am under the impression you feel folks should be selling their portfolio containing PEN stock at the present time........I am baffled....Viewing your style of posting, surely it would have be wise to allay your fears of a downtrend to folks on ASF before Fukushima?
Sweet mother of God.....why did you feel the down trend started due to Fukushima...You of all folks should be the first to stick up your hand Chalea and voice to ASF the downtrend was already in place......

PEN merely broke support the trading day before the tsunami's full effects were seen. That's not a downtrend...

Out of interest..........I am under the impression you feel folks should be selling their portfolio containing PEN stock at the present time........I am baffled..

Folks can do as they please!
A picture's worth a thousand words...

I have returned to visit the forum after some good weeks.
I have taken particular interest on the postings by Chalea on PEN.
I would like to humbly submit what is the real interest for down ramping PEN by you Chalea ?
If you are not a buyer why not contribute to other threads ?
Why your love for Yuan is posted in PEN thread.
Chinese are smart operators and no wonder in next 20 years probably most of the industries will be sold to them. What about thinking for the Nation known as Australia and open the cards so that we understand your motive behind PEN and what constructive thoughts you have done in PEN thread in connection with uranium ?
No personal grudge or appreciation here but calling a shot so that transparency and ethics in ASF stand high as always

I would like to humbly submit what is the real interest for down ramping PEN by you Chalea?

So if he says, 'time to buy! ', or she says, 'I love PEN, DFS soon! ', the rest of us have to gather round in wonderment and unquestioningly applaud their trading prowess?

Read this...


Lol ..... I don't think its quite as bad as your picture indicates, but the point is taken.

The spot price for U is not ideal of course, but the actual impact on PEN's future profit is still speculative at this stage of pre-production.

In my view, the problem for PEN management in the short term, is that if they release the DFS in the current climate (low Spot price and high AUD), the projected baseline figures will not be as attractive as they will most likely be in the future .... unfortunate, but I think the non-release of the DFS is a wise tactic by management until they can possibly secure up some additional contracts, or release another large upgrade to the resource base, which would give investors a little more confidence.

Difficult short term conditions for most small stocks at the moment, but PEN is in a far better position than most to ride it out in my view. We shall see what time delivers.
Lol .....

Do you think this is funny?
May need to read the article twice...

Here's a taste -

"....These are the sorts of changes that bring great commodity bull markets to an end. And it's why I have changed my thinking on the sector. I have now decided I am not touching uranium juniors.

Irwin Olian feels the same way. He emailed me this yesterday: "The worldwide backlash against the nuclear power industry is only beginning to be felt and promises to deal a devastating blow long-term to the uranium stock sector. The catastrophic events in Japan were followed by a precipitous drop in uranium share prices, which have just had their obligatory dead cat bounce.

"What lies in store is a long-term decline in the sector as new projects are deferred or cancelled, public sentiment and political pressures make it impossible to get permitting or green lighting, uranium prices retreat and juniors find it virtually impossible to get new financing to develop projects for which there will be no economic justification. This will all be reflected in a slow, inexorable decline in share prices and ultimately the failure of most uranium juniors."

It's a grim outlook. But I think it's the right one."

The Bull Market in Uranium is Over
This will all be reflected in a slow, inexorable decline in share prices and ultimately the failure of most uranium juniors."

most, I'm glad to know that PEN stands a chance then.

"As a long time proponent of nuclear power, last week France announced that it will invest $1.4 billion in its nuclear energy program, diverging from contentious deliberation from neighboring states on nuclear energy policy after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan that damaged the Fukushima Daiichi plant in March. The President of France, Nicholas Sarkozy, issued a strong commitment announcing the energy funding package by declaring there is “no alternative to nuclear energy today.” With the capital used to fund fourth generation nuclear power plant technology, focusing research development in nuclear safety, the announcement validates many decades of energy infrastructure and legacy expansion. France currently operates the second largest nuclear fleet in the world with 58 reactors, responsible for supplying more than 74 percent of domestic electricity demand supplied to the world’s fifth largest economy last year."

Took a leaf out of your book Chalea, plenty of pro uranium news around.
"...last week France announced that it will invest $1.4 billion in its nuclear energy program...

LOL, you must have skipped this...

"Olympic Dam...Extract Resources' Husab project...BHP will produce the copper, and sell the uranium 'at any price'. Even at a loss. Supply Could Surge Just As Demand Collapses...I just can't see there being much future for uranium exploration and junior mine development..."

And this...I know you read this...

Just for some balance, i found this in the latest market update from Silex FY11 Operational Update.pdf

Nuclear power is far from a spent force.
Just for some balance, i found this in the latest market update from Silex FY11 Operational Update.pdf

Nuclear power is far from a spent force.

There are few nuclear power operators : Canada, France, China and India leaving aside USA.
Now there is a strong competition to acquire uranium producers by both China and India. China has few moles and agents in Australia who are constantly down ramping uranium prices and sentiment. So that China can buy few uranium mines in Australia and world wide at cheap prices.
India hardly produces uranium and see what Indian PM has said. Remember one of the key reasons (not published in Australian media but widely discussed in Indian media) that Indian PM decided not to visit Australia during CHOGM meet because of Australian nuclear policy.

Here u go and think why Indian PM considered to provide this speech. It is because they are uranium hungry and wants to develop sentiment for uranium. Once India picks up uranium then ball starts rolling


Sify Home >> Finance >> Economy >> India's nuke plants safe, world-class: PMPTIIndia's nuke plants safe, world-class: PM2011-08-24 13:30:00
Last Updated: 2011-08-24 14:16:53 Hidden Object GamesAds by GooglePlay Hundreds of Amazing Hidden Object Games from the Experts!
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh talks to the media on his arrival at t...New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday assured the Lok Sabha that nuclear facilities in the country were "world-class" and all efforts were being made to maintain the best safety standards for both on-shore and off-shore nuclear power plants.

"Safety concerns are paramount...You have my assurance that while expanding our nuclear facilities we will not compromise on nuclear safety. This is an on-going process. Our nuclear facilities are world-class," Singh, who also holds the Atomic Energy portfolio, told the Lok Sabha during Question Hour.

He said that after the recent tragedy in Fukushima, Japan where a nuclear power plant was hit during a Tsunami, he had ordered nuclear agencies like NPCIL, BARC and AERB to re-look into the issue of safety of India's nuclear installations.

The Prime Minister's remarks came in response to a query from Jaswant Singh (BJP) about the steps being taken for ensuring safety of the nuclear power plants in Rajasthan.

The BJP leader said six nuclear plants were already active in Rawatbhatta in Rajasthan and the seventh plant was coming up. He insisted that the Fukushima tragedy was a lesson and consequences of such disasters are phenomenal.

Earlier, in reply to a question, Minister of State in PMO V Narayanasamy said that the Prime Minister has asked AERB to review the safety measures and has held meetings with the departments concerned and authorities to discuss the issue.

"Four committees have been formed to go into additional security measures after the Fukushima tragedy. AERB has constituted a committee," Narayanasamy said.
Now there is a strong competition to acquire uranium producers by both China and India. China has few moles and agents in Australia who are constantly down ramping uranium prices and sentiment.


India hardly produces uranium...It is because they are uranium hungry and wants to develop sentiment for uranium. Once India picks up uranium then ball starts rolling

India doesn't have to go far to pick up any uranium...:nono:

"The news of the discovery of what is being hailed as the world’s largest uranium deposit in India has prompted conflicting comments from experts. The deposits in Andhra Pradesh are estimated to contain 49,000 tonnes of uranium. Indian scientists, however, believe that the quantity of uranium at Tummalapalle may triple to 150,000 tonnes, which will make it world's largest uranium producing mine.

The new discovery is set to reduce India’s dependence on foreign suppliers of the yellow metal. Interestingly, the disclosure of the mammoth uranium deposits ..."

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