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PEN - Peninsula Energy

The July competition is not yet 1 hour old and I am already 1.35% up on this little yapper.

All this kerfuffle is contagious.

Kurmon Da Pen.

High grade results returned for Uranium and Molybdenum include:
DH 06F0866RC - 4.9 ft @ 4,022 ppm U3O8 and 1,313 ppm Mo from 205.1ft
DH 06F0866RC - 1.6 ft @ 6,170 ppm U3O8 and 6,160 ppm Mo from 229.7ft
DH 06F0864RC - 23.0 ft @ 1,849 ppm U3O8 and 1,081 ppm Mo from 280.5ft
DH 06F0158RC - 19.7 ft @ 804 ppm U3O8 and 465 ppm Mo from 62.3ft
DH 06F0479RC - 4.9 ft @ 1,251 ppm U3O8 and 2,548 ppm Mo from 157.5ft
DH 06F0432RC - 1.6 ft @ 2,594 ppm U3O8 and 490 ppm Mo from 36.1ft

Some handy numbers in those drilling/assay results ......

QUOTE:- "these latest results confirm that the high grades and positive
correlation between Uranium and Molybdenum mineralisation extend across the entire
historical drilled area

I'm a bit confused.

If the recent reports are so positive, why is the share price tanking?

Chartwise this puppy is a yelping.

Perhaps other players down the track will mine these assets. This company's SP is woeful and the uranium price is recovering.



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EW is still suggesting a short term target of 5c. So I'll be interested to see what happens next week... sorry HS. I'm happy for EW to be wrong though - for all those holders.

No change. 5c still the target. More (decline) to come.

Just a reminder that these kind of price targets really need to be supported by a chart that illustrates the EW analysis. If you could post one that would be appreciated.
One of my gardeners tells me that there has been another earthquake close to the Fukishima reactor, on the northern island of Japan. I cannot find anything about it on ABC Justin.
ah here it is on the SMH.

So it shouldn't affect PEN.

No change. 5c still the target. More (decline) to come.

No chart, just baseless rhetoric as usual.

Perhaps the charting geniuses here can please explain how PEN will go to 5c, when even the biggest media fear driven frenzied selloff post Fukushima couldn't get it below 5.6 and even then it bounced hard, albeit falling back to 5.9 (higher low) before now going again today to 7.8.

The MACD cross on the 24/6 with the OBV on steadily rising volume (not trader spikes). With some of the best and most significant fundamental information about to come out.

I will place my neck firmly on the chopping block.... You are wrong, very very wrong! and GG will win the tipping for July

None of which will stop the crap posted here of late I am sure. Regardless my 6.1 buy on the 16/6 just looks better every day, and will look much better again in the next few months...IMO of course....


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imo quite bullish today - had that quick test of 7.7 resist, bounced off as with all first tests. May have another go at it this week.. or even today!
imo quite bullish today - had that quick test of 7.7 resist, bounced off as with all first tests. May have another go at it this week.. or even today!

BMN getting a takeover from the Chinese + carbon monday have to be pretty good for uranium stocks...But not for me as my stop in PDN is tagged.

Also not sure about whether FIRB will like the idea of the Chinese buy Aussie uranium player...

Thanks hangseng,

I actually bought a few hundred thousand PENOC today, PEN now has a nice bottoming pattern and I await developments. Should it jump it will do so with gusto. It may fall.

Having bought in to PEN, please do not ask me to post with the tragics and nohopers on that other forum, what's it called, Should it not perform, off to the meatworks with it. This is all to do with greed, not love.

BMN getting a takeover from the Chinese + carbon monday have to be pretty good for uranium stocks...But not for me as my stop in PDN is tagged.

Also not sure about whether FIRB will like the idea of the Chinese buy Aussie uranium player...

Technically BMN is not an Aussie uranium miner so I don't think the FIRB will intervene just because it's listed on the ASX.

This should be a big plus to other small players (especially ones with offshore assets) like PEN and DYL

Disclosure: I jumped on the boat for BMN today and hope to get my 25% takeover premium.
gg sorry for the silly Q but what is penoc?I found them quoted on yahoo,but not on google fin.Asx search says there are no oppies on pen.Thanks.
gg sorry for the silly Q but what is penoc?I found them quoted on yahoo,but not on google fin.Asx search says there are no oppies on pen.Thanks.


It's not a silly quesion. They are not options such as you would have over bhp, cba and other coy's in the "option market". In that market one writes or creates an option, or others do, and then those options are traded on the options market.

PENOC and PENOA are company issued options. They have a life, and are traded on the ASX as regular shares are.

e.g PENOA shortly expires and then the folk who own that have the right to buy PEN shares for whatever it says on the PENOA documents. I don't know. A few cents. But soon.

PENOC is a longer dated option , some years, same deal though, in a few years.

The reason I bought PENOC was that I didn't want to have to put up any more money any time soon, like the poor PENOA indigents will be soon doing. If the share price falls they will be in a difficult situation soon. If it rises they will be laughing. I'm punting if it rises, PENOC will too.

PENOC were cheaper for some reason known only to hangseng and other PEN tragics, tea leaf readers, and godbothering loons.

It's a punt. If I win, I win. If I lose it's not the end of the world. I'll just have a good drop from a cheap cask and a cigar, and examine my reasons for buying PENOC, so that if I win, I might be able to repeat the process, and if I lose, I won't do it again.

btw, ASF is the place to ask questions, and ask them before you put your hardearned out.

I read, believe it or not, more than I post on ASF and it is worth a barrow load of books by so called experts. Since I began reading ASF I am now much richer.

It's a punt. If I win, I win. If I lose it's not the end of the world. I'll just have a good drop from a cheap cask and a cigar,
Make the most of being able to access that cheap cask, gg. The nanny state appears to be about to introduce a floor price on alcohol which will render the now cheap casks about three times more expensive.

The reason for this is the asinine suggestion that the aborigines specifically and other alcoholics will immediately desist from consuming this cask wine, their alcoholism magically having disappeared as a result of the price rise.

More likely they'll switch to other forms of alcohol which will, in quantity, be more harmful, or even seek solace in metho.

Meantime, many pensioners and others on low incomes, or for that matter just those who are happy to drink cask wine, will find it priced out of their budgets.

What elitist, illogical utter nonsense.

(apologies for diverting the thread)
You and me both GG

I added another swag of PENOC to my kitty today after waiting at 4.1 for a week

Agreed Julia....Australia is going backward at a great rate of knots. Over regulated nanny state mentality. Whatever happened to "taking responsibility for ones own actions"?

Hopefully the pathetic, she'll be right attitude of the Australian community wakes up before the minority interest groups (that control) do too much damage.

Democracy = Majority Rules (Except in Australia, where vocal minority groups call the shots and the govt (of all persuasions) jumps in knee jerk, ill thought out manner.)

Can you two tragics go somewhere else to discuss the state of the world.

This is the PEN thread.

Kurmon da PEN.

What is a foot? for someone new to PEN. They find Uranium at so many feet, in so many feet, at such a weight per something. I only look at charts and wouldn't know a uranium if it fell on me.


You may read but taking it in seems to be a failing...

PENOA - Exercisable at 3c by 30th June 2012 (soon??? I don't think so)

PENOC - (cost 1c, I was called a fool for taking up the offer...twice lol, as other "fools" didn't think it was worthwhile) Exercisable at 3c by 30th June 2015

PENOC would make me rather well off to date (if I sold)...and will make me even more so.

Foolish, tealeaf reading, PEN investor
I would like to remind everyone posting in this thread to please refrain from provoking or attacking other thread participants. Remember, there is no need to refer to others personally. Please just respond to the content of their posts.

Hi Joe,

Unfortunately I don't see a lot of evidence of this. Personal attacks are completely unnecessary IMO.

Maybe its time for a firmer hand?

Do you happen to also know how many PENOA and PENOC units were issued by the company?
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