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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Interesting perceptions GG .....

Please correct me if I am incorrect, but have you not been a fan of Leighton Holdings in the past (LEI)
Sorry make that 14.93% up today with an outstanding CSPA at 7.7c

The last hour of trading was rather interesting to state the least.

So only 35.07% to go gg, then you can wipe that egg off your face
EW is still suggesting a short term target of 5c. So I'll be interested to see what happens next week... sorry HS. I'm happy for EW to be wrong though - for all those holders.
Sorry make that 14.93% up today with an outstanding CSPA at 7.7c

The last hour of trading was rather interesting to state the least.

So only 35.07% to go gg, then you can wipe that egg off your face

On the price action today, one may as well talk about a small chicken putting on .2g in weight, in one day, and expecting a turkey for Christmas.

There may be a recovery, but so far I see no evidence of that. Perhaps calling PEN a turkey is too cruel, considering I have called it a dog, horse and chook thus far.

Interesting perceptions GG .....

Please correct me if I am incorrect, but have you not been a fan of Leighton Holdings in the past (LEI)

In the past being correct. And I may be a fan of any stock on the ASX in an uptrend in the future, PEN in included, but so far it has not shown an uptrend, higher lows and higher highs.

I am not a bottom picker, as I prefer pleasant smelling fingers.

Double bottom
Where I'd be buying and where I'd have a stop.
Soaking up the Sun in Venice currently so will have to be a call for the record only.
Sporting a mediterrainian tan I might add----RED.

As noted was a low risk buy.
So even us techies would have made a quid--- short term.
Personally I like the quick gains and avoid the massive drawdowns!

This is a high risk specie which can gleen profit fir the nimble
As noted was a low risk buy.
So even us techies would have made a quid--- short term.
Personally I like the quick gains and avoid the massive drawdowns!

This is a high risk specie which can gleen profit fir the nimble
Tech, can't link to that quote. What are you saying? SK
Tech, can't link to that quote. What are you saying? SK

kennas, not sure but I think that tech/a was seeing the same thing that I was when we both made the comments on the 17th, both quoted below.

Ignoring all the reports that this mob regurgitates and all the endearing investment analysis posts, there could be a few bucks in this if/when it closes above 0.071.

Double bottom
Where I'd be buying and where I'd have a stop.
Soaking up the Sun in Venice currently so will have to be a call for the record only.
Sporting a mediterrainian tan I might add----RED.

NB. This post may contain traces of nuts, and should be taken with a grain of salt, and a side order of good humour:

You've dished a bit out to the PEN holders GG ...... Retribution day

You made the following comment on the LEI thread on 11th April this year at Point C on the chart.

This is an exciting situation for those of us who trade long and long-term.

The chart shows 2 points of potential support/resistance

$16.30 and $25.

Interesting times. Downtrends do present opportunities.

A monthly chart going back 10-11 years.


At the time you made your call LEI had ....

From Point A it had already dropped 56%

From Point B it had already dropped 31%

After your call at Point C it has dropped a further 27%

I rest my case, and suggest that if you GG do not resist from your taunting the members of this thread, you will be summonsed to serve 30 days in the PEN !!


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Just out of curiosity, would you guys call this a classic reversal? When the stock price overshoots the previous days low or high by a reasonable amount, then swings in the opposite direction on high volume. I have seen this pattern a lot and it often indicates a change in stock direction. Just wondering if I am correct here? Any info appreciated.
well done PEN -best performance for the week and maybe more next week,fantastic results compare to the overall market movements!!market will be down monday but PEN will thrive -just watch -my crystal ball is glowing .

It could be, it would be useful to post volume, and to wait for a higher low and higher high before accepting a trend reversal, pivot points, including complex ones can occur in a change in trend.

PEN Holders may rush to judgement in hope of a trend reversal or some further drip from Hanseng's tealeaves.



  • White_collar_boy_pen_holder.jpg
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Great post barney, seems the pot has been calling the kettle black!
Always good to keep track of popular sentiment here and across the pond for turning points

I just got ride of the"dog" today..with a heavy loss .
I will see if i can have an entry next FY at 6.1..I would go for 1.5 m too

Hey gg,

I see you have chosen PEN again for July's Stock Tipping Competition.

Not leaving it for HS to pick?
Do you really believe it will be a winner next month or just taunting HS?
Hey gg,

I see you have chosen PEN again for July's Stock Tipping Competition.

Not leaving it for HS to pick?
Do you really believe it will be a winner next month or just taunting HS?

Thanks PB, for the first time, in a long time, there is some hope technically for PEN. Time will tell. I would not spend my hardearned atm, but would not discount the stock either.

I unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, am not privy to the tittletattle that passes for investment research amongst the significance-affected denizens of the Penclub on other forums. I only hear it second hand from a mate of mine with bipolar.

God only knows what the directors and third party private equity partners think of the camp followers. I suppose it provides some light relief in the serious business of exploration.

It reminds me somewhat of what Atilla the Hun and his fellow huns would have thought of cleanshaven Roman youths seeking his autograph on entering Northern Italy.

As I said above, it is all in the price and volume. PEN is very volatile, and nobody least of all Hangseng has all the information on this stock. All the information though is contained in the price, most cogently at close of trade each day.

I would like to remind everyone posting in this thread to please refrain from provoking or attacking other thread participants. Remember, there is no need to refer to others personally. Please just respond to the content of their posts.
Great post barney, seems the pot has been calling the kettle black!

Dont know about a great post. Looks a lot like playing the man not the ball to me which there is too much of here for sure.

What are your thoughts on the SPP? Resource upgrade, SPP 6 days later?

$15m at VWAP

Share Placement
Under the terms of the Share Placement to NuCore, Peninsula will raise A$15,000,000
pursuant to a placement of ordinary shares calculated at the 10 day volume weighted average price (VWAP) in the period following publication of the Company’s DFS results at the Lance Projects in Wyoming, USA.

Peninsula will issue one free attaching listed option exercisable at 3 cents on or before
31 December 2015 (PENOC) for every share subscribed by NuCore.
Dont know about a great post. Looks a lot like playing the man not the ball to me which there is too much of here for sure.


If you could take some time and read this thread a little more closely you will notice who has been playing the man around here, and it certainly has not been me

I put my track record on this and any other thread on ASF as one who has always treated other members with total respect ........ but, I also I believe I've been around here long enough to adjudicate if I think another member is getting out of line.

The above post of mine you are referring to was initiated with a humorous undertone in an attempt to curtail some of the continuous pointless negativety on the thread. In my view, the post achieved its objective

If you read the post in the context of the entire thread, I think you will find I made a fair point, and did it politely with enough humour not to offend.

If you can find anything in my post which is untruthful, please point it out and I will apologise.


Barney, i missed the humour as it appeared to have been applied to moderate an accusation so perhaps i have misinterpreted in this instance so please accept my apologies for the oversight.

I have been an avid follower of this thread as it clearly has two sides and that is what it takes to have a market plus the entertainment value is magnificent on the down days we have been experiencing.

What are your thoughts on the SPP on the table?


Ab, The post was not meant to be an accusation ..... simply an observation .... ie. Made a point, but no offence intended

As for the humour ..... I may need to get some better writers if I have to start translating my posts

I tried to keep the post non offensive with the prelude .......
NB. This post may contain traces of nuts, and should be taken with a grain of salt, and a side order of good humour:

Garpal appreciates a little Monty Python, so I thought the "John Cleese taunting reference" may have amused him ..

I rest my case, and suggest that if you GG do not resist from your taunting the members of this thread, you will be summonsed to serve 30 days in the PEN !!

I thought my reference to spending 30 days in the PEN would be taken in the right spirit ........... as I said, perhaps I need to sack my writers

As for the share price of PEN ...... Churning healthily would be my description. The longer it consolidates above 6.7 cents the better. I think it has held up reasonably well considering. (personally holding PENOC's only atm)

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