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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Evert dog has it's day
But you need t I know how to handle a dog before owning it.
Most dog owners become very attached to their dog.
Others who know that their dog is a workin dog--- know when to feed it and how much
And when to reward it with a pat.
Other than that dogs should be left alone --- unless as is the case with a few dog owners here-- it becomes a pet!
New BRR for broadcast for PEN...

Really worth a listen...

... except for our trader friends here as they don't care for positive fundamentals. Preferring rather to write superfluous fairy stories and have a go at investors as if they are superior beings lol...

Good luck with your trading, I am now well on the way to make some serious money with excellent tax benefits (IMO of course ).
I just got ride of the"dog" today..with a heavy loss .
I will see if i can have an entry next FY at 6.1..I would go for 1.5 m too
I just got ride of the"dog" today..with a heavy loss .

Unfortunately both the announcement of the audio of the "major upgrade" or hangseng's ramping didn't work.

When an announcement is made I like to see the effect of the announcement from the market's initial reaction before deciding whether or not trade.

Looking at the price weighted volume:

Up to the announcement, the ratio of Buy trades to Sell trades was a positive 2.82
Between the time of the announcements and hangseng's ramp this had dropped to 1.88
From Hangseng's post to close it had gone to negative (more sell trades than buy trades) 3.46
The last 20 trades up to close was negative 12.06.

Market was not impressed. Sentiment may change tomorrow or it may not.

Country Lad

So my posts are now used as a measure???...interesting to state the least.

More unnecessary derogatory comments , hold those thoughts.
Hey hangseng,

Todays announcement must be music to your ears...

Peninsula Energy Limited (Peninsula) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an
agreement to raise A$15,000,000 through a private placement to NuCore Energy LLC, a
North American company whose focus is the commercial nuclear fuels market and services

The Placement is priced at a 50% premium to the 10 day volume weighted average price (VWAP) in the period immediately following publication of the Company’s Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) at the Lance Projects in Wyoming, USA (Lance) and includes one free attaching listed option exercisable at 3 cents on or before 31 December 2015 (PENOC) for every share subscribed (Strategic Placement).

Doesn't this free option @ 3c pretty much negates the 50% premium? At 7c share price, they pay 10.5c for each new share but get an oppie that's 4c in the money...

Well at least they raised some funds without much of a discount in the current environment which is an achievement.
Not sure I understand your praise. At 7c share price they get 2 shares for 13.5c (10.5c + 3c). Therefore, they've been granted shares at a discount (4%), if they decide to buy the options now. PLUS they've just diluted the shares on offer.
Not sure I understand your praise. At 7c share price they get 2 shares for 13.5c (10.5c + 3c). Therefore, they've been granted shares at a discount (4%), if they decide to buy the options now. PLUS they've just diluted the shares on offer.

Most fund raisings are done on discount to existing price - that's just the reality when you want to sell a large block of shares in an instance. 4% discount is very small considering the state of the market and the industry.

APA (a solid utility) raised some money today at $3.85 or 8.1% discount to the last traded price. Go to the more speculative end, say TRH, who last week placed at 56c on last trade price of 70c...or 20% discount.
I am posting the text in the quote below from afar courtesy of a poster by the name of "jamiebook" as it is a good observation collated into one. Draw your own conclusions, I have mine and saw the same thing occur in 2009 and again in 2010 before the run up to 15.

Also ponder the stacked sell side of PEN as of todays the way to $3.00 lol


Source: Me - from EtradePro after market close today.


  • PEN Closing Depth 23_06_2011_Full Depth.png
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I have seen over exposure with many spekkies, they announce too much and the market becomes blasé and eventually the really good news has no effect. PEN has made 15 non statutory announcements in 3 months, or one every 4 trading days and total of 32 or 1 every 2 trading days on average.

Too much noise maybe?

The initial response today was positive with the volume weighted buy:sell ratio being 1.8 to 1 and the price up 4.4%. For the rest of the day the volume was only just over half of the first hour and the buy:sell ratio 0.7.

Reaction seems to be one of ho hum, another nannouncement.

Country Lad

May very well be who knows. What we do know is people constantly belly ache about companies that don't keep the market informed, also that PEN actually does have information to announce that must be announced.

So considering the latter and your thoughts the market is bored by a rapidly advancing company...I think not.

Even if "they" were bored it displays how totally fickle people really are. On one hand they complain that companies don't announce enough and in the case of PEN your assumption is they may be bored by the consistent positive updates. I sure as hell aren't bored and I have been around here longer than most.

I believe more likely games have been played for some time and will continue to be until at least 10 days after the DFS release.

Time will tell all.

I wonder if "1,234,567" reads forums, my bet is he/she does.

No surprise to me to see some additional "code" numbers on the PEN market depth HS;

If the group of boyz who have been working this over for the past few months would like to include me so I don't blow their cover, please PM me (The number 13 has been very significant!!)

ps We've had a tsunami ... we've had a severe market downturn .... Uranium stocks pulverised around the globe ... and PEN management organise a 15 million dollar funding arrangement!! ...... Dog stock?? I don't think so
Capital raising of 15 million is bugger all.
If they were looking for a few 100 million then you could get excited.
A decient property development would be more than $15 mill!

Why all the excitement?
I will not suggest $15 M fund raising by PEN was very tiny and should require around $100 M.

The fact it demonstrates no matter what the market noise about PEN, the funding organisation and NUCOR (I wish we all understand the strength of this organisation and capability) have definitely considered the business case to put their money on PEN.

How the suggestion $100 M figure came without knowing the BFS estimate ?

The $15 M to fund working capital, exploration etc as stated in the announcement.
I will rather read the summary of BFS (Bankable Feasibility Study) when it comes to market.
Capital raising of 15 million is bugger all.
If they were looking for a few 100 million then you could get excited.
A decient property development would be more than $15 mill!

Why all the excitement?

You didn't actually read the announcement did you tech: ..... Its not the $15 million dollars, although that will come in handy.

Just to refresh .....

Under the terms of the Share Placement, Peninsula will appoint Mr Jim Cornell to the Board as Executive Director–Sales and Marketing.

Who is this Mr Cornell I hear you ask?

While he was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Nukem, the company grew into one of the largest suppliers of nuclear fuel worldwide.

Based on annual uranium deliveries, it continues to rank along with Cameco, AREVA, Rio Tinto Uranium, and BHP Billiton in the top five uranium suppliers. Mr. Cornell’s principal responsibilities involved the management of Nukem’s uranium purchase and sale agreements, as well as its inventory holdings.

While at Nukem, Mr. Cornell served as one of the principal negotiators of the historic U.S.-Russian HEU Agreement and negotiated long-term uranium marketing arrangements with Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In addition, he developed long-term teaming arrangements with major industry participants including General Electric, Westinghouse, Cameco, AREVA and Babcock and Wilcox.

Mr. Cornell is recognized as a leading authority on the nuclear fuel market

Its the equivalent of getting Gus Gould to coach your local under 15 footy side ...... That is worth getting excited about
Capital raising of 15 million is bugger all.
If they were looking for a few 100 million then you could get excited.
A decient property development would be more than $15 mill!

Why all the excitement?

It isn't "bugger all" for a project like Lance with such a low Capex for start up.

The benefits will soon become apparent to those ignorant of the Lance project metrics and ISR process. The DFS will display it all.

Capital raising of 15 million is bugger all.
If they were looking for a few 100 million then you could get excited.
A decient property development would be more than $15 mill!

Why all the excitement?

I would agree with CL and Tech.

The conversations here are reminiscent of those during the tech bubble and the GFC when internet minnows and financial cripples like BNB were going belly up, and to the last day had loyal followers and tea leaf readers.

All information is contained in one metric, the price.

The price of PEN has collapsed losing adherents thousands of dollars.

It is a very sick stock having lost over 50% of it's value in just 4 months.

If it were a horse you would think about taking it out of it's misery.


Hold that incredibly narrow minded and off the mark view gg....

I could add the ongoing bashing that PEN has taken on forums, here being no exception and sometimes worse. Is reminiscent of what EXT went through for a very long time, with the supporters, me included, copping all the same ignorant trader crap being posted here.

Simply traders talk ignoring positive fundamentals. Comparing to the tech bubble and a failing company like BNB is simply way out there.

Of course all the short term (thinkers) traders here picked todays swing (a gain of 10.45% in minutes), to perfection as well I am sure.... NOT!

At that rate the "over 50% loss in 4months" should take a few hours to recoup. So far my 1.5m buy the other week is now looking outstanding, on top of the profit still sitting losses, just profits and lots of it now.

Let's see how this pans out.

A little light reading for the naysayers here whilst you wait:

Watch the tide turn...
Sorry make that 14.93% up today with an outstanding CSPA at 7.7c

The last hour of trading was rather interesting to state the least.

So only 35.07% to go gg, then you can wipe that egg off your face
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