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PEN - Peninsula Energy

But, and a big but, till sentiment changes there are very much better investments elsewhere.

Money needs to be at work on something that is working, not on something that is going down in a downtrend.

Generally I agree with you "X" ..... but every bodies situation is not the same as I know you appreciate.

ie. Point of entry, Investment time frame and Taxation just for starters. Closing long term positions and chasing short term gains when "Julia' is going to put her hand out for a very large slice of the former .... and there is no guarantee of the latter, is not always the best option.

I know you are aware of this, but I just thought I'd add it for balance.

LOLOLOL. Binbin one of the best posters on hotcopper. Had the goose on ignore for years. Actually gnealson he is you LOLOLOL.

Canary event was great today. Spoke with the PEN director Mal James. VERY interesting what he referred to in regard to financing, attitude to future in regard to acquisitions and the number of suitors knocking on the door reroduct etc.

I hold zero PEN shares/options. Please play the ball not the man barney. I won't answer any more personal questions here.


I was actually being genuine if you did buy in Grant .... but I now appreciate that if you had, that may indicate an ulterior motive in some of your previous posts

If that were the case, or if not, no problem either way from me ..... I called it as I saw it, (you have appeared to have a change of sentiment over the last 24 hrs or so however. I therefore I assumed (maybe incorrectly) that you had taken a position.

Good luck either way .... I'm certainly not trying to create a kerfuffle over nothing ...

I'm way more interested in stopping my trading account balance from bleeding as it has over the last few weeks

Cheers .......... and I assure you, no ulterior motive/s from me

I was at the Canary symposium and it dispelt most if not all the misinterpretation, malice, and downright lies peddled by some on various sites. We spoke directly to the directors who had spoken to the public present

It was stated forcibly by some of the participants that Japan, while a vast tragedy, was just a "blip on the radar" of the nuclear story

Uranium usage over the next 10 years was going to go from 60,000 tons per annum to 140,000 tons, that's supply and demand for you

And guess which company of those participating was going to come on tap first, has the most cash in the bank, has at least 6 groups wishing to fund the mill, has a delighted investor in PALA, has US utilities wanting in and is coming to fruition along the time span announced ......why good old PEN

Personally I don't want to read any more nit pickers, I just say go to these meetings, talk to the company, learn something and don't speculate and preach

We're on the money bigtime, bring it on, the nae sayers can do as they please

That's great. but why is the share price going down ?
I was thinking the same, last time i checked PEN was down 46.67% from it's 52 week high. sounds like it just jumped to a $1 in the last 4 hours whilst the market was closed. The only ones sitting on the money are the directors, the investors money.
Seriously guys you sound like you've just come back from one of those dodgy property investment seminars.
That's great. but why is the share price going down ?

I wrote in because I attended the symposium, I'm not quoting what was said word for word but tried to get across the sentiment

If you and the other derisory replyers aren't interested, I couldn't give a rats ar*e. Don't quite know why some guy reckons the directors are somehow the only people gaining from this share, at the moment I have doubled my money and there is plenty more coming

One great thing about the share market is you don't have to be in it, and you can make your own judgement, the knockers of this share can just sell and look on, then everyone is happy

To quote the old saying ......."You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him look at the view"

I've written what I heard and discussed, just trying to help so no more re this from me
I didn't realise there was a minimum quota we had to stick too.
We aren't aloud to just read the posts.
Is that why there isn't a threads read counter?
Actually i just used to read about the companies I had shares in but this one keep poping up on the top of the list in jan.
I just don't understand why this is a 100% sure thing, you guys act as if the only way for the share price to go is up, yet it seems you all discounted the fact that a nuclear acciddent could happen, i bet a nuclear accident was at the bottom of all your lists back in Jan.
Phew has happened in decades.
Well i hope your Lance project doesn't shut down like last time when Three mile occured, sorry i don't know enought about the history, it is was in one of the pdfs the poster who abused me had posted in 2008.

Well i'll just go back to looking at the 3y chart of FGE..

As Warren Buffet says: "Don’t ask the barber if you need a haircut"!

Some off topic and no content posts have been removed. Lets please keep this thread on topic and refrain from making accusations or attacking others.

Thank you.

I haven't noticed you questioning the motives or statements of those who are bullish.


Fair call, and guilty as charged. I make no secret of being biased to the Bull camp.

Short term that has been a bit more painful than anticipated. Longer term ..... One step at a time from here.

The Deep Well License is a major achievement and should give a more positive foundation to build from.

Fair call, and guilty as charged. I make no secret of being biased to the Bull camp.

Fair enough, but bias got you into the painful situation and will cost you money long term IMO. Imagine if you'd been questioning the bulls and realised that they were overly optimistic. You'd be in a completely different situation right now.

The Deep Well License is a major achievement and should give a more positive foundation to build from.

How major? Did you notice that it only applies to Ross? What do you think of the price action today? The high volume pump and dump confirms my suspicions that there's a large overhang of stock to clear before any announcement will have much of a lasting impact IMO.

I have just watched the arcusa presentation by Gus.

His extended focus on a strategic partner was very noticeable. It also happens to be an April Milestone, what has PEN achieved in the recent USA visit by Gus? I also enjoyed his closing comments, as usual he remains soilidly focussed.

This will be an interesting couple of weeks, along with the DFS announcement and decision to mine imminent according to PEN's milestones table and Gus's statements.
This has to be probably one of the most talked about stocks that does not actually have cashflow from sales or is even close to it.

Kind of reminds me a bit of ADI from last year, but at least with oilers you can drill a well and tie it into a production line fairly quickly.

When is the anticipated date of PEN having revenue from production?
When is the anticipated date of PEN having revenue from production?


I will openly state, as has Gus himself publicly, this is an ambitious target. However it is an ambitious and aggressively pursued targeted milestone based on an outstanding permit submission and preceding process of openess and consultation with both regulatiors and the community.

Note PEN achieved the DWDW permit in record time in a few months. Many here and elswhere posting it could take PEN years to achieve this based on others past applications. To date they are clearly wrong.

Without this permit all others become superfluous. PEN can now apply for early construction exemption to commence this work and also to commence the construction of the process plant. All part of PEN's aggressive strategy.

PEN are way ahead of peers that were once the "darlings" of the market. Look at BLR now for instance, once 35c now 3.6c (and falling) and not even close to PEN's position and looking like 2c could occur sooner rather than later. PNN, now on hold due to a very high Capex with BMN sufering a similar fate (although I do like BMN's future outlook).

Remains to be seen if PEN can achieve this planned milestone but to date it looks very promising. Gus once stated to me the PEN board openly discussed they plan to "under promise and over deliver". If they achieve this aggessive, and yet ambitious, target they will have achieved just that.

I will add the RCR report has "visible production" stated as 3Q2012. I questioned Gus over this and he stated that is RCR's individual view and not PEN's nor did it come from PEN.

Does that mean PEN will need to raise capital most likely within the next 6 months? i.e. After DFS before major spending on site.
Does that mean PEN will need to raise capital most likely within the next 6 months? i.e. After DFS before major spending on site.

PEN has access to $33,000,000 cash now as stated in the arcusa presentation today, and another $100,000,000 from PALA should they so choose to use it. Also access to another $50,000,000 funding from a previous transaction remains valid.

PEN are clearly pursuing other forms of funding and it sounded very positive in the arcusa presentation.

Remains to be seen what they end up doing.
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