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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Stop at old resistance 11.5c
Whole portfolio dropped on closing Auction dramatically.
That had me running to short DAX and FTSE.
Closed both a few minutes ago.--Nice hedge
Anyway Tomorrow is going to be expensive ---I feel.

Anyway Tomorrow is going to be expensive ---I feel.

Index's are looking a little short term toppy, although I don't see anything too sinister happening just yet ..... PEN has been fairly resilient to date. A close under 11.5 would be a surprise, but the market will do what it does of course.
At 13c now... If it closes at 13 or above you got to be happy.. As the market isn't traveling to well today!
Why my stop is there.

Maybe shouldn't speak too soon Tech but you're stop looks pretty safe. Fairly moderate buying at 13c mid morning but will have to clear the significant .135 sell volume before any celebration.

I hold
I don't own PEN, I just traded it yesterday, so I have no vested interest in either direction.

Having said that, Peninsula Energy could not buy the sort of positive publicity they have received here and on HC in the last few weeks. Of course it's impossible to put a price on it, but I'd guess it's worth millions to them...literally. I'm referring mainly to Hangseng's posts - not the content but the positive unwavering belief he has in the company, and how this can help others adopt a similar belief. It's a very interesting study in market dynamics. One of the best I've seen since the famous 'trade4profit and CDU/AUM' threads at HC.

If we put aside all the backslapping and hoo-haa which is a bit OTT at times , HS looks like he has an ability to influence other investors. The 'how' and 'why' of this is something I'm pondering today.

RNI, with its 30-bag performance would give anything for publicity like this. BTU also, and GLA, AFR, PEK...etc etc!
Gringotts Bank, I don't know about the ability to influence others. I would hope and trust that any investor does their own research and never makes a decision based on a single poster on a forum.

That said I will make one comment regarding the "OTT" aspect, of which is understandable for people that aren't close to what has happened, and the post topic in general. What happens on the forums is one thing, what happens off the forum is another altogether.

I have been researching PEN consistently and at depth for over 3.5yrs. I share this information both on and offline. I have made many online friends, some that have now become personal friends, others are just long term friends I have known for years and others are like industry people and company directors that know me personally. You would be very surprised if you knew some of these people and the level of knowledge they have in fields ranging from corporate finance and banking, engineering, mining and even one a loco driver in the Pilbara some now in the top 20 holders listing.

We have shared a common view regarding PEN and have between us spent countless time researching and sharing information. I myself spending many a late night and early morning often whole weekends and on 3 occasions I recall all night sessions. The latter I did when it became clear to me I was on to something so continued until I was convinced I was right, there after I made some rather big decisions to sell some good stocks and put even more into PEN. A decision I have not once regretted since, that was in 2009.

People on forums see a post and say so what, what they don't see is the often joint effort that has gone into the post.

Through this long bond we have had we have shared everything included personal information to get to know each other better. With this some have even shared quite emotive life stories of success and hardship.

We have seen the best and worst of people on forums, we have taken personal abuse and received heartfelt sincere gratitude. We have put up at times if with blatant liars and forum manipulators using multi-nics trying to discredit me and other fine PEN posters, both here and elsewhere. I myself being moderated many times elsewhere for defending against this and others even suspendd. Only to eventually be found to be correct in what we were saying and the manipulators being exposed publicly.

We now are enjoying something quite special in seeing our shared vision of PEN come to reality, and yes it has been an emotive time. We all have massive profits, and expect them to go much higher now.

To see this happen after what we dedicated ourselves to do, mainly me from the start and inviting selected others to join us. We are now enjoying and yes congratulating each other for various reasons.

I have received so many emails I am still trying to get through them all. Real life stories of people that have done well from PEN and attributing their new found wealth to me. Some of the stories are heart wrenching, some simply people that took a gamble it seems but has paid off. Some did further research, some clearly didn't of which I found a little unsettling.

To you and others that haven't shared all that made the journey we have so far, it may seem "OTT". To us it isn't at all, it is something rarely seen on forums, real outflow of human emotion.

To you and others "OTT", to us something quite special indeed.
To you and others that haven't shared all that made the journey we have so far, it may seem "OTT". To us it isn't at all, it is something rarely seen on forums, real outflow of human emotion.

.......... to us something quite special indeed.

HS looks like he has an ability to influence other investors. The 'how' and 'why' of this is something I'm pondering today.

I'd suggest Hang also generates a lot of inspiration as well as influence.

People appreciate sincerity and integrity, and he appears to be well credentialed with both these attributes.

And with regard to this particular stock, .... he knows that much, that I reckon he's been hiding in the Boardroom:couch

Grin Bank

Thanks for your compliment on HS.
Let me declare that this posting is not paid by HS. However personally I am very much motivated by his quality and thought provoking posting in a positive way not just PEN but all of his postings on other threads. He has been consistent, beliving on himself and shared his beliefs in a positive way with others.
Sorry folks it looks like a thanks message to HS (just like Agentm did in AUT thread and Condog did in EKA, AUT and SEA threads; KGEE did in OIP, Grace did in BOW, BSEBS did in BKP, Juliia did in many of the threads including her inspiring postings on stock and general chat threads ). There are many others but these names came to my mind and I do not keep track on all threads.
I have personally gained from HS thread, constant challenging the odds and encountering some of the non believers.
I am sure mods will agree that there is nothing wrong to acknowledge the contributions from ASF members like HS.

Please keep the momentum up on PEN. I hope it will behave like FMG in old days and we would see HS as our new Andrew Forrest (hopefully then I can send my CV to HS for a job and his recommendation too)
LOL barney, I am often accused of similar. However unless PEN set up office in Jakarta it could be a bit tricky do that.

My research simple methodology though is the key.
  • I read every company report at least twice, sometimes 3 in the case of presentations. I do the same with broker reports.
  • I look outside PEN for information. I have written to and spoken to people from the NRC and WDEQ in Wyoming.
  • I take little notice of newspaper or most general web reports on PEN, as I am way in front of them so I don't waste my time.
  • I follow world trends. The greenhouse environmental discusssions and debate as it relates to energy and Nuclear Power. World supply and demand of uranium.
  • I read other relevant uranium mining company information.
  • I liaise with industry experts. I am lucky in that I have access to people in the fields of engineering, finance, mining, risk and project management, process metallurgy and construction. Myself with expertise and/or direct exposure to all of these fields.

Simple eh!
I am sure mods will agree that there is nothing wrong to acknowledge the contributions from ASF members like HS.

Totally agree Miner. There are many high quality posters on this site, and more importantly, there are a lot of high quality people from all walks of life that we can communicate with, and learn from ..... technology is a wonderful thing

LOL barney, I am often accused of similar. However unless PEN set up office in Jakarta it could be a bit tricky do that.

You could always buy a Lear Jet with your PEN profits and commute!!:

Simple eh!

Simple as A C B....:bonk:
..... PEN has been fairly resilient to date.

May as well quote myself for a change

Just as a matter of interest, the trading price levels today were :-

Price ...... 12.5 cents Volume Traded ....... 2,124,659

Price ...... 13 cents Volume Traded ...... 11,460,584

Price ...... 13.5 cents Volume Traded ....... 69,500

On a day when it could have been easily sold down, we saw the bulk of the volume at 13 cents ............ I'd call that fairly resilient

Still a bit of work to do to break the next level convincingly, but it looks at the moment as though the bulk of PEN holders are just that .... Holders !!
Thanks HS I to am a holder, just wondering how easy it is to sell 500k of PEN shares or any specie for that matter
Thanks HS I to am a holder, just wondering how easy it is to sell 500k of PEN shares or any specie for that matter

It is one of the aspects that I like about PEN...Liquidity and lot's of it. Institutional investors, brokers and fund managers love it and with good reason. You can get in easily and you can get out as easily.

All you need do is define what price you want to sell at. Then you can either place a sell in the queue or you can wait until your desired sell level is in the bid line.

When it comes time for me to sell I will be very pleasd PEN has the liquidity it has.

A friend of mine that held 200,000 EXT all the way to $10 from 70c (2,000,000 at 7c pre consolidation) said it was damn hard to sell when the time came as the liquidity wasn't there. Had fewer shares post consolidation but also had far more large holders so liquidity dried up. The only way was multiple sells at various prices and hefty brokerage to go with it no doubt.
A close under 11.5 would be a surprise, but the market will do what it does of course.

Why my stop is there.

Just out of curiosity tech.

As there has been a lot of interest in the T/A - F/A aspect on this thread .... For the benefit of those technical analyst's, who are interested in your process of trading this, and various other stocks (and I'm sure there are many) ....

Perhaps you could elaborate on how you would have traded the current position in certain hypothetical real time scenarios ......

I am assuming your 11.5 stop point is a "mental stop"? ..... yes?

Had the market reached 11.5 on Friday, would you have used your discretion as to whether you closed the position immediately .... or ...

Would you have waited to see what may have eventuated at the close?

Had the Sp continued to drop on Friday, I am assuming you would have closed (had you not already done so at 11.5) at 11 cents ? ..... yes?

Had the Sp closed at 11.5 on Friday (your Stop level), you would now be placing an order to sell on Monday's open? ....Yes? .....or ....

Would you wait to see the open on Monday before making a final decision?

Assuming you would be selling on Monday had Friday closed at 11.5 ..... at what price would you place your sell order in on Monday's open, particularly if you were unable to watch the open auction?

I realise this is all hypothetical, but it may give some newer traders an insight into how a seasoned technical trader approaches a situation which may be turning against them ...... Not that I see PEN in that light in the lightest

ps Probably could have placed this question on another thread, but it seems pertinent to the PEN thread in particular, as there seems to be quite a bit of interest in the t/a -f/a jousting:bazooka::sword:
I actually took the trade with the Logical stop placed at 10.5c which is below BOTH the 11.5 and 11c levels--both were swamped with supply.

On Friday I moved my stop UP to 11.5c as I felt the market in general was weak.
It was but PEN remained resilient.

This is a Hard stop one which is placed in the market I Dont have mental stops.
All stops if hit are executed---then on to the next.

Its only a baby position at the moment.


A friend of mine invested a very conservative amount at 3 cents and is very happy with his baby position ..... He wont have to fork out any additional money for Xmas presents for a few years

So if you get an intraday drop to 11.5 you are out ....
Assuming the trade goes in your favour, do you have a projected Exit point, or basically just read it on a day to day basis?
Like all trades if it warrents (through analysis) I'll add to it.
If (as with any trade) I eventually get some equity in it the analysis will alter to longer term and the trade will be managed that way.
So at this point length of trade is un known.
Personally anyone who has just entered like I have--- have entered very very late in this current move.
I expect this will be a short term trade with future opportunities coming with a correction phase.
This is a personal view ---not currently held by the market or (Now) analysis.

If it drops to 11.5c yes ill be out.
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