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PEN - Peninsula Energy

"regardless of direction of stock movement"

There is your answer tech/a, unlike day treaders that swing their sentiment with the breeze according to their holding my view remains consistent based on known fundamental facts.

Your trade yesterday you hold and say looks good, then you sell and it looks really bad. Same old same old posting to book, the only thing I will give you is you at least stick to a TA view. It is the ones that profess to be LT holders and yet swing with the breeze and PEN has had many of those on forums over the last 3 years, the last 2 in particular.

My view hasn't changed and for good fundamental reason. A few pips means zip to me other than opportunity if I have available funds.

Those that TRULY know me know my agenda, your innuendo doesn't warrant response. You state you stick to TA and yet to justify your own view you simply have to throw in a personal dig.
Until this makes a profit there is only speculation holding this stock together and its in the interest of the company AND its share holders to keep the positive vibe pumped to the max.

This is true.

I think what is setting PEN apart from many Specs in this regard, is the definitive time line set by the management, and their implementation of that plan.

When we look Specs like DML (copper) or many of the junior Iron Ore companies, they also have great resources, but their time line to production is many years away, whereas PEN has a very near term proposed production scenario.

If that plan comes about (and there are always ifs), the profits that PEN will be able to generate, could see them emerge as a very large player in the global arena ...... and that is why the SP run AND the market sentiment have been in sync ...... We have a Spec with real fundamental substance rather than just market hype.

Oh and your on with the lottery tickets.

Good on ya tech ... all good fun.

I may have to trade the wife to pay for the tickets if it gets to 8.4

The 50% retracement from the December lows to yesterday is about 8.7 cents ... I'm safe as a bank !!
Need I remind you what happened to Banks in the US :

Just as a follow up ....... I may have to trade the dog instead ..... The wife has indicated at 8.4 cents, she will have already vacated the premises


Just as a follow up ....... I may have to trade the dog instead ..... The wife has indicated at 8.4 cents, she will have already vacated the premises


Hahahaha oh my that sure made me laugh I can tell you. Well I hope for your sake we don't see a drop to 8.4 cents. Hopefully you have some adequate stops in place to protect your position...

...and your marriage :
Well the Sp price has stayed at 11.5 so far and then dropped to 11.0

But it was through a crossing or XT trade? This means the same firm bought and sold the stock? Why do this? is this a test at the 11.0 or is it to try and drop the stock?? Any insights appreciated??

11:33:32 AM 0.110 500,000 55,000.00 XT
Lets say you and I are clients of the same brokerage.
I want to sell my 500,000 PEN for 11c and you want to buy them.

The brokerage ISNT buying the stock for themselves!!!

Also something that was pointed out to me regarding the closing auction.

The difference between PEN closing at 11.5c and 11c was in fact 1 share. So the broker placed one more share on the sell side to loer the closing auction price.

1 share...

Who was the broker doing favours for? Not the seller, not unless they HAD to sell. such as a T+3 trader.
It nearly closed at 12 cents today. Sure it was only a few small trades but 12 cent close would of been positive yeah???

04:10:26 PM 0.115 87,488 10,061.12
04:10:26 PM 0.115 8,162 938.63
04:10:26 PM 0.115 104,350 12,000.25
03:58:51 PM 0.120 10,959 1,315.08
03:58:50 PM 0.120 866 103.92
03:58:50 PM 0.120 2,680 321.60
03:52:32 PM 0.120 36,000 4,320.00 XT
03:45:24 PM 0.120 28,882 3,465.84

03:43:59 PM 0.115 91,838 10,561.37
03:43:59 PM 0.115 18,162 2,088.63
03:43:46 PM 0.120 13,000 1,560.00
Hahahaha oh my that sure made me laugh I can tell you. Well I hope for your sake we don't see a drop to 8.4 cents. Hopefully you have some adequate stops in place to protect your position...

Stops ... I have stops in place all right. If my wife leaves me, I'm stopping off at tech's place for a few days: ..... after all, we are going to win the lottery irrespective of what PEN does !! ..... I wish

It nearly closed at 12 cents today. Sure it was only a few small trades but 12 cent close would of been positive yeah???

Todays price action looked very positive in the short term from where I sit ....

The large sellers from the last two days were out (for the moment at least), and the bulk of the trading was in smaller lots (although there were a few interesting larger trades .)

15 million odd shares at 11.5 cents today, after a little sell off the last two days by a couple of larger holders looks very encouraging ... and it makes fridays 11.5 level look more robust.

Happy to be holding, and expect 11.5 to be the next push level ...... I don't expect the traders are going to waste their time trying to dump down past 11.5 at the moment, but I could be wrong ...... looking for a 12 cent close tomorrow .... if its under 11, I'm putting 10 bucks aside for some lottery tickets
Nothing much has changed.
A ho hum day I thought.

I have noticed that PEN has remained pretty stagnant on strong Index days like today.

If the ORDs gets hit 50 points + to the downside I wonder how hard PEN will be hit.
That will sort out the speculators and after a strong down turn which is technically imminent (For the index )---the Investors as well.
Stops ... I have stops in place all right. If my wife leaves me, I'm stopping off at tech's place for a few days:mad:: ..... after all, we are going to win the lottery irrespective of what PEN does !! ..... I wish

Hey Barney

I am sure we should analyse PEN here. But I am too thick headed to understand it. If your wife leaves you are off at Tech's place for doing what ? PEN or PAIN. Mate, I will not think you are not desperate to win at PEN and replacing Wife with TECH????????????????????///

You had a few drinks miner?? better check on your canary as i think it fell off its perch!! LOL

Looks like Pen will open at 12.0 today!!
Number Quantity Price
1 500,000 0.130
1 909,090 0.125
6 745,065 0.120
31 5,209,386 0.115


Price Quantity Number
0.110 15,000 1
0.115 100,000 1
0.120 6,106,045 45
0.125 5,764,766 42
0.130 5,258,129 29
depth looks great too.51m buy 36m sell.miner can I have some of whatever you'r on?
Nothing much has changed.
A ho hum day I thought.

I have noticed that PEN has remained pretty stagnant on strong Index days like today.

It's been trading this exact way for a long time. The traders strut there stuff for a day or two .... have a couple of days off while the stock is quietly accumulated .... When the opportunity re presents itself, they push the open on volume, and repeat the process.

I'm under no illusion that wheels can fall off any stock, but the sentiment from the market is still positive until proven otherwise.

The heart wants what the heart wants :1luvu:

You guys have it all wrong .... I only want tech for his money:
Have the days of 11.5 been left behind?
So fairly substantial buys today at 12 and up??

10:06:38 AM 0.120 484,740 58,168.80
10:06:38 AM 0.120 514,310 61,717.20
10:06:38 AM 0.120 410,690 49,282.80
10:06:38 AM 0.120 488,150 58,578.00
10:14:07 AM 0.125 305,000 38,125.00 XT
10:14:07 AM 0.125 339,115 42,389.38
12.5 CENTS today. Hmm Hangseng where are you ? Burning the technical charts with fundies rolling stock

Well good report showing Pala Investment has increased its stake substantially. The stake level is very encouraging .
Please also see the conference notes. In my experience such encouraging ntoes are normally followed by a significant price change or equity raise. Not sure what will be for PEN.
Any way DYOR and I am holding PEN
Sorry facing difficulty in uploading - not sure if IT issue with ASF or at my own side. Please see the link in ASX


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