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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Yeh pretty average bought 1/2 a normal parcel at .058.
seems to have held the critical level.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Strong battle going on between B's N B's, strangely enough same with MLS.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Tech/a what size parcels do you normally trade?

$5000 - $10000
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

noobs said:
Tech/a what size parcels do you normally trade?

$5000 - $10000


Most don't ask what $value parcels each other buys on forums, from what I gather, and the strategy is more important than the $value each one buys..

EDIT: Your risk management/money management should govern the size, instead of the direction & speed the share is going.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Thanks tech/a.

I ended up getting a bit of INL, i think the chart looks good plus their fundamentals are good for a longer term trade, basically i wont be in a position to trade every day pretty soon, gotta settle on some longer term holds.

Thanks for all the help everyone.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

not much happenin really.....

hopefully a few buyers towards close
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

I been away for the last 3 or so hours and things have turned... damn,

still a snatch at this price
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

It was all bad today for most of the ones i like...
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Sold the other 1/2 parcel at 56c today No support.Copped a small loss.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Hahaha I wish ----------- .056c
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

i noticed something this morning,

there were 800,000 selling at .051 now its down to 150k with buyers adding to .052
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

MalteseBull said:
i noticed something this morning,

there were 800,000 selling at .051 now its down to 150k with buyers adding to .052
Maltesebull noticed the same thing yesterday on the sell side on 2 occasions
4.5ml appeared, placed just above market and then removed with no change to volume or price ????? yesterdays total vol was 9,ml only.
this may be a common practice. if so could anyone please explain!!!!
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

As suspected support found at .049, next stage of the upward move should take it to .08 or more based on previous leg.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

PEN 0.058 0.059 0.059 +0.005 0.055 0.059 0.054 7,514,714

testing new record highs today

graph looks promising
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