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PEN - Peninsula Energy

I would agree @finicky .

I day traded PEN many years ago and the sentiment then was to ensure one sold to a bigger fool. The large holders, board and executive are an interesting mob. Then again it may beat bitcoin.

I totally missed the bull run in Uranium recently.

This is not the time to be buying PEN.

It has history.

I'm taking PEN in the Dec stock-picking comp. I've no real conviction about this stock and am more hoping that the overall uranium market sees another rise. Maybe catching this at an opportune time. Craig

Is anyone following PEN ?

It used trade, on the back of Lance an outfit devoid of cowboys in ole Wyoming, between 6c and 13c.

It seems to be making an attempt to break up out of a rather alarming down channel.

Let us hope there are braves about.

I am unsure whether ole Joe Biden or whatshername VPOTUS is pro or anti Uranium or not.


Yes, on the list, but I've picked my top 4 and this isn't in it. Not sure exactly why I haven't added this to top 4 position. Just preferred the names of the others I think.

My chart looks different to yours, but similar to all the other uranium stocks the past 6 months that I pasted in the uranium stocks thread. Have all bounced the past 5 days on the war.

Bouncing off support level, so could have some upside...

Also, Uranium stocks (e.g. PDN, DYL etc.) have surged higher recently as also evident by the Uranium ETF:

So could PEN have some catching up to do ? Tipped for Sept stock tipping competition.
It's probably a great buy the dip stock.
Oh wait, it didn't dip, when nearly everything else did.
I had this in the wrong watchlist, but I did notice it was slightly in the green today.
URA on NYSE currently up 8.5%
Your on a roll @aus_trader ?
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I almost made a small fortune out of my PEN holding till I got "Fuakashima'd" one fateful weekend many moons back. Black Swans can be cruel birds at times, lol.

I was one of the last ones without a chair during the GFC on some speccie uranium stocks that had made me a paper fortune before the bid column disappeared. Should have sold before I disappeared into the Amazon for a few weeks. All part of the game I guess.
Positive news for PEN and they need it. Back to the pre-Sep 21 excitement levels when the SPUT was set up and U prices started moving from 30-60 bucks. It's been all sideways and downhill for just about all of them since then.

Not sure what the next catalyst is for the POU but I do know the risk of an accident in Ukraine could be disaster for a lot of these smaller players trying to restart. Perhaps a cease-fire and negotiations will temper concerns and with Japan switching everything back on, demand will take care of the price.

Picked for 2023 yearly competition. Price is down lately as with other Uranium stocks, but hoping for a Uranium price surge in the new year which will give the stocks like PEN, DYL and PDN a boost... ?
PEN is a dog.

The only reason I picked it for the January competition was because I had a dart pick.

@Faramir @frugal.rock @aus_trader @Sean K

Any of you guys been following PEN recently?

I had an online get together with some old mates over the weekend who are in Europe and one of the topics we discussed at length was knuckler, Germany may do an about turn on their ban on N Energy.

I believe the US granted tax exemptions to companies such as PEN in an anti-China move some years ago, but it's been quiet recently on the uranium front, well at least as far as I've heard.

I enclose a chart.


Not really following gg. When i did my initial research on which U stocks to go with I chose BOE, LOT, DYL, and VMY (now DYL). Not sure why PEN didn't jump out at me but I've now got enough allocated to this bunch for the time being. Waiting patiently for higher U prices...
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