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PEN - Peninsula Energy

No no, the manipulators are messing with the U - Price

So by your charts since 2011 the U "Spot" price drops ~100% and PEN ~500% in the same period. The analogy is what exactly? Mindful the spot price is in the main irrelevant to the overall 'real' market, it is LT contract price that matters in reality.

What is clear is the sentiment from the overblown media hype of Fukushima was a significant factor in all U stocks getting smashed aided by shorters who had a field day no doubt. This will change IMO.

It will also be good if one fine day the uranium market is traded transparently as are other commodities.
What is clear is the sentiment from the overblown media hype of Fukushima was a significant factor in all U stocks getting smashed aided by shorters who had a field day no doubt. This will change IMO.

You have to smile at a comment like this.
You had the same choice as everyone else.
You chose not to believe what was being said
You chose to ignore obvious changes in sentiment.
You could have shorted the stock

Now just as then
You think this will change.

In summary
Your on the wrong side of the trade.
What is clear is the sentiment from the overblown media hype of Fukushima was a significant factor in all U stocks getting smashed aided by shorters who had a field day no doubt. This will change IMO.

LOL, you IMO'd the tsunami would have no effect...nothing would stop PEN's march to 20c,50c....$1 :bad:

"Uranium prices are showing little sign of recovery after sinking to the lowest in more than seven years amid a glut of the radioactive metal and speculation Japan will delay restarting its nuclear reactors."

Another of your 'valued' contributions

No I'm not on the wrong side of the trade as you wrongly assume, in fact if you actually comprehended anything stated for sometime I am not on at all and haven't been for some time.

You not so long ago were stating PEN would go up, I said it would fall and why. You came out with your usual personal abuse, I was right and you were wrong. As you were when PEN was ~12c and you said it would go up only to bail a few days later. With hindsight I should have as well.

You preach as if you are perfect, you are far from it.

Yes I was wrong about some matters and have said as much, so what. I believed what I stated to be true as I did when PEN was floundering under forum tirades, you included, in 2009/2010. I stated PEN would go up and why, you et al chose to boast otherwise with PEN eventually hitting 15.5c. You call on the 29/1/2013 a reminder of how imperfect your TA is...

"PEN from a technical view appears to have finished its run.
Strong selling volume on 13/1 and 20/1
Unless supply is exhausted (unlikely) there is a good chance PEN will have a healthy correction. 8.4c ish.
tech/a, #668, 29th-January-2011 11:20 AM"

PEN 18/2 closed at 15.5, you were way off the mark.

All on record on this forum.

My only mistakes were to underestimate sentiment, believed far too much in management and yes I should have sold all at 15c and walked away. I did walk away eventually with a very healthy profit, just not anywhere near what it could have been. Again so what, these were my choices at the time.

Now as I have stated many times since last year I sit and wait for a re-entry. Maybe the 2c level was the last of the lows, maybe not, I believe not and wait patiently. You on the other hand would have people believe you that PEN was to go up, you were as wrong as I was in 2011.

For what it is worth though your contribution then was interesting and a take away for me in both (potentially) what to do and not to do.

Why not prove TA and put up where PEN is heading, instead of these pointless ongoing personal attacks? I would hazard a guess you will be as wrong as you were on many other occasions with PEN. I still believe PEN will go down before it goes up to any meaningful level again, sites with technical indicators disagree with my view technically. What's your call, you state you don't use indicators and you obviously don't agree with me?

Yes we all have choices as I did. In hindsight I et al were wrong, in hindsight you et al were could have just as easily gone the other way and you know it and you et al have been wrong as many times as you have been right from what I have seen. So why not cut the crap and stick to the stock!
Perhaps the "Duck" should take his own advice....

"Re: PEN - Peninsula Energy

Nothing wrong with being wrong
It's what you do when you are wrong and how long you stay wrong.

I'd post a chart if there was anything of interest.

Do you honestly believe that conspiracy stuff you've written up?
Nothing wrong with being wrong
It's what you do when you are wrong and how long you stay wrong.

HS old son, you may need to start reading back through your own posts and you will probably (hopefully) see why your varying comments and sensitive approach towards anything that you don't agree with you seem to perceive as an attack on you.

Dog stocks attract the appropriate responses and PEN is a standout in that category. Sure, it may turn around and head back up but in the meantime it has got an infestation. Lighten up HS, its just another penny dreadful, not worth getting the frillies in a twist over.

Consider tech/a's comment above when you read this extract from the link below to a post of yours on PEN when it closed at 0.077...

But with me I am merely a simple learned soul, so I rely on what I actually know and what I believe will occur. My holdings in PEN are well in profit now and I believe will go much higher as I have stated before.
Nothing wrong with being wrong
It's what you do when you are wrong and how long you stay wrong.

I'd post a chart if there was anything of interest.

Do you honestly believe that conspiracy stuff you've written up?

Call it what you like tech, I know what I know and have acted on it. I don't try to convince anybody, people can look at what is posted, the facts that were posted along with it and either take it on board or they don't I really don't care one way or the other.

I will ask you a question. Why do you think Citi and UBS entered into a stock lending agreement? I know why PALA would have entered into an agreement with Citi to hold the shares under a nominee status that is easy, a fee whilst they wait. Same as why Citi did with UBS a fee, but why did UBS enter into a securities lending agreement with Citi?

If you or anyone else believes they did this for any other reason but to short the stock over time, and they entered this early so have had a long time to dribble stock down (aided by the negative sentiment) and IMO buy back and sell many times over. The long implemented BOT trading convinced me as did a couple of other matters I prefer to keep to myself.

Believe what you will, it matters not to me. What I really found interesting when this subject was brought up long ago was the many that came in to defend algorithm (BOT) trading. Both old and new fly by night posters. Regardless what anybody thinks this trading aided the fall of the share price as was not by many not just me.

For now I wait and so far my personal decision to do so has been vindicated.

Long term I agree with my many offline friend that still hold, one a T20 holder that has increased his holding recently. PEN will be a stock to hold when sentiment turns, it will be the next ASX producer to come online as I long stated would be. It would be a good buy now, I just believe I will get even better and am willing to take that chance for now but won't be waiting too long.

Any stock is worth holding when sentiment turns.
PEN will be no different--if sentiment turns.

All good Boggo...

Good that you point out that post, it had a very positive tone to it, both mine and tech/a. Disagreement is fine and that I believed to be a productive exchange, shame it has turned into what it has.

It is only one poster that continues it and if you read ALL of the posts he makes regarding it you will see why I defend myself , as you or anyone else would I am all but certain. Criticism is fine if productive and not in the form of personal abuse.

I am a lot older than you may think and have taken (and given) plenty over the years, as anyone that has been around the block more than once would have.

S..t happens and we ALL get it both right and wrong over time, both life and financially. To paraphrase tech/a and buffet et al "it only matters you get it right more times that getting it wrong". My life is good both personally and financially, so I am happy with decisions made and no regrets...except for not selling PEN at 15c

All I do here is share stock information and extract what I can from the forum. I don't expect the crap and preaching that has gone down over the last year, as I am sure others don't.

- - - Updated - - -

Any stock is worth holding when sentiment turns.
PEN will be no different--if sentiment turns.

No argument there...I for one will never underestimate sentiment in the market again, either positive or negative no matter what my views.
Yes I can cos my chart says it isn't...

View attachment 53695

dengo, you are really proving that your input is worthless.
to post a PDN chart the day after they issued shares at 70c and then brag like you knew that was going to happen really shows what a drongo you are.
to save face, how about you put up your prediction of what will happen over the next few months?
i reckon the share price will slowly increase as time goes on.
i'm astonished that no one has posted this.
so much for balance.

let me guess - a dead cat bounce?

New 8 year low so she'll keep falling
Spot U had to dead cat sometime Colonnus
"it only matters you get it right more times that getting it wrong"

Even that doesn't matter.
You can be wrong 8 times out of 10 and still be amazingly profitable.
You can be wrong all your life and be in the right place at the right
time and change your life for the better.


I have no personal beef with you.
What I cant believe is PEN has shown no signs of even a slight recovery yet you insist on pumping positives as often as you can find them on this thread!

Plus the pumping with regards to your taking positions etc.
Frankly to me your posts are simply cut and pastes with no real
thought behind whats going on.


I have done no "pumping" as you like to put it, I post facts as they present themselves including links to articles of interest. No need for me to post any of the negatives as plenty do that both factually and with pure fiction and blatant rubbish. Why is the same vitriol is not placed on the BMN and other past "Hot stock" threads? BMN falling from well over $3 to a mere penny dreadful with very poor fundamentals, many of which I stated elsewhere would occur and why I was also caned for my negative views on BMN that was "pumped" and often by day traders. But not a negative word on ASF about these wonderful "clever" people, it being seemingly fine to "pump" a stock for a few days once you have traded into it. I long stated the area BMN was in they would have a massive Capex and Opex that would be unsustainable at prices below $60p/lb, the DFS finally proving me right and BMN dumped from $$ to cents in no time at all.

Also I have now long made it clear that IMO PEN would go DOWN and why I thought so and it has. Not up as you and a few others stated not so long ago. That's "pumping"?

If I see a poster putting up constant negatives, I will counter with positives as I can, will and do.

If you seriously believe I put no thought into posts made then you again display how little you know of me. Not that I care, but that is your personal right to do so.

On the flip side all I see from your posts is a person with a massive ego that comes on with constant personal attacks against me and others. But hey I also may be wrong about you but that is my personal right to do so.

Judgmental, self righteous people such as you have displayed over the last year I am not endeared to. Especially when you have no idea who I am, what I do, what I have done or why and merely make judgmental highly subjective wrong assumptions. Someone on another forum making the same wrong accusations and assumptions as you that I "rode PEN from 15c to 2c", nothing further from the truth.

I haven't seen one post of yours that is stock related and meaningful on this thread for quite some time. In fairness I do occasionally look at your T/A and respect what you do in that regard, but have never made a decision based on it nor would I. It is a shame you can't stick to what you seemingly know, you clearly have no idea of fundamentals even once stating you don't use it at all, again your prerogative. I use both in all decision making, being my prerogative.

Fundamentally PEN will be fine and has now placed itself perfectly, provided they meet the proposed timelines. The latter they have not done well at all since 2010 overstating where they would be many times, I was wrong to place so much trust in them over this. Technically, and nothing to do with T/A, I firmly believe PEN will continue to fall in the short term.

I have also stated many times I may end out being wrong in my LT PEN analysis, I firmly believe I am not and will buy back in when I believe the rot has stopped, not before.

The latest at Fukushima will not help market sentiment I am sure (if I posted a link would that be down ramping?), but then the media always did only headline negatives with the facts posted well back in the news. Can't let the truth get in the way of a good story...sentiment and personal ideology driven???

Just be great if all this personal crap could stop and all post about the stock, it is what I come on here for as I am sure others do. But I believe any forum with anonymous nics will always be the former unfortunately, so I expect more of the same...

Japan's nuclear watchdog says there is a state of emergency at the shattered Fukushima nuclear plant over ongoing leaks of radioactive water.

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