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PEN - Peninsula Energy

heheheh--the world is still going ahead with more nuclear power plants-heard Japanese coming back on line again too-so NO one seriously worry about the doomsday nuclear fallout but you.

Well I live in Tokyo... Lucky the wind was going the way it was or Tokyo would of been in a spot of bother. Now with that picture, it looks like payback.. Well not quite....

But people here in Japan are wary, but not worried. Seems as tho media has scared the rest of the world into believing the end of the world is just around the corner when in comes to uranium. The authorities have been quite rigorous in getting the existing plants safety standards well above the norm. Dont forget the plant that was built for Fukishima was built by the yanks..

Mate, you gotta stop listening to these spruikers!!!

This is the same guy just after Fukushima, (March 30, 2011) - I've included a chart showing WHEN he said this especially for you...hope you like it...

"What that means from my point of view is that the depression that we are seeing in uranium and uranium stocks is more likely than not temporary and I suspect that this is a good entry point for at least a 50% speculative investment.”,_Silver,_Uranium_and_Ruination_of_the_US_Dollar.html

You read it right, "at least a 50% speculative investment"

Pathetic...sounds like you've been swallowing this stuff since U was in the 140s, why inflict it on others?
dengo-seriously you are asking me not to listen tO them??but listen to you??I rather go with them -don`t feel hurt ,but who are you anyway??Pls wake me up and tell me who is dengo??
dengo stop taking yourself so serious-you know you are no expert??

ABE -the man,he is quite serious though...look to the future not the past dengo.Past is history my friend ABE will tell you.

Didn't know Abe Lincoln was still alive
The future of uranium as an investment lies smouldering in the ruins of Fukushima.
Another 41 cents & U is in the 30s
What does mean for the uranium sector?

The primary mined uranium supply has been less than uranium demand since 1986. The gap has been filled by huge stockpiles and by down-blended weapons material provided by the Russians. Within six months, the weapons supply is officially coming to an end. Stockpile depletion will now begin to accelerate, leaving perhaps three years of stockpile. New mines will not be ready in time to fill the gap. Any other supply disruptions will only exacerbate the imminent supply shock.
Didn't know Abe Lincoln was still alive
The future of uranium as an investment lies smouldering in the ruins of Fukushima.
Another 41 cents & U is in the 30s

PEN still has a forward sold contract @ 75 dollars and might have some some sales coming soon,Why IS THAT??

buyers must be crazy huh??

heard about demand??

Emerging Countries Will Power a New Nuclear Energy Boom, States GlobalData

Published Date :
Mar 15, 2013

Global nuclear energy generation will climb by almost 30% by the end of the decade, thanks in part to an influx of new nations developing nuclear programs, says research and consuEmerging Countries Will Power a New Nuclear Energy Boom, States GlobalDatalting firm GlobalData.

The company’s new report* predicts worldwide nuclear energy generation to jump from 2,386,449 GWh in 2012 to 3,078,130 GWh in 2020, with 198 nuclear reactors scheduled to begin commercial operations within the forecast window.

The predicted increase follows the modest growth witnessed between 2000 and 2011, and the sharp drop of 2011-2012 when some countries shut down reactors in response to the Fukushima disaster.

At present there are around 45 nuclear-free countries looking at adding the controversial power source to their energy portfolio, including the UAE, Turkey, Poland and Bangladesh. Of this group, the UAE will be the primary nuclear energy driver over the forecast period, with four nuclear power plants expected to come online by 2020.

The escalating need for power, combined with soaring fossil fuel prices, is driving the demand for nuclear energy around the world – especially amongst rapidly developing countries where large scale alternative energy generation is impractical. According to GlobalData, global power consumption will climb from 20,114,049 GWh in 2012 to 27,496,560 GWh in 2020, increasing at an Annual Average Growth Rate (AAGR) of 4%.

A substantial number of reactors coming online in countries such as China, India and South Korea will see the Asia-Pacific region lead in terms of global nuclear energy generation over the forecast period, states the new report – jumping from 323,989 GWh in 2012 to a massive 851,698 GWh by the end of the decade.


Nuclear power demand surge good for uranium sector

27 May 2013 - A predicted increase in nuclear power generation will drive up demand for uranium, states an energy report from research and consulting firm GlobalData. According to the report, global uranium demand will climb from 105,531 tonnes in 2012 to 145,680 tonnes in 2020, representing an increase of 38% over the eight years.

The worldwide demand for nuclear fuel marginally decreased at a negative average annual growth rate of 0.9% between 2006 and 2012, but a number of reactors expected to come online by 2020 will see the need for uranium jump significantly.

Asia-Pacific is thought to demonstrate the greatest uranium demand growth during this period, due largely to the number of new nuclear reactors expected across China and India. Forecasts of uranium demand for the region will hit 46,010 tonnes in 2020, more than doubling from 2012’s 20,939 tonnes.

Uranium demand in Europe is also expected to expand significantly between 2012 and 2020, following an overall decrease between 2006 and 2012. North America, however, is predicted to buck this global trend with uranium demand steadily falling by the end of the decade.

The prediction is that US demand will in fact climb modestly from 25,488 to 26,771 tonnes between 2012 and 2020, whereas in Canada – the world’s second largest producer of uranium – demand will drop by about 4,000 tonnes over the forecast period.
"Uranium - fool's oil...

...A sober assessment of the economics benefits and the problems and risks associated with the uranium industry is required, but there's precious little chance of that when the economic benefits are grossly overstated (and amplified and regurgitated) and contrary facts are ignored.

Perhaps the worm will turn after a few more years of industry stagnation.

Already there's plenty for a contrarian journalist to hang a story on. BHP Billiton, for example, has not only cancelled the planned expansion of Olympic Dam but has also disbanded its uranium division and sold the Yeelirrie uranium lease in Western Australia for just 11 per cent of the nominal value of the resource."

heheheh!! friends of the earth!!wonder none from green party???must be desperate!use to be a green supporter myself but realised they oppose everything N NO SOLUTION expect the" BOAT" !!HAHAHAHA!!!
PEN still has a forward sold contract @ 75 dollars and might have some some sales coming soon,Why IS THAT?? buyers must be crazy huh??

So how is production going?

15 February 2011
"Peninsula Energy Limited (Peninsula) is pleased to announce that it has today signed a long term sale agreement to supply 1,150,000 lbs of uranium oxide (U3O8) produced from the Lance Projects in Wyoming USA (Lance Projects).
Production is targeted to commence at the Lance Projects in 2012 and build to 1,500,000 lbs U3O8 per year (with a plant capacity of 3,000,000 lbs U3O8 per year)."

you worry too much for us-we live for today and tomorrow-past is past -nothing goes smoothly in live and business.Many thanks for for concern but I still take to the people with positives outlook than those with gloomy outlooks.In business and life -you learn to be better from mistakes .Anyway,ABE is going ahead.

Dengo you better go and protest!!UAE installing......2nd....
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