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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Its ready to launch as we speak.

As impressive as the Nigerian Space program.
Its ready to launch as we speak.

As impressive as the Nigerian Space program.

Every time I visit this neck of the woods, am put off by the smart ass tone of the place. But with HC closed need a fix, so come over to this limp lot.

Fortunately PEN is pretty much joined at the hip with U spot price, which can only go up. Four reasons:

1. World is already using more U than being produced
2. japanese reactors will restart during 2013
3. New plants nearing completion come on line
4. Soviet warhead supply agreement with US ceases end of the year

Not sure if you can use TA to determine which U stock to ride, probably doesn't matter. Just prefer one that seems assured of going into production in good ole USA as the U price hikes.

Btw, am not a HC pensioner but self funded, well travelled senior citizen who once lived in Nigeria
Sarcasm and personal attacks add absolutely nothing to this thread.

If you have something of value to add, please do so. If not, please refrain from posting.

Am getting tired of the sniping and the off topic posts and will be removing all that don't measure up.
Who is Chalea?

Chalea was a serial downramper on PEN threads of HC in the first half of 2010.

Chalea arrived on ASF after the high in early 2011 and serial downramped PEN till well after the obvious uptrend which started late 2011.

Chalea posted many times relentlessly with analysis charts to the reasoning for a downtrend. Countless horror stories/News Articles of Nuke fallout from Fuku.
I enjoyed some drunken banter. I even picked up a couple of tips from Chalea. The best being a Parabolic Rise......PEN is full of them.....The Parabolic Rise assisted in my nailing the day of the mid 5 cent high chart I provided.
Some suspect Chalea was either a Anti-Nuke activist or an Asian employed to downramp to assist the Big Boys.

Flip I miss Chalea.....Maybe someday he/she shall return
Well, Resource Upgrade announcement this morning and it goes down..... Is it that bad?

Hi flashman.....PEN in an uptrend will move forward regardless of good or bad news. In a downtrend it will continue the fall regardless of good or bad news.

If you wish to know my projections on PEN....I placed a chart early January on this forum as to where I feel the Share Price of PEN is heading. I hope my chart may benefit yourself

Regards Karlos
Thanks Karlos,
I just thought this was the Upgrade everyone was waiting for to push the share price up....

Hey flashman...I am thrilled that my contribution has been able to assist yourself

Maybe the previous ramping on Hot Copper had created an expectation that announcements will create such euphoria that price explosions occur.........Many have been caught in the past.........Many still will.............Joe Blow has set a new course for ASF PEN forum.............I am looking forward (as I suspect many) to a new concern/dedication/welfare/caring/sharing among members on PEN, ASF.

All the best, Karlos
At great risk may I state that I have slipped to 23rd out of 42 in the ASF Competition with my PEN pick.

Thanks mickel, I should have chosen LNC.

May I welcome all hc PEN contributors to ASF, a much better forum than that other one.

May I welcome all hc PEN contributors to ASF, a much better forum than that other one.

Hi Garpal.....Thats the Aussie Stock Forum spirit.................Lets band together ASF members and welcome with open arms our fellow internet PEN friends:1luvu:
Hi Garpal.....Thats the Aussie Stock Forum spirit.................Lets band together ASF members and welcome with open arms our fellow internet PEN friends:1luvu:

Agree Karlos.

Welcome to all PEN followers on ASF.

Agree Karlos.

Welcome to all PEN followers on ASF.


Thanks gg. Started forums as approaching retirement at ASF (HS got me into PEN) until found not enough interest in most of my other small caps. So switched to rabid HC as Upmarket with PEN my biggest and the longest held small cap. Did very well with many thread inspired punts until GFC2 and still holding mostly profits.

Speak with Gus on rare occasions but as indicated earlier believe the sector is hostage to current U sentiment, which am confident is about to uptick with PEN suitably positioned.

Best wishes in your tipping contest!

Agree totally.

I had just sent a PM (private message) to Reichman.

I found hc PEN thread hostage to the usual boring old farts.

We on ASF would value any opinions from former hc PEN holders or lurkers.

But there is more biff and request for evidence on ASF than hc.

And it puts the timid off.

Then the timid do not inherit the earth.

ASF members tend to have an open mind, but say it as they see it, and do not have groupthink as on hc.

And the timid may become less so on ASF as I did.

GG, if I may ask, what made you choose PEN for the tipping comp? Was it fundamental / technical analysis or just a gut feel? Completely understand if you don't want to respond and my apologies if you've already offered an answer to this in an earlier post.

Uranium is a contrarian bet atm, so more gut feel than anything else, and PEN seem to feature in analysis of Uranium prospects on reading about uranium.

Just for the record I wish to correct some previous posts and a request for evidence by Country Lad.

There is no evidence of a Securities Lending Agreement between PALA and Citi, my information on this was incorrect it seems. However There is a "Prime Brokerage Agreement" in place with "UGS AG and Customer", "Customer" being undefined in the agreement. Citigroup Nominees is listed as the registered Holder.

The "UGS AG and Customer" "Prime Brokerage Agreement" is within various company substantial holder notices on the PEN website. The first of them is the initial interest notice relating to the PALA issue after becoming PEN's cornerstone investor, this first notice is listed as "25 January 2011 Change in Substantial Holder (346.22 Kb)" to be found here - There are two others I was directed to on the PEN website both relating to PALA share issues, both having the same agreement attached.

I was this morning directed to Clause 8.7 of the agreement by my astute friend. It makes it very clear UBS can "transfer Assets" "so that UBS may borrow, lend, charge, sell, transfer or otherwise use those Assets for it's own purposes or the purposes of its other clients". These "assets" clearly being the PALA issued shares. Noting in the PEN Top 20 holders PALA isn't and has never been mentioned, only Citi Nominees is and each time PALA's interest increased so did Citi Nominees. Citi Nominees are listed in the attached document that refers to the Prime Brokerage agreement.

Make of this as you will, I have my own views that I will now keep to myself and last on this from me.

Meanwhile the BOT selling continues unabated, sorry not looking good for your win GG maybe next month.


  • UBS AG_Citi Prime Brokerage Agreement (PALA Initial Issue)_ 25 Jan 2011.pdf
    338.1 KB · Views: 14

In the spirit of throwing some factual info up, I provide link below to article came across (maybe Tania from PEN HQ) and a list of new reactors over next few years. The article is one of a few recently that talk to the above, and the list came from another, can't lay my hands on atm.

Am surprised more investors haven't picked up on these dynamics lately, allowing the bot to carry on merrily. Not into tea leaves, though admit to being long suffering with PEN, while other small caps stayed re-rated lol. But Fuku happened and maybe gave the traders a plaything for a few years. Hard to see them messing with the factors above for too much longer IMO.

And for the serial anti U trolls on ASF - grow up and develop some objective brain cells. Some of the scaremongering trash is just woeful. Gotta love the last one on this thread about thyroid growth with kids. The poster omitted to follow through with the debunking facts from other contributors, typical. Enough rant for a day, weather too nice.

2013 India, NPCIL Kudankulam 2 PWR 950
2013 Korea, KHNP Shin Wolsong 2 PWR 1000
2013 Korea, KHNP Shin-Kori 3 PWR 1350
2013 Russia Leningrad II-1 PWR 1070
2013 Argentina, CNEA Atucha 2 PHWR 692
2013 China, CNNC Sanmen 1 PWR 1250
2013 China, CGNPC Ningde 2 PWR 1080
2013 China, CGNPC Yangjiang 1 PWR 1080
2013 China, CGNPC Taishan 1 PWR 1700
2013 China, CNNC Fangjiashan 1 PWR 1080
2013 China, CNNC Fuqing 1 PWR 1080
2013 China, CGNPC Hongyanhe 2 PWR 1080
2013 India, Bhavini Kalpakkam FBR 470

2014 Finland, TVO Olkilouto 3 PWR 1600
2014 Russia Vilyuchinsk PWR x 2 70
2014 Russia, Rosener Novovoronezh II-1 PWR 1070
2014 Slovakia, SE Mochovce 3 PWR 440
2014 Slovakia, SE Mochovce 4 PWR 440
2014 Taiwan Power Lungmen 1 ABWR 1300
2014 China, CNNC Sanmen 2 PWR 1250
2014 China, CPI Haiyang 1 PWR 1250
2014 China, CGNPC Ningde 3 PWR 1080
2014 China, CGNPC Hongyanhe 3 PWR 1080
2014 China, CGNPC Hongyanhe 4 PWR 1080
2014 China, CGNPC Yangjiang 2 PWR 1080
2014 China, CGNPC Taishan 2 PWR 1700
2014 China, CNNC Fangjiashan 2 PWR 1080
2014 China, CNNC Fuqing 2 PWR 1080
2014 China, CNNC Changjiang 1 PWR 650
2014 Korea, KHNP Shin-Kori 4 PWR 1350
2014 Japan, Chugoku Shimane 3 ABWR 1375
2014 Japan, EPDC/J Power Ohma 1 ABWR 1350
2014 Russia Beloyarsk 4 FNR 750

2015 USA, TVA Watts Bar 2 PWR 1180
2015 Russia, Rosenergoatom Rostov 3 PWR 1070
2015 Taiwan Power Lungmen 2 ABWR 1300
2015 China, CGNPC Yangjiang 3 PWR 1080
2015 China, CPI Haiyang 2 PWR 1250
2015 China, CGNPC Ningde 4 PWR 1080
2015 China, CGNPC Fangchenggang 1 PWR 1080
2015 China, CNNC Changjiang 2 PWR 650
2015 China, CNNC Fuqing 3 PWR 1080
2015 China, China Huaneng Shidaowan HTR 200
2015 India, NPCIL Kakrapar 3 PHWR 640

2016 France, EdF Flamanville 3 PWR 1600
2016 Russia, Rosenergoatom Novovoronezh II-2 PWR 1070
2016 Russia, Rosenergoatom Leningrad II-2 PWR 1200
2016 Ukraine, Energoatom Khmelnitsky 3 PWR 1000
2016 India, NPCIL Kakrapar 4 PHWR 640
2016 India, NPCIL Rajasthan 7 PHWR 640
2016 China, CGNPC Yangjiang 4 PWR 1080
2016 China, CGNPC Hongyanhe 5 PWR 1080
2015 China, CNNC Hongshiding 1 PWR 1080
2016 Pakistan, PAEC Chashma 3 PWR 300
2016 USA, Southern Vogtle 3 PWR 1200

2017 Russia, Rosenergoatom Baltic 1 PWR 1200
2017 Russia, Rosenergoatom Rostov 4 PWR 1200
2017 Russia, Rosenergoatom Leningrad II-3 PWR 1200
2017 Ukraine, Energoatom Khmelnitsky 4 PWR 1000
2017 Korea, KHNP Shin-Ulchin 1 PWR 1350
2017 India, NPCIL Rajasthan 8 PHWR 640
2017 Romania, SNN Cernavoda 3 PHWR 655
2017? Japan, JAPC Tsuruga 3 APWR 1538
2017 Pakistan, PAEC Chashma 4 PWR 300
2017 USA, Southern Vogtle 4 PWR 1200
2017 USA, SCEG Summer 2 PWR 1200


  • Why Uranium Prices Are at a Critical Tipping Point.pdf
    586.5 KB · Views: 11
UBS aint the culprit here. Its not insto algobots shorting stock. In fact, its the retail crowd bailing.

Biggest seller has been Commsec this month. 6.5m shares net sold
UBS sold net 272k shares.
As for %of monthly volume, Commsec did a massive 38.8%
UBS did 0.7%

If we look at Dec, commsec net sold 8m shares
UBS net bought 90k

Its not Insto algos selling, its retail losing faith and dumping!

source: iress
Its not insto algobots shorting stock. In fact, its the retail crowd bailing.


Its not Insto algos selling, its retail losing faith and dumping!

source: iress

What a load of BS skyQuake. You know its an insto BOT playing around on a stock that has $150,000 of turnover a day.

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