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PEN - Peninsula Energy

So are all forms of profit......

Not if they're fully franked but i dont think PEN would pay out any dividends let alone it being fully franked.
Have they ever paid a dividend? And how long have they been around? Cant see anything in the future that would suggest it either.
Not if they're fully franked but i dont think PEN would pay out any dividends let alone it being fully franked.
Have they ever paid a dividend? And how long have they been around? Cant see anything in the future that would suggest it either.

If everyone took your point of view no one would invest in speccy stocks. In fact I would be concerned if a company still in EXPLORATION phase started to pay dividends. What would they be paying us with? The money they raised from us?
Not if they're fully franked but i dont think PEN would pay out any dividends let alone it being fully franked.
Have they ever paid a dividend? And how long have they been around? Cant see anything in the future that would suggest it either.

You would still be paying tax if the div was fully franked, just less.

My point was more about people worrying about their tax liability, it is beyond me. First concern with stocks should always be about making a profit! I much prefer to make money and pay the subsequent tax.
So are all forms of profit......

Not if a non-resident, as I am. One benefit of living and working overseas and trading offshore. I wish I had found it long ago, yes I would have sold out of PEN and moved on without a second thought.

Dividends and Australian property share related investments are taxable. Capital gains on other shares are not, e.g. mining and resource stocks ...e.g. PEN. Look it up on the ATO website, a federal law passed on this around 2006 I believe to encourage overseas equity inflow to Australian companies.

Capital gains on shares are not a tax liability for me dividends are, so I care not if they ever pay a dividend. I am all but certain I will be long out of PEN, smiling (am now and will be anyway) and retired before that day arrives.

are you saying that if you are a non-resident you dont pay capital gains on profit from shares in mining sector...or resident or non-resident both have this tax break?

So what amount of tax do you pay on your capital gains earnings overseas or dont you pay tax at all overseas?
So what amount of tax do you pay on your capital gains earnings overseas or dont you pay tax at all overseas?

I only pay tax locally on my earnings here, I now pay no CGT on shares traded on the ASX.

Key term "non resident" for taxation purposes.
I only pay tax locally on my earnings here, I now pay no CGT on shares traded on the ASX.

Key term "non resident" for taxation purposes.

From memory you live in Indonesia right?

You might be mistaken on your knowledge of the tax law over there. The detection risk is low though.
I only pay tax locally on my earnings here, I now pay no CGT on shares traded on the ASX.

Key term "non resident" for taxation purposes.

I gather your still an Australian citizen with no residence here?
I only pay tax locally on my earnings here, I now pay no CGT on shares traded on the ASX.

Key term "non resident" for taxation purposes.

From what Ive seen H/S earnings (taxation of) doesnt seem to be an issue for you.
From memory you live in Indonesia right?

You might be mistaken on your knowledge of the tax law over there. The detection risk is low though.

Just saw your location on the side tab. Not to detract from the PEN thread but I thought it would be useful to note the following:

Indonesia taxes on a worldwide basis. Meaning any gains made in Indonesia or offshore are subject to tax.

An economic gain, be it a capital gain or income, is deemed taxable by the Indonesian authorities. The likelihood of detection is low, but I wouldn't go bragging on a forum that you're not taxed.

That's what i thought but at what tax rate would he have to pay over there? (if he did actually pay the taxes there).
My point is this company will never have a dividend so why would anyone want to hold a share like PEN?

whats the point?

PEN however isn't worth a cracker to a serious investor just a penny stock Risk factor for PEN? Plenty unless you your stop loss is in place

Have they ever paid a dividend? And how long have they been around? Cant see anything in the future that would suggest it either.

Not a dig Jancha ... but don't you trade "RED"? ...... The difference between trading a stock like PEN and a stock like RED is?

From what Ive seen H/S earnings (taxation of) doesnt seem to be an issue for you.

............ I know its your warped sense of humour ..... and it is friday .... but still poor form Tech.

Absolutely they do tax on a worldwide basis, as does Australia.

You are like so many others here and assume far too much. I never "bragged" as you put it, I merely stated a fact re Australan taxation as it relates to residency status clearly some here have no idea of how this applies. As for here, I pay my taxes as I should, but only on what I have to it isn't as cut and dry as you make it seem.

Back to PEN, interesting to see so many new faces here posting on a stock they claim they have no interest in. Why post at all? No doubting trying (again) to save holders from themselves lol....
Not a dig Jancha ... but don't you trade "RED"? ...... The difference between trading a stock like PEN and a stock like RED is?

............ I know its your warped sense of humour ..... and it is friday .... but still poor form Tech.

The possibility of a dividend down the track now that they're in their early stage of production (talk of it at least) and basically feel more comfortable trading in and out of them when the price seems right. Not holding atm.
Are there companies that you steer clear of?

Its fine Jancha. I was more concerned you were turning into another PEN basher: ...... I just wasn't expecting a RED trader to start bashing up on PEN traders considering they seem juxtaposed in many ways.

As for Companies I steer clear of ............ Hindsight tells me I should have steered clear of about 60% of all the Companies I've traded in the past 6 months
Last submission hurdle to the Permit to Mine. Only pending a public discolosure period of a few weeks and the Permit to Mine will be issued.


July 23, 2012
Mr. Miles Bennett
Land Quality Division, District 3
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
2100 West 5th Street
Sheridan, WY 82801

RE: Submittal of Reclamation Performance Bond Certificate, Ross ISR Project Permit to Mine Application, TFN 5 5/217

Dear Mr. Bennett:

On behalf of Strata Energy, thank you for your diligence in getting the Ross ISR Project Permit to Mine application closer to the finish line. As we have discussed, please find the attached Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS) document submitted to replace the currently blank page A-12 (Bond Instrument) of the Ross Adjudication File. In addition, page A-13 has also been revised and provided to maintain the integrity of the File. Strata is providing two (2) copies of these replacement pages as well as two copies of the updated Index of Change.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact myself or Mr. Knode.

Benjamin Schiffer, P.G.
Project Manager

Encl: as noted
CC: Mr. Ralph Knode, Strata Business Office (with enclosures)
Mr. John Saxton, USNRC (without enclosures)
Mr. James Bashor, BLM-NFO (without enclosures)
Nice break out of the trading range today with some good sized orders changing hands .... been on the cards for a couple of weeks ...... Looks like the lid might go back on now around 3.6 cents and the low 3's should give good support ....... positive action.
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