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PEN - Peninsula Energy

By the way HS, I do love your Cohen quote Sig...

Worth listening to his music Scuba, very insightful.

Thanks for the detailed posts on this topic mate, clearly we have (some) differences of opinion on this subject.

For the reasons you have stated I won't continue with this on the threads, but it was worthwhile and I am sure enough for others to commence their own search into the topic.
Technically, anticipating some upward price movement from these levels ........ a nudge back above 4 cents will look healthy.

Fundamentally, not a lot of Uranium juniors as advanced as this project, and PALA don't want 20% of the Company just for the prestige I'm sure

Happy to accumulate from here


  • PEN June 2012.jpg
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Fundamentally, not a lot of Uranium juniors as advanced as this project, and PALA don't want 20% of the Company just for the prestige I'm sure

Lazzard didn't become cornerstone investor in Hasties' recapitalisation for fun either. The big boys have lots of money, and when they move in and out of stock they can create plenty of waves... but they don't get it right all the time.

Not to PEN in particular, but statements like these really should have no bearing on one's investment decision imo.
when they move in and out of stock they can create plenty of waves... but they don't get it right all the time..

That is true, they don't ........ however ........... Waves = opportunity. I assume you agree?

statements like these really should have no bearing on one's investment decision imo.

Trading decision, not Investing decision ..... big difference. I'm surprised that I have to defend that statement to someone who trades as much as you SKC

Specs are sentiment driven as you know. Would you consider PALA's decision to up their stake creates a positive sentiment or a negative one?
Nothing on this chart technically.
Unless you create it!
Nothing on this chart technically.
Unless you create it!

Have to disagree on that one Tech. The large holders who have been both capping it and accumulating it till the PENOA's ran out will have to show their hand sooner or later.

There was a little more urgency on Friday, but no real push just yet. I'd actually like to see one more nudge to the downside to flush out any remaining sellers so I can complete my order, but i'm not sure we will get that chance until the next spike higher considering some of the buy orders that went through on Friday. ( ps. I am accumulating ... I don't trade breakouts)

Perhaps I should start adding the following disclaimer to my posts to eliminate any assumption/confusion from other "more experienced" traders who may perceive my methods as unsuitable

Disclaimer: All my posts are purely my opinion. If anyone follows my opinion you will most likely lose your money, so its possibly best to do the opposite .... or simply make your own decisions

pps. Take appropriate risk mangement in case your assessment of any stock is incorrect! ... Hope that clears up any confusion with the intent of my posts.

ppps. The four largest buy orders on Friday for this downtrending/nothing happening stock were ...

$32,948.92 .... $38,940.00 .... $22,354.35 .... and .... $106,324.46 ... make up your own mind cause I know nothing

Very informative.
For anyone interested in fundamental analysis...

RCR, Resource Capital Research
Quarterly Uranium Report - Abridged
Uranium Sector Review
Exploration, Development & Production
June Quarter 2012

Free to sign up and download the latest uranium research report, yes PEN is in there as are a few others. Interesting to see how many have dropped off the list, unsurprisingly some past "market darlings" such as BLR and BMN that went nowhere and fell from heights much greater than PEN did. At least PEN will be well positioned and cashed up to bounce back short term, the others will flounder for years to come.
In March of 2007 a lawn bowls mate whose brother inlaw was a stock broker recommended PEN as a stock to buy.
I cant remember what the sp was back then but i would say it would be lower now than what it was back then.
My point is this company will never have a dividend so why would anyone want to hold a share like PEN?
A day trader perhaps but noone seriously would hold this stock long term thinking they'll get a dividend return surely so whats the point?
In March of 2007 a lawn bowls mate whose brother inlaw was a stock broker recommended PEN as a stock to buy.
Tips are for waiters.
Three brokers had a buy and four had hold on BBG in the week leading up to its last big drop.

A day trader perhaps but noone seriously would hold this stock long term thinking they'll get a dividend return surely so whats the point?

Capital Gain!

A good example of the risks associated with buy and hold even for the dividend is BHP. Today BHP closed 8 cents higher than its close on the 12th May 2006. In that time it has paid $5.20 in fully franked dividends and the share price has been all the way to a high of $50.00 in May 2008.

Buy and hold for six years for the dividend or be active and realise at least triple that in two years by not riding the decline, I know which I would do.

Yes i agree with what your saying but BHP is paying a dividend and when the market returns with more confidence should rise back to that $50 level. PEN on the other hand may well rise back and triple it's value perhaps making it a better buy over BHP.
PEN however isn't worth a cracker to a serious investor just a penny stock for day traders to make or lose a buck. Like yourself and Tech good profits to be made if you can pick the right time to get in and out but someone would have to be losing on them in order for you to gain.
Getting back to BHP tho you failed to mention what they were back when they 1st started and what their total dividend would have earnt you from the beginning to now. Quite a bit more than $5.20 fully franked as well as the sp it was back then.
Not a very good example coming from a seasoned pro like yourself.
Risk factor for PEN? Plenty unless you your stop loss is in place and you get it right more often than not. Each to their own.
Risk factor for PEN? Plenty


Based on what exactly, I would be very interested to see your basis for that open ended statement. If based on day trading you are probably right, as a medium term investment I think you are way off the mark.

You also state PEN "will never have a dividend so why would anyone want to hold a share like PEN". How would you know if they will or won't pay a dividend? Not that I care anyway as that isn't my purpose as dividends are a tax liability to me.

Why would anyone want to invest in PEN? You will find that out come this time next year IMO, in fact I believe much sooner but I will remain conservative for now.

Another good announcement today

PEN could drop 20% 30% in a short period of time (for no particular reason) and unless you have a stop loss in place you could lose quite a lot. Yes day trading is what i'm referring to but even with medium to long term...your not getting a dividend and you could be stuck with it for a long period of time given the way the market is (dead money). You would have to be buying in and out of this share in order to make any money and you have to know what your doing. I dont. It's .035c? atm. Looks like a good time to come in at this price but i'm only guessing and i could be wrong.
I find other stocks that i'm more comfortable trading in and out of. PEN isn't one of them.
You must be a bit bias with PEN tho to predict where they'll be this time next year given the market as it stands.
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