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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Sold PEN .039
Nothing happening here.

Super Hot move tech/a

I brought 380 000 on my trading Account on 17/5/2012 at .036 due to volume moving in and bailed at .042 same day.

And why some might ask......Major negative market sentiment.....So fellas and babes.......In time........Im back in with trading and business accounts at about 2 cents.....Yep, Im a little surprised Chalea has not reappeared at present .....Maybe due to market bottom being somes months away yet??
Super Hot move tech/a

I brought 380 000 on my trading Account on 17/5/2012 at .036 due to volume moving in and bailed at .042 same day.

Amazing how many super trades are posted in hindsight........

Amazing how many super trades are posted in hindsight........

Mr Trembling Hand...........Im sure if someone who has the compacity can look back at the buys and sells.......Im just an average bloke.........Some day I may call myself GOD OF PEN..........If you can recount that day mate.....Some bloke put a sell of 4 000 000 shares on at .036.....Someone brought 500 000, then a 2 million buy.....I vigouriously put in my buy..........Height reached .042 during day.......I was watching action............Bit filthy for not selling at height............Then it rose back up.....Sweet....I bailed late in day...........

Mate, has new highs been made? Nap....see ya at the lows

Apologies fellas/ chicks........It may have been 390 000 shares.........If anyone is filthy.......just mis calculations while price was apologies
Apologies fellas/ chicks........It may have been 390 000 shares.........If anyone is filthy.......just mis calculations while price was apologies

Sorry folks/chicks......Ive had many JBs tonight but am sure it was 380 000 shares
Sorry folks/chicks......Ive had many JBs tonight but am sure it was 380 000 shares

Good evening folks
Please excuse my ramblings the other night....Alcohol is my weakness and makes an ass of myself

Lets concentrate on the short/medium term trend of PEN share price.
My thoughts are that we are currently (once again) consolidating before another trend down.

Some might say: You ass Karlos, are you downramping and on the Bourbon again?

Karlos says: Not downramping folks but yes, have had a few relaxing JBs tonight.

Few might say: Better spill as to why ya reckon its gonna go down Karlos

Karlos says:Hey no probs folks, Im only to pleased to help. The Master Of Trading that I learnt my skills from once stated that if he could only choose one indicator then it would be the OBV.
My fellow Aussie Stock Forum readers......View the OBV.......Is it trending up or down??
Karlos, I would suggest you post some charts if you wish to comment on obv etc on PEN at ASF.

I believe you are a poster on another forum, whose members from memory appear to be sad holders of PEN, reclusive, incestuous and angry. Tech has been in and out of PEN with profit, I with less profit and now thankfully a non holder.

Love of alcohol is no bar to posts, but a chart would be welcome.

Profit is the game, not the stock.

Morning Garpal
My computer skills are not to flash so I cant post charts. All I do is place a straight edge on the computer scene to visualise trendlines.
Viewing a 5 yr price chart of PEN last year, I decided to view the OBV with it and noticed a correlation. About every 12-15 months the OBV surges, looks like the top of the ocean. PEN price also has a healthy rise. I reckoned last year we should see a rise early to mid this year. happened...Also noted many penny stocks doubled/trebled and are trending downwards now also. Now based on my belief of 12-15 month spaces in the rises, I felt we will be drifting down for the majority of this year, hence my reason to sell half my holdings a little while back.

(Joe Blow, I understand we should not reference another forum but I feel the need to so I can explain a basis for a 2 cent price prediction)
Reading another forum, I have come across an extraordinary individual by the name of El Capo. He predicted a recent high of 7.5 cents and has access to a Top Secret Indicator:bananasmi......I love this guy........Unfortunately many mock him on that PEN thread
He tells it like it is, he strikes myself as an honest and helpful bloke. He has predicted a low of 1.7 to 1.8 cents. I have looked at a 10 yr chart and am sure I have worked out his reasoning for his belief.
Look at a 10 yr chart, place a point where the yr 1999 would be and at about 1 cent. Run trend lines from this point to the present day......Interesting huh?
Notice the lows in 2003, 2005 and 2008/9....Higher lows.....and to the present day you could judge that in a few months time it could drop to 1.7 to 1.8 cents.
Squish this together with my thoughts on OBV and Im super confident of buying back at 2 cents

I would like to see your graph as I have called up the same info & no data exists prior to June 2004 on either my weekly or monthly charts, so drawing a line from the cent low in 1999 will be difficult.

I've put up the weekly chart going back to 2005, with your OBV at the bottom of the chart. My system has called a turning point & accumulation indicators with Stoch, CCI & MACD in oversold territory (MAcd & Stoch not yet turning up).

Whats you call on the OBV again?

I'm not so sure of the price back inthe 2c....Although all bets off for all my stocks if Greece starts us all down a slippery slope.




You are a fantasist.

Stick to the other forum full of pensioners and bizarre personalities with delusions of trading.

Put up a chart of PEN if you quote one.

Otherwise stop wasting the time of ASF members.


I would like to see your graph as I have called up the same info & no data exists prior to June 2004 on either my weekly or monthly charts, so drawing a line from the cent low in 1999 will be difficult.

View attachment 47220

Good evening Stormtrooper, the classic quote is "A picture speaks a thousand words", as it so happens I am 43 years of age and have never been in a necessary position to learn computer skills. Thank you for taking an interest in my thoughts and observations. I shall try to explain my view on the long term share price again.

My accounts are with ASB Securities.....I glanced at the 10 year Share Price chart (2002 to 2012) after reviewing comments by El Capo on HC. Placing a ruler on a computer screen I noted bumps, humps and bottoms....I noted that trendlines were all upward (as he stated his view), were not parallel to each other and they converged at a point in 1999. Now 1999 is not on the chart but I am stating this point is "about" at that time and at "about" at 1 cent.
Good evening Garpal,

Being as I was not born yesterday...Am I safe to assume your subtle comments toward myself are an incite to a flame/bait to generate an honest reply?
Dont waste your time as you only need ask for my thoughts

I will take some bait....You can read months of endless comments on a forum before absorbing knowledge which is beneficial to oneself

I shall tell of 2 comments from a member of ASF which were beneficial to myself
1/ I had some banter with Chalea regarding my sell at 12.5 cent and how I brought back in at about 10 cent due to my observation of the Daily OBV. Chalea allowed myself to know what a dumbass I was as I should use a Weekly or Monthly. Damn, I then recalled my Master of Trading had also stated this some time back. Yes...weekly eliminates market noise.....reassessing the weekly I noted the OBV did not pop back into positive territory after Jap Earthquakes.
2/ Chalea stated that a parabolic rise returns to its originating point.....I did some research on the Parabolic Sar......Well, well, well....For the dude/chick by the name of Chalea who cops flak on ASF.......Chalea provided some incite for myself:beat:.....

Lets rock back to early December....PEN starts to rise.....Gains momentum then bolts.....Flippin heck....Its gone parabolic......2.5 cent to 7.5 cent

Anyone else have thoughts/projections on a bottom?
PS Karlos will not judge an individual on wether a fancy chart is posted or relevant thoughts

Cheers Karlos
Stormtrooper.....Had to keep my previous post condensed as my wife wished myself to vacate the kids computer so they could do homework. Will answer your OBV/indicator questions with my thoughts when I have the opportunity.
Its now bedtime in NZ. Sleep well
Stormtrooper-The individual I learnt most from is Phaedrus from Sharetrader in NZ. Very intelligent and always willing to assist. He made the complexities appear easy in his posts showing charts. He recommends using several indicators but if he could only use one it would be OBV.In his charts he would show lines on uptrends touching higher lows and in downtrends the lines touch the lower highs.

Im on, you type in "auen" and click on "interactive charts" .
Viewing the 6 month SP of PEN, I add OBV and RSI......Just place straight edge above the downtrends of OBV and RSI......Still heading in one direction.
I dont place much emphasis on Stochs or MacD as they are lagging indicators but still useful..

Your chart appears complex to myself.
Rethinking....comments to myself to show my own charts would allow simple observations by many to provide accolades or point out errors. Give it time, I may get my butt into gear to learn some new computer skills....just dont hold ya breath.

PS Back to my 10 year ASB Sec chart....Viewing Share Price touching highest & lowest trendlines.....
High-Mid 2002
Low-Mid 2003
High-Early 2004
Low-Mid 2005
High-Early 2007
Low-Late 2008/Early 2009
High-Early 2011
Low-???????--- In the famous words of Bart Simpson:bart: "Are we there yet?......Are we there yet?......Are we there yet?....."
Anyone else have thoughts/projections on a bottom?

After the PENOA's expire in June, the whole picture should get a lot clearer. If the SP is held down till then, and the majors still exercise their options, things could hot up very quickly, or maybe they will simply shake the tree hard and clean up the last of the retailers still in pain from the 6-7.5 cent area ...... Less dilution that way and they retain a higher percentage control of the Company ...... purely speculation of course

The bar on the 17th May didn't look particularly accidental ............


  • PEN 30 May 2012.jpg
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The bar on the 17th May didn't look particularly accidental ............
Yes barney, does look same as December with RSI indicator also being oversold

This is where the similarities end

Reason 1/
Internet forums-Provides real Market Sentiment as we are able to read views/vibes from folks from all walks of life rather than the nonsense in the Media. Very good reason to never place individuals on Ignore. IMO not everyone is bearish yet

Reason 2/
OBV indicator-View a 1 year chart with OBV.....Note the strong break in downtrend in December, strong probability a new uptrend had begun.
As for the recent Up Candle with high volume..........It has made a slight ripple in the steady downtrend which commenced back in February. I am on the understanding the OBV is the best leading indicator as to which direction a Share Price will head next hence I feel it is just a matter of time before another drop in PEN


You are a fantasist.

Stick to the other forum full of pensioners and bizarre personalities with delusions of trading.

Put up a chart of PEN if you quote one.

Otherwise stop wasting the time of ASF members.


I stand by my statement above.

I am on the understanding the OBV is the best leading indicator as to which direction a Share Price will head next hence I feel it is just a matter of time before another drop in PEN

Really el capo? So you would not have bought at any of the stages indicated below over the last 5 years as the OBV was sloping down short term....right before a good rise on each occasion.

Over the longer term it is clear the OBV is rising, make of it as you will. I will add PEN is now way oversold technically.

Same old same old, never a chart just text and never backing it up.

Japan starting up reactors again and the long term U price rising on the back of this long awaited positive news. As U stocks fell due to the shutdown of Japan and fall in U price so sure as eggs will they rise again.

Possibly on the verge of one of the most positive indicators for PEN, conversion of PALA and director PENOA's. IMO they will but I guess we just have to wait and see what transpires over the next couple of weeks.


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Well we had a year of negatives regarding this and as predicted the tide is turning.

In part, full article go to the link.

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