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PEN - Peninsula Energy

My apologies people.

The information I received on Gus was wrong. He is "in" the US but not "back" from the US. Sorry for any confusion.

\with your sabatical leave from PEN i think we also slept. Yuu took only 4 hours sleep?I was surprised to read for the first time you thought to sell PEn if it goes below 4 cents.

You are the last of the Mohicans holding large parcels ( I am holding too but nowhere as bulky like yours).

Good think no matter what critics say, PEN Is comparatively holding better than many of the smart players in the market like AYN and others.

So let us keep our fingers crossed.

On less PEN side - if you are coming to Vancouver/Alaska after selling off your PEN for a holiday please do let me know.\

LOL...not as large as some.

My mate is a T20 holder with 10m shares and he won't sell until Karoo is in production. I also know of many others with far more than me, I am a mere blip compared to them.

Not sure about PEN, but I could with what I made from my recent successful trades a few times over .

With the latest on PEN there is a load of cods being bandied around that ignores a few simple legal facts.

The hearing that is in place by Viviano is outside the permitting process and after the SML is granted . It is PEN's right under the same legal system then to complete construction whilst that hearing goes on.

Others are saying this will delay the project, of which quite frankly is an outright lie.

PEN will be granted the Source Material License (SML) and soon receive the Permit to mine and proceed to construction.

This hearing will not stop any of this.

Facts of the day, the above summised and paraphrased direct from Stata Energy's expert legal advisers via PEN. Verifiable by anyone that cares to contact the company.

Have a great day Miner and live the day. Absolutely beautiful here in Indonesia today and I am soaking up the sun by the pool....reeeeeeeelaxed
Things don't look so good from the flow side, PENOAs are expiring soon, and people are converting the oppies to stock before they lapse. Puts a decent amount of pressure on the stock. Quite a few oppies out there to convert!
Things don't look so good from the flow side, PENOAs are expiring soon, and people are converting the oppies to stock before they lapse. Puts a decent amount of pressure on the stock. Quite a few oppies out there to convert!

Yes and most of them with directors and T20 holders.

IMO these will all be converted sending a very strong and clear message to the market where this is heading. As if they haven't already made that clear with directors buying at market and appointment of the person to take LANCE into construction and production. Especially the directors and PALA, the latter with 150m to convert.

Adding another $12m cash.

I feel next two months will offer some surprises to all including me. Not the least of which being funding and early construction activities.
Recently, I made a statement I regarded 4c as a sell signal for me and I would sell my recently converted PENOA. I never said I would sell any of my other PEN holdings. It has been brought to my attention that a poster from here has misquoted me on another forum.

I will make this as clear as I possibly can to clear the air....

I have not sold one share, nor will I. I attribute the low volume sell down this morning to a knee jerk reaction by small holders that took notice of the lies and ongoing innuendo being told on another forum.

As it turns out I have had a long converstation with someone that really does know what is going on with the recent hearing decision and clearly explained the 10CFR requirements.

What I stated previously is 100% correct, there can be no delay in the project due to granting a hearing on a minor dust issue. There is no water issue and has been proven so, as it was explained to me in the simplest possible terms "water does not flow uphill".

The worst case scenario from the hearing is an ammendment to the SEIS regarding use of the road in question that may or may not be a dust issue.

I restate what I previously posted as it is basically what I was told last night.

In fact also verifiable if anyone cares to contact the Strata Energy Legal advisers and/or the NRC's representative managing the process for Lance.

I was also directed to here to enable further reading if I so desired.


As I type support coming in, and I am not surprised by this. The gap down based on misinformation and rumour providing another opportunity IMO.

I now look forward to the following possible near term events of which IMO are a near certainty:

  • Conversion of all PALA and director PENOA options;
  • Funding for Lance development;
  • Permit to Mine
  • Early construction announcement including ordering of long lead items;

Have a great day!
Thanks HS great posts.

A shame the truth gets mixed up with fantasy Purd. I really feel for the poor souls that sold because of what has been stated over there.

It may have even gone to far now. I confirmed in a general discussion last night that PEN have instructed their lawyers to look into that forum and 3 posters and one moderator in particular. I hope they take them all to the cleaners.
I'm guessing I was the person to whom you refer Hangseng. However, you WERE NOT misquoted.

I didn't say you were selling any of your 'other' PEN holdings, whatever they may be. I said what you wrote here, and have now reitterated, that the SP coming down to 4c was a sell signal for the the considerable number of options you recently converted to shares. I also wrote you didn't think this would happen. Again, I only wrote what you said about the options you converted, so, I don't know how you were misquoted.

Given you have now confirmed that you regarded 4c as a sell signal, if you now wish to choose to retract that statement by now telling readers you haven't sold ONE SHARE and don't intend to, given the SP dropped below 4c today, it does appear as though have sent mixed messages.

Again, I did not misquote you. As a member of both sites, I simply gave a heads up to folk over there who have followed you for some time.

I feel sorry for the poor souls who purchased at 15, 12, 10, 8, 7 and 6c over the past year. Hopefully, in time, they will get their money back. I think they probably will.


I was firstly informed via an email of what "a poster stated" about me, you weren't mentioned, and asking me if I had sold out. Then I checked for myself finally able to open said posts.

I know clearly what you stated and you didn't state anything about the options I converted. I did here, but your post gave the impression (without saying as much) I had probably sold out and others ran with it. You could have quoted what I placed here but you didn't did you, instead paraphrasing your own interpretation. However I have been informed I can't copy what you posted as the whole thread was moderated.

Really don't a rats anyway and happy to be away from the bulldust being told over there. Thankfully the many that have contacted me over the weekend via email, mostly did exactly what I did and contacted PEN directly and have exactly what will occur. Not what some bush lawyer on that forum is spruiking.

He is statting that this could delay the project now I believe from what Yuro sent me, of which I now know is an outright lie, amongst the many others he has told so cleverly in the last year. He certainly has been clever though and sucked many in.

So you enjoy yourself over there, I am glad to be away from it. As one rather intelligent wonderful person stated to me today, calling me from Sydney, the PEN thread there is not unlike bile.

As I said with what I know now I am very glad I decided to hold on. To you mixed messages, to me clear as a bell.

I was firstly informed via an email of what "a poster stated" about me, you weren't mentioned, and asking me if I had sold out. Then I checked for myself finally able to open said posts.

I know clearly what you stated and you didn't state anything about the options I converted. I did here, but your post gave the impression (without saying as much) I had probably sold out and others ran with it. You could have quoted what I placed here but you didn't did you, instead paraphrasing your own interpretation. However I have been informed I can't copy what you posted as the whole thread was moderated.

Really don't a rats anyway and happy to be away from the bulldust being told over there. Thankfully the many that have contacted me over the weekend via email, mostly did exactly what I did and contacted PEN directly and have exactly what will occur. Not what some bush lawyer on that forum is spruiking.

He is statting that this could delay the project now I believe from what Yuro sent me, of which I now know is an outright lie, amongst the many others he has told so cleverly in the last year. He certainly has been clever though and sucked many in.

So you enjoy yourself over there, I am glad to be away from it. As one rather intelligent wonderful person stated to me today, calling me from Sydney, the PEN thread there is not unlike bile.

As I said with what I know now I am very glad I decided to hold on. To you mixed messages, to me clear as a bell.
I clearly stated about your 'options' that were recently converted Hangseng.

I apologise to fellow readers of ASF as I readily admit to being absent for some time, but I will not have you spread misinformation about me. It is beneath such an intelligent person as yourself.

Very good to read your comments about re. happenings over the weekend.

I'm glad you are glad you decided to continue to hold on.

I was staggered when you posted here you were even considering the possibility of selling your converted options at 4c. Afterall, only a few days back, you did say in reference to said option conversion that you have 'never been more confident of success in a decision'.

You have plenty of skin in the game. Your biggest parcel bought at 10c at that point in time, you told ASF readers some time back.

I know you don't care what I think, but I do hope you make money by having held all this time.

But, if your T/A skills were a quarter as good as you continuously espouse, it's hard to comprehend why you've held all the way down from double figures. Surely your T/A would have been telling you to sell. Heck, if your T/A skills were like you continually tell us they are here on ASF with NWE, why not sell PEN at double figures and buy back in under 3c? Heck, under 5 or 6c even!

And if even 'considering' selling your converted options at 4c is in line with converting those options was your 'most confident of success decision', then I think I'll stick with mixed message, cause it ain't clear as a bell to me or anybody else who understands the english language. Indeed, it's the opposite of clarity.

Furthermore, for someone who is glad to be away from it, you even had the temerity to come back to the 'bile site' as a multinic! What a hypocritical stance.

If, or hopefully, WHEN PEN's SP returns to double figures, before you publicly wrap yourself and the company as I know you will, just remember that some folk might not have great memories...... but some folk do.

Firstly I received an email about the multinic and all was explained to the admin. It was not me reichman so pull your head in.

I never have "espoused my T/A skills" as you wrongly state. I have in fact, seeing as you have such an outstanding memory, many times stated it is IMO and I regard myself as an amateur in that regard. However what I do for my purposes, does and has served me just fine. You are way out of line.

As a supporter of the liar over there, it surprises me not that you can't admit to what you posted this morning. You didn't quote me at all as you like others now to believe.

You also have no idea at all what I do with PEN or any other stock apart from a few snippets, in fact you don't know me at all. One thing I do though is pay for my shares and back myself, try it some time. I am doing just fine from my own research and effort, effort I often share.

I won't be responding to you again, you in that post display all that I now despise with that forum and in some people and I will place you on ignore here as I did over there.

Everyone knows you have never sold one single share in PEN because that's what you tell us!

I have never come across anyone who can debate the undebatable like you can/do. It's a gift I hope I never acquire.

You're quick to tell everyone how good you are at buying and selling shares via T/A when it suits you (there are numerous instances for regular readers of multiple threads to view), and then you're a T/A novice when it suits. Good grief!

You tell us you're considering selling all recently converted options if heads support doesn't hold at 4c (around 5 mill according to a previous post where you alluded to the recent conversion announcement in a conversation with Miner as being you), yet a few days earlier, your decision to convert came with the 'I've never been more confident about a decision' comment. So why were you even considering selling? I know you won't explain yourself, but folk here are entitled to be made aware that you change your tune to suit your hip pocket ahead of credible and authentic posting. Now, you've spoken to your men and you're back to the I haven't sold one share and I'm not going to confident mode. Good for you.

Said and meant, I have always been a wrap for your level of knowledge, but your ability to conveniently forget certain things you've said, is only rivalled by your enormous ego.

Put me on ignore by all means.
just joined and a little disappointed to see that although the forum has changed, everything else remains the same.
in any case, it looks like it could be another ugly day but there looks to be positive news on the way.
just joined and a little disappointed to see that although the forum has changed, everything else remains the same.
in any case, it looks like it could be another ugly day but there looks to be positive news on the way.

Welcome col.

Interesting to see that a certain poster has plenty to say about the hearing, but even though he finds insurmountable time to post multiple daily posts and reasearch the NRC processes. He states he "hasn't the time to search for the link" that would support his claim of a 12 month delay. You know why Yuro asked him that question col? Because he doesn't have a link, it is all bulldust. Yuro put a red herring to him and he was caught out.

So many have fallen for his game over there. What he put up against Yuro today was absolutely laughable.

4 contentions admitted, two proven by Strata as inadmissable and agreed with by the board and only two remaining contentious being dust and light. The only reason the other two are still in the process is that the board required Strata to show that all 4 were inadmissable, however according to the board they only proved two so all remain in the hearing. However what the genius neglects to mention is that the two successfully proven will not be assessed in the hearing, they are done and dusted.

As Yuro rightly stated water doesn't flow uphill and the board agreed.

Also read the earlier posts of mine here. It is what Simon had placed up and I have confirmed is correct. The hearing cannot and will not delay anything as is being wrongly stated by one poster only.
cheers HS, i'm still trying to figure this forum out and look forward to reading your posts in due course.
our old friend elsewhere likes to get on the front foot when he can but i did notice that he backed off when challenged by yuro. he's posted a bit more this morning but i haven't had the time to read it, nor do i really want to.

Yuro and I with a little help from afar have him well and truly pegged. He had an opportunity to verify his claims this morning and blew it, nor was he ever going to as he can't.

Also notice he has never put up the link to the source of his "great knowledge". Yuro did so yesterday, the only difference is we have a little professional assistance diseminating it all. No surprise he wouldn't respond to Yuro's simple request.

"Hasn't the time" to post a link to the most important aspect of his long held claim and he can't post a simple link? A bit difficult when said link doesn't exist...
Good day HS and all.

Great to see you still around HS, I notice the latest post by 'you know who' on the other forum now stating that "2015 production start could become a best case outcome"

Best wishes, Spud
What a joke Spud. Funny how some bloke reckons he knows more than the CEO and board members. AND wonders why they refer to him and his ilk as clowns. The mind boggles. PEN management have made it perfectly clear that production in 2013 is still aimed at and achievable.

I might add that PEN shareholders should be discussing what is "current", funding, building the CPU, Karoo etc. etc.
The incessant ranting about permitting is irrelevant. Management are not concerned, so neither am I. Cheers P
spud, i see that. some bloke is trying to go toe to toe with him too, and good on him.
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